The rain poured on He Chenguang’s face, and his eyes looked at Tall and Zhuang sharply: “High school team, you won’t be afraid, right?” ”

“What did you say?” The lone wolf man rushed up angrily.

“What for?” Wang Yanbing and several people also rushed up unceremoniously: “Do you want to fight, we will accompany!” ”

“Come on, kill you recruits!” Zhuang Yan roared.

“What are you doing?” Gao Da Zhuang roared lowly: “We are soldiers, not hooligans, do you want to fight in groups?” ”

The lone wolf man snorted coldly, and then retreated.

The red blood cell patted He Chenguang’s shoulder to cheer him up, and also retreated to the side.

Tall and strong stared at He Chenguang tightly: “Boy, don’t talk too crazy.” Everyone knows that I am the best marksmanship in the lone wolf! You challenge me, are you looking for abuse? ”

“I’ll give you another chance, take back your words, and the people behind me can pick whatever you want!” Tall and strong said coldly: “In this way, you will not lose so badly!” ”

Lei Zhan shouted on the side: “Recruit egg, the high school team is giving you the steps, I don’t want to hit your self-confidence, don’t be ignorant!” ”

Lin Yu coughed: “Are you afraid of my soldiers, or do you don’t have the guts yourself?” ”

Gao Da Zhuang and Lei Zhan all stared at Lin Yu unkindly.

“I’m looking for you, I’ll look for you!” He Chenguang stared at the tall and strong, and said word by word: “I just want to beat you lone wolves the strongest!” For others, it’s not interesting to fight at all. They’re not enough to challenge me! ”

Lone wolf sniper Zheng Sangun was the first to be angry: “Bastard, I really don’t know the height of the sky.” No need to look for our captain, I can solve you alone! ”

“I’ll just come, why do I use you?” Qiang Xiao roared: “Let me teach this kid a lesson!” ”

The tall and strong shouted coldly, “Can’t you hear what he said? He can’t look at you guys, he just wants to fight me! ”

The lone wolf people were all silent, and they could hear the anger and murderous spirit in the tall and strong words.

The tall and strong stared at He Chenguang: “Okay, since you want to be defeated so much, I accept your challenge!” ”

“What’s the comparison, you draw a line, I’ll continue!” He Chenguang said: “This is our camp, I don’t want people to say that I bully you!” ”

The tall and strong temper is only a little better than Lei Zhan, in fact, it is also a powder keg.

Being so despised by He Chenguang, his temper had already exploded.

“Okay, that’s what you said, don’t regret it!”

“Hurry up!” He Chenguang said confidently.

“Take the bottle!” Tall and strong shouted.

Zheng Sangun immediately went to the back of the car and brought three boxes, which were filled with empty beer bottles.

The tall and strong said coldly: “Let’s hit the moving target!” This visual condition cannot be seen clearly from fifty meters away. We’ll hit four hundred meters! ”

“Good!” He Chenguang nodded.

Gao Da Zhuang waved his hand: “Go four hundred meters away, listen to the signal and throw wine bottles!” ”

“Yes!” Zheng Sangun and Qiang Xiaowei immediately ran out holding the box.

Gao Dazhuang took Zheng Sancang’s sniper rifle, school gun, and loaded the bullet, and it took only five seconds.

“Do you come first or do I come first?” Tall and strong asked.

“Guests first!” He Chenguang made a gesture of invitation.

Tall and strong snorted coldly and strode to the front.

A moment later, Qiang Xiaowei’s voice came from the intercom: “Captain, I am already in position, please instruct!” ”

“Throw the bottle!” Tall and strong shouted.


As soon as the words fell, Qiang Xiaowei and Zheng Sancang, who were four hundred meters away, immediately threw out the bottle fiercely into the air.

The tall and strong took a deep breath, the sniper rifle was raised sharply, and the aiming time was only 0.5 seconds, and the bullet had already rushed out of the chamber.

“Bang bang…..”

Four gunshots rang out in a row, and all four wine bottles were shattered.

Raiden and Lone Wolf’s soldiers put down their binoculars and shouted.

Lei Zhan sneered and looked at Lin Yu: “This kind of visual conditions, four hundred meters is equivalent to fifteen hundred meters, or even farther.” The high school team can hit a beer bottle that is not necessarily visible to the sniper scope in this situation, can your soldier do it? ”

Lin Yu turned his head and asked He Chenguang: “People ask you, can you do it?” ”

He Chenguang smiled slightly: “Little meaning!” ”

Lin Yu shrugged at Lei Zhan again: “You heard it!” ”

Lei Zhan snorted with disdain: “Hit the swollen face and fill the fat, I see how you will fight later!” ”

Gao Da Zhuang knocked out a box of empty bottles in a row, and not a single bullet was empty.

“Boy, it’s your turn!” Tall and strong turned around and said proudly: “If you feel that you can’t hit, you can move the distance forward a little!” ”

The lone wolf man shouted: “I’m afraid he has to move two hundred meters, otherwise he won’t be able to see it at all!” ”

“Such a heavy rain, if two hundred meters is not enough, it is okay to give you fifty meters, otherwise our squadron leader will bully you!”

“Boy, don’t talk too crazy, you must have capital to be crazy!”

The tall and strong smiled and threw the gun to Zhuang Yan: “How about it, do you want to move two hundred meters?” I’m a big person and don’t play tricks with a recruit. ”

“Okay!” He Chenguang nodded: “Then move two hundred meters!” ”

Gao Da Zhuang was stunned at this moment, he was just polite and polite, he didn’t expect He Chenguang to be so faceless, and really want to move?

Just when he didn’t know what to do, He Chenguang said: “It’s two hundred meters back!” ”

“What?” The tall and strong eyes widened in shock, and the lone wolf man also dropped his jaw in shock.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” Gao Dazhuang asked, “With this visual condition, you want to hit an empty wine bottle six hundred meters away?” ”

He Chenguang’s eyes were bright: “Who said that I was going to empty the bottle?” That kind of soulless thing, I don’t fight! ”

“So what are you fighting?” Tall and strong asked.

At this time, several people from the red blood cells all walked out, and each had an orange half the size of a fist on his head.

“I hit the orange on their head!”

Everyone was stunned!

Playing wine bottles, as long as the marksmanship is accurate and the experience is good.

And to hit such a small orange, or on the head of a person, this requires strong psychological endurance and super marksmanship.

And under such visual conditions, as long as there is any deviation, it may be the human head that is exploded.

“Captain Lin, are your soldiers joking?” Tall and strong shouted.

Lei Zhan was also anxious: “It’s just a competition, don’t play so hard, right?” This one is dangerous! ”

Lin Yu shrugged: “This is their own decision, my soldiers believe in him!” ”

“Yes, we detail the morning light!” Wang Yanbing and several people roared one after another.

After that, they rushed six hundred meters away, and He Chenguang checked the guns on his own.

“Crazy, crazy!” The tall and strong shouted: “Lin Yu, if you play like this, something will happen…”

“I’m going to court martial!” Lin Yu said solemnly: “My soldier, I believe in him!” ”

Gao Dazhuang and Lei Zhan looked at each other, and they couldn’t imagine where Lin Yu’s confidence came from!

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