"Shh! Stop talking! Someone is coming!"

At this moment, Kaqatar, who was in charge of sentry duty, suddenly made a silent gesture, signaling the two of them to hide quickly.

Dingjili and Kakasia suddenly changed their expressions, quickly climbed up and hid in the dense canopy of trees.

After a while, a team of twelve mercenaries appeared under the tree.

Fortunately, this team is not the one Chen Fan met just now, otherwise things would be terrible.

"Captain, we are really lucky today. We have already arrested five people as soon as we entered the jungle."

"I heard that the third team has not opened yet. They will definitely lose this bet!"

A mercenary said very excitedly.

The captain also had a proud smile on his face.

"There are only five people, which is still far from our goal. We must capture twenty people this time."

"This year's batch of rabbits seems to be a little better than last year's, especially the Chinese guy. The boss seems to be very satisfied with him."

"If we can catch him and dedicate it to the boss, I think the boss might let us be the third team."

Dingjili and the others in the tree were confused. Didn't they just go back home after being eliminated?

Why arrest them?

What are you going to do if you catch them?

"That's right! We must catch that Chinese guy today! Give Team Three a slap in the face!"

The other mercenaries also said excitedly.

They checked under the tree and found no trace, so they left quickly.

They didn't even look up at the trees.

The three people in the tree looked at each other and suddenly felt that something was fishy.

"By the way, in the past few years, has anyone in your country been eliminated from the Devil Academy, or has there been anyone who successfully graduated and returned?"

Dingjili frowned and looked at the two Kakasia brothers and asked.

The two Kakasia brothers thought for a moment, shook their heads and said, "I've never heard of it."

"We just feel that our country is small and the people who come here are too weak, so they all died."

After hearing the two people's answers, Dingjili's face instantly sank.

"No one from our country has ever come back."

Realizing this, the three of them felt a flash of fear in their hearts.

How is this possible?

Even if you don't successfully graduate from Devil Academy and are eliminated halfway, you should return to your country.

How come no one went back?

Strange, so strange.

"What are you three muttering about? You all look so ugly."

At this moment, Chen Fan suddenly appeared behind them and asked curiously.

The sudden sound startled them, and they almost screamed.

"Damn it, Chen Fan, why did you show up all of a sudden?! You want to scare us to death!"

Dingjili patted his chest and complained.

"I just appeared out of nowhere. You three were too focused. You didn't even know I was back."

Chen Fan smiled and took out the food he collected while talking.

"Okay, everyone, come and have something to eat. After that we have something big to do."

"Just in time, we also have something to tell you. Let's talk while eating."

Soon, a few people sat down on the thick trunk, eating wild fruits and chatting.

Dingjili told Chen Fan everything he had just overheard.

After hearing this, Chen Fan also frowned.

"Are you sure you heard correctly when they said they were arresting people?"

Chen Fan asked.

"One hundred percent sure! They are arresting people."

"They also said they would arrest you specifically."

Dingjili said with a firm tone.

"That would be interesting..."

Chen Fan touched his chin, recalling all the unreasonable and weird things he had discovered since arriving here.

This devil's academy seems to be hiding some ulterior secrets.

"Chen Fan, let's hurry up. As long as we pass through this jungle smoothly, those mercenaries can't do anything to you."

Dingjili said innocently.

"Haha, I can escape once, but I can't escape the second time."

"It was obvious that I was on their radar."

"According to what you said, I think none of us who come here to train will eventually be able to return to their own countries."

"Presumably all the people who came here in the past either voluntarily or were forced to go somewhere."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, and a bold and terrifying guess came into his mind.

This devil's academy is actually a place that provides thugs and bodyguards for drug lords, chaebols, and capitalists.

Those who came here to train were all arrested and had their identities changed.

And the reason why this matter has never been exposed has never been suspected.

It is also related to the extremely high casualty rate of the Devil Academy and the legendary abnormal assessment training.

After all, only three to four hundred people come here every year, and a maximum of four or five people come from one country.

And foreigners are different from China.

They have less patriotic feelings and are basically more egoistic.

In addition, they all came here voluntarily to participate in training. Even if they disappeared, the state would not pursue them.

After all, they all signed a life and death agreement.

"What? It's impossible..."

"If it's true as you said, then why did they directly arrange for me to return to China when I was eliminated before?"

Ding Jili frowned, not quite believing what Chen Fan said.

"Then I'm afraid I have to ask who you are, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia."

Chen Fan said with a smile while looking at Ding Jili.

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Ding Jili widened his eyes in shock.

"You, you, you...how do you know my identity?"

The Kakashiya brothers were also shocked, looking at Ding Jili and said loudly: "You are actually the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia?!"

How is this possible!

Chen Fan did not speak, but just looked at Ding Jili with a smile, waiting for him to tell the truth.

In fact, how did he know Ding Jili's identity? That was thanks to last night.

He returned to the dormitory to rest earlier than others. When he walked past Ding Jili's bed, he accidentally saw an ID card on his desk.

Only then did he know Ding Jili's true identity.

But Chen Fan did not point it out at the first time. After all, identity is not important. He only recognized Ding Jili as a person.

"I am indeed the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, but what does this have to do with me not being captured by them?"

Ding Jili saw that his identity was revealed, so he no longer concealed it and admitted it generously.

"Because you are the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, your identity is special. If you are captured, it will definitely attract the attention of the Saudi royal family."

"I don't think they want to make a big deal, so they eliminated you every time and sent you back home safely."

"If you don't believe it, think carefully about the scenes of your return to China every time."

"Are you the only one who was sent to the airport?"

"Think carefully, have you met a familiar face when you came back to participate in the selection and assessment again in the past few years?"

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Ding Jili's face changed instantly.

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