
He Chenguang vomited out the entire mouthful of porridge he drank before. Although the amount was relatively small, he had to do this just in case and to ensure that the mission could proceed smoothly.

At the same time, Chen Fan, who had discovered the ammunition depot, gave up the idea of ​​entering the ammunition depot to steal gunpowder after observing the situation for a while.

Because the ammunition depot was so tightly guarded, there was no chance of sneaking in.

Although Chen Fan can get rid of these guards with his current skills, they will definitely make a noise and attract attention. Let alone stealing gunpowder, whether they can escape is another question.

As a last resort, Chen Fan could only give up this idea and go directly to the chimney.

The Blue Army headquarters was built in an abandoned factory. Chen Fan remembered that there was a sniper point on an iron frame leading to the chimney, with two Blue Army snipers on it.

The time came to six o'clock, it was still dark, and with the help of the hazy night, Chen Fan quietly touched the two Blue Army snipers on the iron frame, silently.

"There's only one hour until shift change."

The observer looked at the time, yawned and said.

"Yeah, have breakfast and go back and have a good sleep."

At this time, both of them were facing the outside of the headquarters. Their mission was to observe whether any unknown person approached the headquarters and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy as soon as possible.

However, what they didn't expect was that the enemy came not from the outside, but from behind.

Chen Fan turned on the radar scan and locked the two Blue Army snipers firmly.


The unsheathed dagger slipped from the necks of the two snipers.

"Don't make a sound, you have already died, please abide by the rules of the exercise!"

Just as the two were about to react, a deep voice sounded behind them.


The two of them slowly turned around and looked at Chen Fan in front of them with astonishment.

"How did you find us?"

The sniper looked at Chen Fan doubtfully.

"I don't talk to dead people!"

Chen Fan did not give an explanation. He kept talking without stopping. He put their sniper rifles on his back and took away all the magazines and grenades from the two of them.

Without taking off their clothes, it can be said that the two of them were completely robbed by Chen Fan.

After all this last night, Chen Fan didn't stop at all and continued to touch the chimney.

"Good guy, we have encountered a ruthless person!"

"Yeah, I don't know which unit of the Red Army he is from. This military quality seems to be comparable to that of our Langya."

Chen Fan came to the ground of the chimney and looked up. It was completely dark and he couldn't see anything. But he knew that the height of the chimney was very high. He Chenguang almost didn't climb up it.

"He Chenguang can go up there, but I have no reason to go up there!"

Chen Fan muttered, then used his hands and feet to climb up the chimney.

Since the system was established, Chen Fan's physical fitness has been greatly improved. Now his physical fitness has reached the standard of a special forces soldier.

Although he was carrying a lot of equipment, climbing up the chimney, which was more than ten meters high, was not a problem at all.

A few minutes later, Chen Fan easily reached the top of the chimney and looked down. The lights were bright. In addition to the night watchers, the Blue Army soldiers who had rested for the night were also getting up one after another.

At this time, the headquarters was still very quiet, and nothing unusual happened.

After scanning around, Chen Fan found Gong Jian and other members of the Iron Fist Group in an iron shed. Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu were also among them.

“It’s really exactly the same as the plot in the TV series!”

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

"Hey, Chen Fan, can you hear me?"

Just then, He Chenguang's voice came out of his ears.

"I can hear you. How are you doing over there?"

"I've put all the medicine into their breakfast, and I'm just waiting for them to take it."

"Good, I'm up the chimney now."

"As soon as the drug takes effect and they realize something is wrong and look for the person who drugged them, I will blow up their military vehicles. Then I will leave the one on the far left for you, the one closest to the headquarters."

"When blowing up a car, be careful not to get hurt!"

"Understood, I will do my best to hide it."

"Also, I saw the instructor and the others, as well as Yan Bing and Li Erniu."

Chen Fan paused for a few seconds and then said.

"What, they are actually being held here?!"

"That's great, we can take them out by the way!"

He Chenguang was a little excited. He didn't expect to meet Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and the others here.

"It's okay to save people, but we can't take everyone with us. That would be too big a target and it would be difficult for you to escape."

"Let's do this. When the time comes, you drive over and I will clear the way for you from above. You let them out. Whether they can escape or not is up to them."

"But please remember to bring Yan Bing and Er Niu with you. It will be difficult for us to bring back the Commander of the Blue Army and Chief of Staff Fan alone. With their help, I believe we will be able to do so easily." many."

After listening to Chen Fan's words, He Chenguang was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

"I feel so sleepy and want to sleep~"

A Blue Army soldier was eating breakfast when he suddenly felt more and more sleepy and his head was groggy. He couldn't help but say.

"Don't pretend, didn't you just wake up? Why are you sleepy again?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the blue soldier staggered and finally fell on the table.

"Okay, stop pretending!"

The comrade pushed him,

but the next second, "Why am I sleepy too?"

After saying that, he also fell down.

Immediately afterwards, everyone who had eaten breakfast began to feel dizzy.

"Everyone, don't eat. There is something wrong with this breakfast!"

A blue soldier who was still awake shouted and fell down himself.

The army's meal time is strictly regulated. After eating this meal, more than half of the people in the blue army command fell down directly.

"Toot, toot, toot!"

A quick whistle sounded.

"The enemy has sneaked in. They put drugs in our breakfast. Don't eat it!"

Those who had not eaten yet, after reacting, immediately blew the emergency whistle and reminded everyone loudly.

"What's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?" Commander Gao Shiwei and a group of combat staff were discussing the combat plan in the headquarters tent. Hearing the noise outside, he frowned and asked.

"Just then, a guard at the door rushed in and reported to the commander that the enemy had drugged our breakfast, and now more than half of the people in the entire headquarters are unconscious!"


Hearing this, everyone present sat up in shock.

"Then the combat effectiveness of the headquarters is very weak at this time?"

"How many people have they brought? Are they planning to take us down in one fell swoop?"

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