
"Emergency assembly!"

A series of shouts came from the training ground, and Chen Fan, who was cleaning, slowly froze in place.

"I really don't want to stay here, I also want to fight the enemy and defend my country!"

Chen Fan looked forward to the exciting shouts outside, and shouted helplessly in his heart.

"Don't stand there stupidly, move these pig feeds in!"

In a pig farm of a logistics department of the Southeast Military Region, a sergeant squad leader ordered Chen Fan who was cleaning.

"I know, Lao Liu~"

Chen Fan looked bitter.

It has been almost a month since he came to the pig farm~

No, to be precise, it has been almost a month since he came to this world.

In his previous life, Chen Fan was a top scout. Unfortunately, an accident occurred during an exercise. He came to this world inexplicably and his soul was transferred to a recruit with the same name and surname.

The worst thing was that the recruit's physique was so poor that he couldn't even complete the most basic training.

After the recruit training, he was assigned to the logistics department as a pig farmer.

"Chen Fan, are you very unwilling?"


Hearing someone asking, Chen Fan came back to his senses and asked blankly.

"I said, are you unwilling to just stay in the logistics department to raise pigs?"

Old Liu asked again.

Chen Fan was silent for a while, smiled indifferently, "There is no such thing as unwilling or unwilling. If I hadn't come here, how could I have met you, Old Liu, and all the lovely comrades!"

At the end, he laughed out loud.

"You are just stubborn!"

Old Liu said unhappily.

Breakfast time ended quickly, and everyone in the kitchen team began to clean up the canteen.


Just then, the whistle for all members to assemble sounded.

"Why did the whistle blow?"

"What's going on?"

Everyone put down their work, looking puzzled.

"What are you still standing there for?"

"Hurry up and gather!"

Old Liu shouted.

Everyone rushed to the training ground.

Some people even forgot to untie their aprons and ran out. Chen Fan was one of them.

What a joke, I run so slowly, of course I have to run faster!

This is what Chen Fan thought at the time.

When Chen Fan and his team arrived at the training ground, they saw a dense crowd of people standing there. They were the last batch.

"People behind, what are you dawdling about? Hurry up!"

A company commander shouted in front of the team.

When everyone gathered, the person standing on the stage began to speak.

"It's been almost a month since the recruits joined the company~"

Chen Fan recognized him at a glance. The person who spoke on the stage was the Iron Fist Regiment leader, Kang Lei.

"One month is enough time for you to master a lot of military skills."

"So, today, I'll take you out for a walk. Whether you are a mule or a horse depends on your own ability!"

Kang Lei's words caused a small commotion among the people off the field.

"It's a bit sudden. I thought the assessment would be in a few days~"

"That's right. I plan to practice well these few days so that I can perform well during the assessment!"

"The commander is planning a surprise attack!"


Many people were whispering.


"What does it have to do with our kitchen squad?"

"Are you pulling us out to make up for the others?"

Someone in the kitchen squad said bitterly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Old Liu glared at the soldier, "Are cooks not soldiers?"

The soldier pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Chen Fan looked in the direction of the Sharpshooter Company 4 and murmured, "Chen Dong is right. If we go up, what else can we do but be at the bottom!"


"In view of the host's poor performance in the past month, the PUBG system is passively activated!"

Just when Chen Fan was hammering his head and feeling discouraged, a mechanical voice without emotion suddenly sounded in his mind.

"What the hell?"

Chen Fan didn't react for a moment and asked in a lost voice.

"What the hell?"

Old Liu turned to look at Chen Fan, and seeing that Chen Fan didn't speak, he immediately said to everyone in the kitchen team: "Stand still and don't speak!"

After that, he ignored Chen Fan.

After Old Liu's interruption, Chen Fan finally woke up, and then a surge of excitement surged in his heart.

"Has the Golden Finger Matching System of the Transmigrator been activated?"

"The Stimulating Battlefield System is passively activated due to the host's inaction."

"It is detected that the quality is a scumbag, which is really embarrassing for the Transmigrator. The novice gift package is being distributed!"

Chen Fan didn't care how the system humiliated him, and couldn't wait to open the novice gift package.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Eagle Eye skill, and the hit rate is as high as 99.9% within a range of 500 meters!"

"The system is rigorous, and even 0.1 is not let go!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but praise it in his heart.


"No more?"

"Where's the promised novice gift package?"

"That's it?"

"Speak up, system, did you swallow my novice reward?!"

The system did not respond to Chen Fan, and Chen Fan was very mad.

"Chen Fan, don't stand there stupidly, the regiment commander asked us to assess the logistics first!"

The soldier behind Chen Fan gently pushed Chen Fan's back and motioned him to move forward.

"I'll settle the score with you when I come back!"

Helplessly, Chen Fan could only walk to the shooting range.

On the assessment site, twenty soldiers from the logistics department were lying on the target, holding standard assault rifles in their hands.

Chen Fan was also among them.

"One hundred meters target, ten bullets, finish in thirty seconds!"

As the referee's voice fell, twenty soldiers began to aim their guns at the target one hundred meters away.

"I understand what the regiment commander means. Let the comrades from the logistics department take the assessment first, and then go back to cook for everyone after the assessment."

Someone said jokingly.

"I agree with your point of view."

The person next to him echoed.

"Let's guess, among them, how many rings can the best shooter get?"

"Eighty rings, no more!"

"They must be very pleased to hear that you think so highly of them!"

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