Lin Yu immediately led the red blood cell team to take off in a helicopter, and Fan Tianlei was responsible for transmitting the route to them.

Fan Tianlei has been controlling the system left by Tang Xinyi and Enron, monitoring all actions at sea.

Through satellite playback, he found the pirates as they left and successfully found their escape route.

“You fly to the designated place first, the Seawolf Squadron can’t help you. Because the destination is a small island, not on the high seas. ”

“You must go this time, you must fight quickly. Over time, it is easy to cause international disputes! ”

“Understood!” Lin Yu nodded: “Can you request naval fire support?” ”

“I’m afraid not!” Fan Tianlei said: “Once the navy supports, it will be immediately criticized by other countries. However, there is something good for you on your plane! ”

Lin Yuleng lowered and turned his head to look at the tail of the cabin.

There were a lot of big boxes stored there, but he never looked at them.

At this time, listening to Fan Tianlei’s words, he immediately went over and opened the box.

Inside, there is a single-use bazooka.

The so-called disposable bazooka is played once and can be thrown away directly.

This weapon has become widespread in the world’s top infantry units.

Peacetime combat, throw it after fighting, can not only enhance infantry firepower, but also do not occupy extra manpower to carry, and the cost is relatively low, can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

“I’ll go, big killer!” Wang Yanbing opened his mouth in surprise.

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, “I have prepared two for each of you, I wish you a good time!” ”

Lin Yu picked up a bazooka, the ammunition was already loaded, as long as the safety was opened, it could be launched.

Disposable bazookas are much lighter than traditional bazookas, easier to aim, and very firepower.

“God of War, can we use it too?” Tuoyagang asked excitedly.

“You?” Lin Yu smiled: “Forget it, you will have the opportunity to use it in the future.” This time, I’ll use it alone! ”

Lin Yu still doesn’t know the situation on the island, and the weapon naturally has to be firmly controlled in his hands.

Not to mention that rookies may be nervous then, even veterans can make mistakes.

The two hostages did not mention their identities, but said that they were taken from under the noses of the Huaxia army.

If Lin Yu couldn’t save them, then the red blood cell would not only lose his own face this time, but also the face of the entire Huaxia army.

So, he has to control it himself.

Tuoyagang said with a regretful face: “Hey, such a good thing, if only it could be opened for me!” ”

Chen Shanming smiled and said in his ear: “Boy, I’ll give you some more training when you go back, so that you can get this weapon as soon as possible!” ”

Tuo Yonggang was so frightened that he quickly laughed: “Hehe, yet, it’s better to be exempt, I’ll just train normally.” As for that, it’s all about it! ”

“God of War, No. 3 sent the topographic map and personnel distribution map of the island!” Tang Xinyi held a tablet and said.

Lin Yu immediately walked over and picked up the tablet to check it.

The tablet shows a 3D island surface with many red areas, representing the detected heat source.

Each heat source represents a person.

At this time, on the plate, there is a large heat source.

An Ran frowned: “Are there so many pirates?” Where is that hostage held? ”

Tang Xinyi pointed to a place with the most heat sources: “This looks like a certain building, I think the hostages should be here!” ”

Lin Yu nodded, and after carefully looking at the terrain distribution, he returned the tablet to Tang Xinyi.

“Let’s go to the field to scout the terrain of the island, and then I’m assigning tasks!”

“Yes!” Everyone yelled.

An hour later, the helicopter finally approached the pirate’s island.

It’s a small island in the sea, about the size of twenty basketball courts.

The island is lush and half covered with trees.

Lin Yu looked from the plane and saw that the island was full of armed personnel.

At least half of them were wearing camouflage uniforms and holding all-round AK automatic rifles, which looked similar to the army.

The remaining militants were dressed very casually, in separate formations, running around without any discipline, and they were undoubtedly pirates.

Armed men on the ground spotted the presence of helicopters, and those in camouflage uniforms immediately ran and hid behind some bunkers on the island.

The pirates, on the other hand, were running around, dodging at will, and seemed to be in ambush.

Lin Yu frowned slightly, and immediately contacted Fan Tianlei.

“How can there be an army here? What country are they? Lin Yu asked loudly: “If there is a firefight, will it have any impact?” ”

Fan Tianlei was also stunned, and he didn’t expect that there was still an army on the island.

But after a moment he shouted, “Leave them alone, this is close to Somali.” Those guys, presumably militias. Since they collude with pirates, even the army must strike! ”

“Understood!” Lin Yu roared.

“But!” Fan Tianlei said: “It’s best to catch two live mouths and come back, at least know who they are!” Suddenly there is such an organized team, there must be a problem! ”

Lin Yu was talking here, and suddenly a series of urgent warnings came from the spider sense.

Without thinking about it, he immediately pounced on the pilot’s side and pulled the lever hard.


A rocket suddenly shot up from the ground and whizzed past the helicopter.

If it weren’t for Lin Yu’s quick reaction, the helicopter would have been hit.

The entire plane was scared out of sweat, and Chen Shanming roared: “They actually use javelin missiles, this is the weapon of the Mi army, how can they have it?” ”

Lin Yu snorted coldly, picked up a bazooka, and aimed it at the place where the rocket had just been fired.

The spider senses locked onto there, and found at least ten people behind the bunker.

“They have rockets, don’t we have them?”

Lin Yu directly pulled the trigger, and a rocket whizzed towards the ground target.


With a loud bang, a bunker on the island exploded in an instant, and all the dozen or so people hiding inside were blown up.

Lin Yu threw away the bazooka and picked up another one.

He yelled at the pilot: “Go around this island, I’m going to give them a manual bombing!” ”

“Yes!” The pilot roared excitedly.

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