They didn't eat lunch, and they had already exhausted 80% of their energy in rushing through the jungle before the sun set.

Now they are actually asked to run another 40 kilometers!

Is this killing them?

And these 40 kilometers are beaches, not roads.

Under normal circumstances, it would take almost two hours to run 40 kilometers on the road.

The sand is very soft and you will sink when you step on it.

Therefore, it is not easy to control the strength and speed when running, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty.

It is simply impossible to run these 40 kilometers in one hour!

They knew clearly that this was impossible, but they couldn't resist.

I can only hope that I can run faster soon.

"Didi didi——"

As the whistle sounded, many students began to run forward desperately.

"Chen Fan, let's run quickly, otherwise we will be eliminated."

Wang Yanbing looked at Chen Fan who did not speed up and said.

"Don't worry, I feel like there are still tricks waiting for us behind the scenes."

Chen Fan shook his head and said.

Because just before the boss blew the whistle, there was an obvious calculation in his eyes.

I'm afraid I'll give them a "surprise" soon.

"This naughty old man is so insidious! Does he deliberately not want us to enter the Wolf Fang?"

Wang Yanbing couldn't help but complain.

Chen Fan didn't say anything, but was thinking about a possibility.

Just now the dog-headed old man said that only thirty people at most can stay until the end.

Although twenty-five people are not many, it is a lot for the number of people who have passed the previous Langya Special Forces selection competitions.

The dog-headed old master has recruited so many people. Isn't he trying to set up another special forces commando team?

After all, now Wolf Fang

Putting so many people in, aside from other factors, just the tacit understanding of the new and old members is a big problem.

So it's only possible to form a new team.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan suddenly had a bold idea.

Why couldn't he form a commando team of his own?

There are four people here, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and himself.

As long as he picks out three or four strong people from among the other members, he can create a new commando team.

Boom boom boom——

Just as Chen Fan was thinking, a rumbling car engine suddenly came from behind him.

Everyone turned back out of curiosity and saw two more water trucks behind them.

These two sprinkler trucks have been modified with larger and wider tires, allowing them to drive normally on the beach.

"What is this sprinkler truck for?"

Everyone looked confused.


Just when everyone was still in a state of confusion, the sprinkler suddenly sprayed out a large spray of water, dousing them from head to toe.

"Holy crap! Are you crazy! Why are you spraying water on us?"

Many students were so angry that they started shouting.

"Shut your mouth! Run forward!"

"This is because the chief instructor is worried that you will be too bored on the road, so he wants to find some fun for you."

"Just enjoy it!"

Suddenly, the sound of a big-tailed wolf came from the speaker of the sprinkler truck.

That mean tone really deserves a beating.

"'s so cold!"

When the sea breeze blew in the evening, everyone got wet again and shivered involuntarily.

Depend on!

This naughty old guy is really full of tricks!

Chen Fan rubbed the goosebumps on his hands and thought deeply in his heart.

There is not much heat left in their bodies, and now they have to consume more heat to maintain body temperature, so the body's energy consumption rate has become much faster.

In addition, the beach was wet and the sand stuck to the shoes, making the shoes a lot heavier and making it more difficult for them to run.

The students who were rushing to the front gradually slowed down.

"Chen Fan, can you hold on?"

Looking at Chen Fan, whose mouth was a little white, He Chenguang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's no problem."

Chen Fan answered.

"Don't be brave. If you really can't hold on anymore, tell us and we will help you together."

He Chenguang said.

"Where are you now? If you can't persist in the first class of the camp, how can you join the Wolf Fang and become a special forces soldier?"

Chen Fan pretended to be relaxed and said.

In fact, his energy was almost exhausted and he felt cold all the time.

But he still persisted, because what he wanted was this ultimate effect.

Time passed little by little.

Everyone ran forward as hard as they could.

The sprinkler truck followed them all the way, but their clothes never dried.

Cold, hungry and tired.

Several people couldn't hold on and fell down halfway.

But more people still gritted their teeth and persisted, following closely behind the large army.

Suddenly, the sprinkler truck stopped spraying water and did not bother them intentionally.

Just when everyone thought this inhuman torture was finally over, they discovered that a cliff twenty to thirty meters high appeared not far away, blocking their way forward.

The cliff is almost vertical, and the cliff wall is very rugged and uneven.

Everyone stopped and looked at the cliff in front of them in despair.

"Damn it! I quit! It's obvious that he is trying to mess with us!"

"Damn bastards! Why are you torturing us like this!"

Everyone's emotions, which were about to reach their limit, suddenly rose, and some people even collapsed.

While kicking the cliff angrily, he yelled curses.

"Chen Fan, what should we do now?"

He Chenguang also asked with a tired look.

"Either climb up or go around."

Chen Fan looked up at the cliff and mentally calculated the time it would take for the two methods.

This cliff is nearly a kilometer wide. It would definitely be more time-consuming and laborious to go around it.

Now they have used two-thirds of the time. If they don't hurry up, they will never return to the camp before eight o'clock.

But it is also very difficult to climb up. First of all, the cliff is very high and steep, and there is no good foothold.

Secondly, they have used up so much energy that it would be difficult to climb the rock with bare hands.

Maybe you'll fall off the cliff halfway up.

"You still have twenty minutes, why don't you take action?"

The big-tailed wolf stood on the water truck and said as if he was watching a good show.


Everyone was waiting for him angrily, with a ball of fire in their hearts.

"Come on, let's go around."

Someone shouted, and then someone started running along the cliff toward the forest.

"Chen Fan, let's hurry up."

He Chenguang rested for a while, regained some strength and said.

"It's too late. If you want to arrive on time, you have to crawl through here."

Chen Fan shook his head and said.

"Climb over? No! It's too dangerous!"

He Chenguang frowned and stopped: "The sea wind is so strong now and the cliff is so steep. In addition, we have exhausted a lot of energy. It is very difficult to climb up with bare hands."

"Chen Fan, I know you really want to become a special forces soldier, but there is no need to ruin your bright future just because of this opportunity."

"We are still young and there will be opportunities in the future."

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