However, Chen Fan did not go back to the dormitory, but returned to the training ground.

Although the doctor said his injury would require a few days of rest, he didn't have that much time.

Because he knew that even if Apollo and the others didn't kill him, they would still find ways to cause trouble for him and make him suffer.

Therefore, he must seize the time and make himself strong enough in the shortest possible time.

Only when he is strong enough to not be afraid of everyone in the Devil Legion can he completely annihilate the Devil Legion and successfully return home to reunite with his family.

Chen Fan practiced at the training ground all day long. He didn't take a break until Apollo came to the training ground in the afternoon.

Seeing Chen Fan running desperately on the training ground, Apollo's face was filled with shock.

"How long has he been training here?"

Apollo asked looking at Luo on the side.

The latter immediately replied: "Two or three hours."


Hearing this, Apollo's eyes more than doubled in size, as if he heard something incredible.

"He hasn't stopped for a moment from lunch to now."

"The wounds on his body cracked and scabbed, repeated several times, but he seemed to feel no pain."

Luo's eyes were fixed on Chen Fan, his eyes shining brightly, as if he was thinking about something.

When Apollo heard this, his mouth opened wide and he was so surprised that he could not utter a word.


This Chinese is really terrible!

If he only had extremely high talent, Apollo would not be enough to regard him as a threat.

But Chen Fan is a pervert with extremely high talent and will give 100% effort.

Especially since he was a Chinese soldier before.

It is a big mistake to bring such people into the Legion.

"Luo, Chen Fan must die. You make arrangements so that he can't stay."

When Apollo realized this, his eyes were immediately filled with strong murderous intent.

Luo frowned when he heard his order.

"Senior Apollo, didn't William want us to kill him?"

"If we don't kill him, we will all die in his hands in the future!"

Apollo stared at Chen Fan and said: "This is an order! The sooner the better, Chen Fan must not stay! I will take care of William's side."

Seeing that Apollo was determined to kill Chen Fan, Luo stopped trying to persuade him and nodded: "I understand."

Chen Fan, who was training crazily on the training ground, didn't notice the conspiracy between the two at all, because he was currently immersed in the joy of becoming stronger.

The injuries on his body had already scabbed due to his super self-healing ability.

And his strength has also improved a lot through high-intensity training.

Chen Fan estimated that if he faced Viper again, he would definitely defeat Viper.

In other words, his current strength ranks 11th among the Devil Legion.

This is one step closer to his goal.

"Chen Fan, are your injuries okay?"

Luo stopped Chen Fan who was practicing on his own and asked.


Chen Fan stopped and said calmly.

"What are we training for this afternoon?"

"Are you sure you're okay? We're going to go to the sea for training in the afternoon, so your wounds can't touch the water, right?"

Luo frowned slightly and said.

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter."

Luo was stunned for a while.

He suspected that Chen Fan was deliberately showing off, but then he thought, Apollo wanted to kill Chen Fan anyway, so he might as well take this opportunity to drown him silently in the sea.

Anyway, a lot of people died during sea training in the past years. Even if William asks for the blame, he will not be blamed.

"In that case, you come with us to the sea."

After saying that, Luo took Chen Fan towards the sea training direction.

Chen Fan followed him, not refusing, but feeling a little depressed.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to practice, but he didn't expect that he would go into the sea just after he recovered a little bit of strength.

After a while, the three of them came to a wide sea area.

This sea area is not like an ordinary sea area, but a deep sea area with undercurrents surging inside.

Moreover, the temperature of the sea water is very low. Even if the sun is shining now, you can still feel the slightest chill when shining in the ocean.

The sea breeze blew on Chen Fan, and he couldn't help but shiver.

Because it happens to be winter in the southern hemisphere, and there is a cold current passing through this sea area.

In addition, it is close to Antarctica, and the cold current brings the cold water and some ice from Antarctica.

In this kind of environment and temperature, let alone training, even if you stand on the shore for half a day, you will probably freeze to death.

"Chen Fan, this sea area is called the Ice Cave. It is a place where we specialize in training special warriors."

Apollo stood aside and explained.

"Special warrior?"

Chen Fan blinked in confusion.

"Well, if you want to become stronger, this is a level that you must go through. This is how everyone in the Devil's Army has passed."

Luo continued: "You must be careful when you train in the sea later. At least more than 20 of us die in this ice cave every year, and their strength is similar to that of the Chinese special forces."

Chen Fan nodded with sudden realization, and then asked: "I understand, what is this sea training about?"

"It's very simple. I will arrange various tasks for you. All you need to do is follow the tasks I arrange and complete them perfectly."

Chen Fan understood. It seemed to be similar to ordinary sea training, but it was just a little more difficult.

Such a task was too easy for Chen Fan.

He now had radar detection skills, and could clearly see the situation within a range of 1,000 meters around him.

Even if he was in the sea, this skill was still effective.

So, he was not worried at all, but excited.

Three minutes later, the sea training officially began.

The first task Luo gave him was to ask Chen Fan to dive to the bottom of the sea 50 meters deep and pick up a stone.

This was too easy for Chen Fan, who could hold his breath for more than ten minutes. Chen Fan didn't waste any more time and plunged into the icy sea.

Apollo and Luo stood aside, looking at Chen Fan's back, and both showed a playful smile...

In their opinion, it was very difficult to dive 50 meters deep to find a stone.

After all, the pressure in the sea water was far greater than the water pressure on land.

People who have not undergone special training and rashly dive into the deep sea will explode and die if they are not careful.

Moreover, Chen Fan was still injured, and it was easy for him to have an accident in such cold sea water.

So it can be said that Chen Fan had almost no chance of survival this time.

Chen Fan in the sea did not know Luo's plan, but kept diving to the bottom of the sea.

The deeper he went, the colder the sea water became.

Fortunately, Chen Fan had a super strong physique, otherwise he would not have been able to hold on.

Gradually, the sunlight on the sea surface began to weaken, and the light in the sea became darker and darker.

At this time, he was about twenty meters away from the sea level.

After an unknown period of time, Chen Fan finally dived into the seabed. He looked around and searched.

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