Soon, more than thirty crew members were brought over.

They looked at the captain who was tied to the scaffolding, covered in wounds and dying, and instantly became angry.


"You beasts! Go to hell!"

"Beasts! You will not die a good death!"

All the crew members were extremely angry and cursed loudly at the mercenaries.

Although those mercenaries could not understand Chinese, they knew that what they said was not good.

He aimed at the crew members at the front who were scolding the most and hit them hard with the butt of his rifle.

Blood immediately flowed out.

"Stop it! Bastard!"

When the captain, who was beaten and covered in blood, saw this, he gritted his teeth and stopped him in English.

"It's not impossible for me to let them go. Just hand over that thing honestly and I will spare their lives."

The leading drug dealer blew out a puff of cigar smoke and said.

"You're dreaming!"

"I will never give it to you!"

"You beasts, just wait for me!"

"It won't be long before our soldiers come to avenge us!"

The captain is a strong-tempered person. No matter how much the other party tortures him, he will not let go.

He stared at the drug dealer leader with determination and resentment.

If looks could kill, the drug dealer leader would have been pierced by his looks.

The drug dealer leader was not angry, but became more and more confident.

"Heh, what if a bunch of trash is here?"

"If I were really that capable, I'd been growing poppies here for three years and they hadn't noticed."

"If you hadn't stumbled onto the island by mistake, I wouldn't have given up on this base."

"Because you caused me to lose 100 million, I naturally want to ask you to collect some interest back."

"You are tough and not afraid of death, but what about your crew members? Their lives don't matter, right?"

His words were full of disdain for the Chinese soldiers and contempt for their lives.

After hearing what he said, the captain was so angry that he was shaking all over, his heart was also hanging, and he said a little eagerly.

"What do you want to do? Only I handle that thing, they don't know anything!"

The drug trafficker leader ignored the captain's words, but pointed to a young man in the crew and said to his men: "Bring him here!"

"Asshole! Let me go!"

The young man resisted extremely, yelling and yelling while struggling.


"Be quiet!"

The two mercenaries who captured him thought he was noisy and hit the young man hard several times with their rifle butts.

The young man was immediately beaten to a bloody head.

"Xiao Li!"

The captain called Xiao Li's name distressedly.

Xiao Li was beaten until his eyes were black. He still wanted to struggle, but was kicked by the mercenary and fell to his knees in front of the drug dealer leader.

Immediately afterwards, a pistol was pressed against Xiao Li's head.

Even Xiao Li, who was ready to die, was frightened and did not dare to resist anymore.

"Asshole! Don't touch him!"

The captain's eyes were broken and he shouted anxiously.

Xiao Li is only twenty-four years old this year. He has just graduated from college and is a classmate of the captain's son.

Originally, he was supposed to be an office worker sitting in the office, blowing on the air conditioner and tapping on the computer.

But because his girlfriend was pregnant, his father-in-law and mother-in-law asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan.

Xiao Li is an orphan, and his college education is funded by the state. How can he get so much money?

But he wanted to be responsible for his girlfriend. He heard from the captain's son that he could earn more by running a boat, and he could earn tens of thousands in one trip.

He begged the captain to take him to sea with him.

He also promised that as long as he earned enough 200,000 yuan, he would find a stable job and live a good life with his wife and children.

The captain saw that he was pitiful and had his own son saying good things, so he agreed.

After this trip, including the commission, Xiao Li had exactly enough for 200,000 yuan.

If it hadn't happened like this, he would be reunited with his wife and children now.

After getting along with each other for a year, the captain has long regarded Xiao Li as his son.

At this time, seeing the drug dealer leader pointing a gun at Xiao Li's head, the captain also panicked.

Xiao Li cannot die!

"Haha, if you don't want them to die, then hand over the things."

"Otherwise, I will let them die in front of you one by one."

The drug dealer leader loaded his pistol as he spoke.


The captain was instantly in a dilemma.

On one side are the national treasure-level cultural relics that overseas Chinese are willing to spend all their wealth to buy back to their country.

On one side are the crew members who spend time with him day and night.

How does this make him choose?

"Uncle Wang! Don't listen to him! I'm not afraid of death! None of us are afraid of death! You must not give anything to him!"

Xiao Li went to 211 and his English was very good. He understood the conversation between Uncle Wang and the drug dealer leader.

He immediately expressed his awakening loudly.

After hearing his words, the other crew members also understood.

It turns out that these drug dealers are threatening the captain with themselves.

"Old Wang! No matter what these beasts want, you can't give it to them! We are not afraid of death!"

"That's right! If my head falls off, it will only be a scar the size of a bowl. Eighteen years later, I will be a good man again!"

"Those who work in this industry have long expected that such a day would come. Lao Wang, don't worry about us! We can't be traitors!"

The crew members shouted to Lao Wang one after another, and no one was greedy for life or afraid of death.

Lao Wang burst into tears instantly and had a lot of thoughts.

"Asshole! Shut up!"

The drug dealer leader looked at the indignant expressions of the crowd and guessed the general meaning of their words.

He immediately became angry and picked up a wooden stick and beat the crew members.


He Chenguang, who had been observing the situation in the house, clenched his fists angrily and tried to restrain his anger.

Chen Fan's face was also extremely cold, and he pursed his lips tightly, looking for the opportunity to take action.

There were a total of eight mercenaries in this room, and more than a dozen mercenaries outside.

If they took action, it would be a formal battle.

At that time, the two would be surrounded by the enemy.

It was no problem for the two of them to protect themselves, but they also had to ensure the safety of the more than 30 hostages.

This was a bit difficult.

"Chenguang, I'll start when I count to three. Help me deal with the two people near the door, and I'll take care of the rest."

"At the same time, you'll be responsible for guarding the door. If any enemy rushes in, kill them."

"Don't worry about the hostages from other countries. The situation is special. We can't do anything except protect our own people."

Chen Fan lowered his voice and said to He Chenguang with a serious expression.

"I understand."

He Chenguang was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a gloomy face.

It's not that they are cold-blooded, but that they have limited abilities.

The hostages from other countries are pitiful, but they have no choice but to sympathize with them emotionally.

The strong prey on the weak.

This is the law of survival in nature.

Their country is not capable enough to allow their people to live a stable and peaceful life.

No wonder other countries don't help.

Although Chen Fan also wanted to save other hostages, he had no choice.

It's hard to save the hostages from his own country safely, so how can he care about others?

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