
The students who were tied up were confused when they heard this.

What does it mean?

What can they sell?

"Sit down and rest for a while. I have contacted the boss. They will arrive in half an hour."

The captain of the mercenary said as he sat on a stone.

The other mercenaries sat down and enjoyed the military rations they brought.

"Chen Fan, when do we start?"

Chen Fan and his men who were hiding not far away had been looking for opportunities and waiting for the best time to start.

"I will sneak up and kill the captain first, and then you can start."

Chen Fan arranged in a low voice.

Ding Jili and his men nodded.

On the mercenary side, the students finally found something wrong.

"You are not instructors, right? Who are you!"

The students who became prisoners could not sit still, and a brave student questioned them loudly.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are not stupid enough to guess that we are not instructors."

Several mercenaries looked at each other and laughed loudly.

"How did you get into this island? This island is the territory of the Devil Academy! Hurry up and let us go!"

The student stared at the mercenaries and warned.

"Hehe... Is there a possibility that we are in the same group with the instructor you are talking about?"

The captain of the mercenaries said with a smile.

This was like a bolt from the blue, leaving all the students dumbfounded.

They felt that they were caught in a big net and became the prey of these people.

"We give up! We will not participate in the training of the Devil Academy! Let us go back!"

The students were making a loud noise.

The mercenaries ignored them at all, but directly blocked their mouths with smelly socks.

At this time, Chen Fan used his camouflage skills to quietly grope behind these mercenaries.

He grabbed a handful of pebbles from the ground, then aimed at the sleeping points of these mercenaries and accurately shot these pebbles out.

Swish, swish, swish...

In an instant, all the people except the captain of the mercenaries were hit by Chen Fan.

The mercenaries who were hit in the sleeping point felt a sudden stinging pain in their bodies, and then they fell to the ground and fell asleep with a thud.

"What's going on?!"

The captain of the mercenaries was frightened by this sudden situation, and suddenly jumped up from the ground, looking around vigilantly.

The next second, Chen Fan rushed out from behind the captain of the mercenaries like a ghost, and quickly put the knife on his neck.

"Don't move!"

Chen Fan warned in a low voice.

"Who are you?!"

The captain of the mercenaries was horrified and his face turned pale instantly.

A fine sweat oozed from his forehead immediately, and his body was stiff, not daring to move.

"Don't you want to catch me? Why don't you recognize me now?"

Chen Fan sneered.

"Chen Fan!"

Hearing Chen Fan's voice, the captain of the mercenaries was even more shocked.

"Why are you here?! We are hunters! How dare you attack hunters! Aren't you afraid of being eliminated?"

Hearing the words of the mercenary captain, Chen Fan sneered.

"You don't need to scare me with this, I already know the secret of this academy."

Hearing this, the mercenary captain's face turned a little paler.

"Chen Fan! Are you okay?"

Ding Jili and others also ran over at this time and asked terrified.

"It's okay, you quickly take off the clothes and equipment of these people, and then tie them to the tree with ropes."

Chen Fan said lightly while looking at the mercenaries sleeping like dead pigs on the ground.

Ding Jili and others nodded, and then quickly took action.

"Take off your clothes, don't force me to do it."

Chen Fan disarmed the guns on the mercenary captain, then picked up a rifle and pointed it at him, and ordered coldly.

Being threatened with a gun, the mercenary captain had to obey orders.

Obediously took off his clothes and handed all his equipment to Chen Fan.

Then Chen Fan also tied him up with a rope.

When the other students saw Chen Fan and his group, they instantly became extremely excited.

"Woo woo woo..."

They whimpered and looked at Chen Fan and his group with pleading and excited eyes.

"Chen Fan, what about them?"

Ding Jili looked at these people and asked.

Chen Fan walked up to these students and looked at them and asked.

"You really want me to save you, right?"

"Woo woo woo!"

All these students nodded vigorously.

"But there are hundreds of mercenaries in the jungle. Even if I let you go now, you will soon be caught by other mercenaries."

"I may not be able to save you by then."

Chen Fan touched his chin and said lightly.

Hearing his words, these students also fell into deep thought.

"Do you want to follow me?"

Just when they didn't know what to do, Chen Fan asked another question.

This question made these people's eyes light up instantly, followed by another round of nodding.

They had just seen how powerful Chen Fan was. He could easily get rid of all these mercenaries.

Following him would definitely save their lives!

"It's not impossible to follow me, but I have conditions."

"If you agree to my conditions, I will release you and allow you to follow me."

"If you don't agree, then you can stay here."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, and a calculation flashed in his eyes.


These students' mouths were blocked, and they couldn't speak except for grunting.

"You don't need to speak, just listen to my conditions and nod or shake your head."

Chen Fan didn't intend to tear the cloth strips out of their mouths. After all, if they didn't agree later, they would have to stuff them again.

"You also know that these mercenaries are not the same as this Devil Academy."

"They treat us as prey, capture and sell us as items."

"They tricked us here, tortured us, and humiliated us."

"I, Chen Fan, can't swallow this breath, and at the same time, I want to completely destroy this ghost place."

"So I decided to take the initiative and kill those hunters."

"And I need you to be bait to help me attract those mercenaries, and I will find the right time in the dark to make a move."

"You don't have to worry about your life being in danger, because they are reluctant to take our lives."

"If you are willing to cooperate with me, nod your head, and if you don't want to, shake your head."

After speaking of his requirements and plans, Chen Fan quietly waited for these people's responses.

These people looked at each other, were silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded.

They were also burning with anger in their hearts. They originally thought that the Devil Academy was a place that all the strong people in the world yearned for.

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