Two helicopters roared into the sky, while the Seawolf Squadron was in a speedboat and sped towards the freighter.

Everyone was checking the guns and ammunition, the real battle came, and the rookies were already nervous to the extreme.

“Don’t be afraid!” Lin Yu yelled at the headset: “Wait a while the recruits will follow the veterans, and everything will be under my command.” What the veterans ask you to do, you rookies do! ”

“Got it?”

“Understood!” The rookies roared en masse, but everyone’s voices trembled more or less.

Time passed minute by minute, and more than ten minutes later, in the black night, a behemoth appeared on the sea, crawling on the black sea like a giant beast.

“Seawolf Squadron!” Lin Yu yelled at the headset: “Check the situation of the ship immediately!” ”

“Yes!” Liu Meng’s voice came.

Then the ten speedboats of the Seawolf Squadron quickly dispersed and quickly rotated around the freighter.

It was still dark, and the pirates on board couldn’t see anyone approaching.

But the Seawolf squadron has a thermal imaging system, and where there are people, they can see clearly.

A moment later, the Seawolf Squadron detected the distribution of personnel on the ship and immediately reported it to Lin Yu.

“Half of the people were trapped in the cabin and the rest were in the control room. Team Lin, do you want to act now? Liu Meng asked.

Lin Yu closed his eyes, and the spider induction quickly spread.

His spider sensing fusion has reached 100%, and at this time, he can not only receive dangerous information, but also sense all movements within a specific range like radar.

The ship happened to be in the sensing zone, and Lin Yu quickly controlled every inch of the ship.

After a moment, he jerked his eyes open.

“Snow leopard, you and the young wolf with three rookies are ready to board the boat from the left!”

“Flamingo, you and the buffalo take three rookies to board the boat from the right!”

“You two teams, enter the cabin and wait for my orders to start saving people!”

“Yes!” Wang Yanbing and several people roared at the same time.

“Pilot, four-eyed dragon. You take two people with you, outflanking the left side of the cockpit. ”

“Swallowtail butterfly, violet, you take the remaining rookies, outflank the right side of the cockpit!”

“Understood!” Enron and several people responded immediately.

“Falcon and I are on the helicopter as snipers, and the Seawolf Squadron immediately embarks armed to clear the perimeter pirates!”


Lin Yu said coldly: “Let’s eliminate them before the pirates react, the Huaxia soldiers are definitely not allowed to have any accidents!” ”


As soon as Lin Yu gave the order, the two helicopters immediately approached the freighter.

The rope was lowered on the helicopter, and everyone except Lin Yu and He Chenguang immediately skidded to the boat.

At the same time, the Seawolf squadron is also quickly boarding the ship.

In the darkness, the dull sound of gunshots with silencers was constantly heard.

One black pirate after another was shot, blood spread everywhere, mixed in the sea breeze.

Yu Dalei and Niu tried to follow Wang Yanbing, and just happened to encounter two pirates blocking the way.

Before the two rookies could react, Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu had already opened fire at the same time.

The two pirates were headshot on the spot, and red and white objects sprayed the ground.

“Wow…” Yu Dalei didn’t hold back for even a second, lying on the ground and vomiting.

The cow’s efforts were no better, and his face turned pale instantly.

Wang Yanbing kicked on Da Lei and roared lowly: “Cheer up, we are on a mission, don’t lose the face of the Huaxia soldiers!” ”

Hearing the four words of the Huaxia soldier, Yu Dalei and Niu worked harder.

The two people nodded and walked closely behind Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu towards the cabin.

Three minutes later, Lin Yu’s headset sent a message that the teams were in place.

At this time, the east has revealed a hint of fish belly white, and the sky is no longer so gloomy.

The pirates guarding the cockpit suddenly noticed helicopters circling them.

“It’s the army, it’s Huaxia’s army coming!” The pirate leader shouted in fright: “Quick, everyone give me up!” ”

The groggy pirates were immediately awakened, and they immediately picked up their guns and blocked all the hostages in the cockpit.

The entire cockpit was screaming, and the hostages were terrified to the extreme, thinking that the pirates were going to kill them on the spot.

“Hurry up and get off the boat!” The pirate leader shouted: “Why haven’t you gone out on the high seas yet?” ”

The first mate of the boat said in a panic: “There are still three nautical miles, we can go out to the open sea!” ”

“Damn, faster!” The pirate leader roared: “As long as we go out of the high seas, these Huaxia soldiers can’t help us!” ”

The first mate, under the coercion of the muzzle, could only give the order and sail at full speed.

The entire freighter suddenly accelerated and almost crashed into a helicopter.

Lin Yu had a cold light in his eyes, and he could already see that the pirates wanted to rush out of the high seas so that they could avoid the pursuit and killing of the Huaxia army.

“The helicopter is in front of the ship, I want to shoot at a fixed point!” Lin Yu roared.

The pilot said in shock: “This can’t work, the speed of the ship is too fast.” If we get in front of it, in a few seconds, we’ll be crashed.

“Listen to me!” Lin Yu yelled: “Just give me three seconds!” ”

The two pilots yelled at the same time: “Give you five seconds, when the time comes, we must fly away!” ”

The two helicopters quickly flew towards the front of the freighter.

Lin Yu pulled the bolt to load the bullet, and at the same time yelled at He Chenguang: “Get ready!” I’ll take out their heads, you take out the pirates who threaten the crew! Can it be done? ”

“No problem!” He Chenguang said confidently.

Lin Yu aimed his gun at the cockpit: “Everyone prepare, as soon as the gun sounds, immediately start attacking”!

“Understood!” Everyone responded quickly.

The helicopter soon came to the front of the freighter, and quickly crossed the front of the freighter.

“V. …. IV….”

Two pilots are counting down at the same time.

Just as they counted to four, Lin Yu shot first.

The bullet slammed into the glass of the cockpit, headshot the pirate head on the spot.

In the next second, He Chenguang also followed closely to shoot, and the bullet instantly exploded a pirate who was holding a woman hostage.

Gunshots rang out, and the special forces who had already boarded the ship immediately began to act.

The cockpit door was kicked open from the left and right, and the veterans of the red blood cells raised their guns and fired the moment the door opened.

One bullet after another passed through the crowd accurately, and the pirates in the cockpit did not have time to see people, and the bullets had mercilessly burst their heads.

In less than five seconds, the battle for the entire cockpit was completed, and all sixteen pirates were killed on the spot.

“God of War!” Lin Yu’s earphones suddenly sounded Wang Yanbing’s voice: “We are stubbornly blocked by pirates below, and we need support, we need support!” ”

Lin Yu’s eyes lit up: “Wait, I’ll come right away!” ”

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