But they searched in the sea for a long time, but couldn't find Chen Fan's voice.

The cold and biting sea water gradually became too much for them.

"Captain! No one was found!"

Zhuang Yan emerged from the sea and gasped for breath.

"What? No one? Keep looking! We must find this guy!"

The dog-headed old man was a little panicked. He stared at the sea level, looking for Chen Fan.

He Chenguang and others also joined the search and rescue team.

"Chen Fan! Where are you! Chen Fan!"

Because they had exhausted too much energy before, they could only search along the beach with flashlights.

Four or five minutes passed like this, but he still couldn't be found.


Is something going to happen to this kid?

The dog-headed old man's temples were beating suddenly, and he felt very uneasy.

He never expected that this kid would jump into the sea when he came in!

"Captain, no! It's not possible to continue searching like this. Let the technicians come over and help."

Zhuang Yan surfaced again, wiped the seawater from his face with his hands, and gasped.

"Technicians are on the way, keep looking for them!"

Dog-headed Lao Gao's face looked extremely ugly at this time.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Look for Chen Fan!"

When the dog-headed old man heard this question, he said in a very irritable tone.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"I told you to find Chen Fan, are you...Chen Fan?!"

The dog-headed old man thought someone was deliberately causing trouble and was about to scold him.

But when he looked up, he saw Chen Fan's face, which shocked him.

"Why are you looking for me? Didn't I say I was going to catch big lobsters?"

Chen Fan said with a puzzled face.

"What do you think we are looking for? Are you crazy? Jumping into the sea at night?"

"Don't you just want to eat hot rice and dishes? Tell me, it's not like I won't give it to you!"

"Why are you eating big lobster? Do you think the big lobster is raised by your family? You can catch it if you want..."

The dog-headed old man became angry when he saw Chen Fan's innocent look.

He shouted angrily at Chen Fan.

At this moment, Chen Fan had swam from the deep water area to the shallows.

The moment he came out of the water, the angry scolding of the dog-headed old man suddenly stopped.

I saw that Chen Fan was actually holding three or four Boston lobsters in his hands!

"Big lobster! Chen Fan, you are so awesome!"

Li Erniu was so excited that he ran towards Chen Fan with great excitement.

"Is this true? I have never seen such a big lobster in my life!"

Li Erniu looked at the big lobsters excitedly and wanted to reach out and touch them, but he was timid.

"Er Niu, hold it for me."

Chen Fan saw what Li Erniu was thinking and handed the two big lobsters to him.

"Huh? Oh! Let me get it for you!"

Li Erniu took the big lobster a little flattered, and then ran back to the shore with a naive smile.

"Wang Yanbing! Morning light! Look! Big lobster!"

He was extremely excited and showed off the big lobster in his hands to He Chenguang.

But He Chenguang and the other two ignored him, and looked at Chen Fan as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What are you looking at me for? Let's go get some big lobsters to eat."

Chen Fan said as he put on his clothes.

"Chen Fan! Did you listen to me? Do you know how dangerous it was just like that?"

Seeing that Chen Fan had completely ignored him, the dog-headed old man became furious.

He walked up to Chen Fan extremely angrily and cursed loudly.

"Am I okay now?"

Chen Fan replied calmly.

"It's okay now, but what if something happens? If something happens, how do you want me to explain it to your parents?"

The dog-headed old man was so angry that he vomited blood.

"Nothing goes wrong, I know my strength."

"Hurry up and let others come up, otherwise I won't be the one who gets into trouble soon."

Chen Fan looked at Zhuang Yan and others who were still searching for him in the sea and said.

"Tonight's training should end here, right? If there's nothing else, I'll go prepare tonight's dinner."

Chen Fan raised the big lobster in his hand and said.

"You boy!"

The dog-headed old man was so angry that he almost fainted.

Chen Fan looked at the dog-headed Lao Gao who was very angry with him, and felt secretly happy in his heart.

You deserve to be mad at us for deliberately trying to mess with us!

It would be too much to leave them half dead from exhaustion and not even have a hot meal.

"Let's go! Eat!"

Chen Fan waved to He Chenguang and the others, and then walked towards the jungle.

The dog-headed old man knew that he was deliberately retaliating against them, and his teeth chattered, but there was nothing he could do.

Indeed, enough people have been eliminated today.

The remaining human energy has been completely drained, and there is no need to continue practicing.

"Zhuang Yan! You all come up here, there's no need to look for it!"

The dog-headed old man took several deep breaths to calm himself down, and shouted to Zhuang Yan and the others who were still looking for people in the sea.

"But Chen Fan hasn't been found yet!"

Zhuang Yan was very puzzled when he heard the dog-headed old man shouting.

"People have come ashore, you all can come up."

"By the way, let the kitchen prepare some hot meals for the others."

"Let them rest after eating."

The dog-headed old man said with a dark face.

In fact, he had no intention of recognizing anyone to prepare cooked food at first.

But he had to change his mind when he saw the group of students with green eyes and eager to go down to catch lobsters.

If he didn't ask them to prepare something good for others, they would feel unbalanced when they saw Chen Fan eating lobsters.

If they followed Chen Fan's example and jumped into the sea to catch lobsters, it would be troublesome if something unexpected happened.

"He came up? Where?!"

Zhuang Yan looked for Chen Fan in surprise. When he saw Chen Fan making a fire and roasting lobsters not far away, he was shocked and speechless.

When did this bastard come ashore?

They searched in the sea for so long but couldn't find anyone.

And where did he catch this lobster?

If he remembered correctly, there were shallows all around, which was not a habitat for lobsters at all.

Unless he went to the sea area just above the cliff, the depth and temperature of the sea water there were just right for lobsters to live.

But it would take at least ten minutes to go back and forth from here to that sea area.

Could this guy teleport?

"Wow! This smells so good! Chen Fan, is this lobster ready to eat?"

Li Erniu looked at the big lobster that had been roasted red, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva and asked.

"It needs to be roasted for a while, wait a little longer."

Chen Fan said, while taking out a bunch of grass leaves from somewhere, crushing them, and smearing them on the lobster.

"What is this?"

Li Erniu asked curiously.

"This is a spice. Putting a little when grilling will make the meat more tender and delicious."

Chen Fan said with a smile.

This is what he just found in the jungle by accident.

As expected, the primitive jungle is still good, and it has basically not been developed by humans.

The vegetation and ecosystem inside are also well preserved, and there are many almost extinct medicinal herbs that appear here.

We must find a time to dig these treasures away, and we may be able to use them in the future.

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