"Captain Black Magic, the Death Corps has surrounded us."

"We are now completely surrounded."

A team member immediately reported.

Chen Fan also looked around after hearing this.

At present, they are no match for the Death Corps in terms of numbers or firepower.

"Pete, you take the remaining team members and retreat from 1 o'clock."

"I will cover you!"

Chen Fan turned on the system radar to scan the surrounding situation and ordered the team members.

Although Chen Fan could escape by himself, he would not be able to return to the Devil Corps even if he escaped.

Because the four heads of state must have made other preparations, and there would be no evidence to prove his innocence if he went back alone.

So he must take the members of Team 11 back, even if there are only one or two members left.

"Captain Black Magic, how can this be done?"

"Yes, Captain Black Magic, why don't we fight them."

"We will die together!"

For a while, the remaining team members said one after another.

Although Chen Fan has not been in charge of Team 11 for a long time, Chen Fan is willing to cover for them in this situation.

How could they not be moved? After all, the legion they had been working so hard for had betrayed them.

Moreover, Chen Fan was only their captain.

They all knew that the people who stayed behind to cover them were in danger of death.

Chen Fan was exchanging his life for theirs.

"I am your captain and must obey orders!"

"Besides, being betrayed by such a design, can you be willing to die like this?" Chen Fan said in a deep voice.

Although it was a bit stressful for him to face dozens of people from the Death God Legion at once.

But Chen Fan was very confident that he could break through the siege.

To do this, the lives of the remaining members of Team 11 must be guaranteed.

Only in this way can they bite back at the four heads of state.


"Don't say but, quickly retreat with the rest of the team, I will cover you!"

Pete wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Chen Fan.

Now the people of the Death God Legion are getting closer and closer, and it will be difficult for them to retreat later.


"Everyone in Team 11, follow me to retreat from one o'clock!"

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Pete knew that this was not the time to be hypocritical.

They all understood what Chen Fan meant. To be honest, if they died like this, they would definitely not be willing.



After that, the remaining team members broke out towards the 1 o'clock direction.

"Captain Black Magic, you must go back alive!"

"Don't worry, as long as we go back alive, we will definitely explain the situation to Boss William."

"And we will ask the four heads of state for an explanation."

Before leaving, Pete turned his head and said sincerely to Chen Fan.

At this time, his heart had long been completely conquered by Chen Fan's actions.

People like them understand how rare this kind of friendship is in the legion.

And Chen Fan really treats the entire team as his brothers.

"Don't worry, I will go back alive."

"After all, some grudges must be avenged!"

Chen Fan smiled faintly. The purpose of covering the members of Team 11 was to go back and overthrow the four heads of state.

Since water and fire are incompatible, Chen Fan can only face the difficulties.


"Captain Black Magic, we'll wait for you to come back!"

Pete's eyes were full of respect, and this respect was truly from the bottom of his heart.

"Retreat quickly!"

After saying that, Chen Fan led the Death Corps away while firing his gun.

Chen Fan turned on the radar system and kept scanning the surroundings.

With the help of shooting skills, Chen Fan eliminated more than a dozen members of the Death Corps in a short while.

"Captain Mixiu, they split into two teams and broke through from different directions."

"The losses on the Liege side were very heavy, and the entire team was almost killed."

At this time, a member of the Death Corps immediately came to Mixiu to report.

After receiving

They didn't expect the attack power of the Devil Corps team to be so strong.

"Notify the third team to go and support Liege and the others."

"Don't let them escape."

Mixiu was surprised and ordered quickly.

He knew that this time the Devil Corps had only one team to escort this batch of goods.

But he didn't expect the resistance to be so fierce, and the strength of this team also surprised him.


After receiving Mixiu's order, the member immediately retreated.

Chen Fan also found many members of the Death Corps through the system radar, and they all attacked him, which made him feel relieved.

In this way, the success rate of Peter's breakout is much higher.

"In this case, let me try the effectiveness of this period of training."

Chen Fan smiled evilly, then took the gun and sneaked into the jungle directly.

Every time Chen Fan fired a shot, one person from the Death Corps fell directly.

For a while, the speed of the Death Corps' attacks slowed down a lot.

Chen Fan kept shuttling in the jungle, using sniper rifles and rifles in turn.

After such a long period of training, Chen Fan's shooting ability has been improved to a terrifying level.

"How can this person be so strong?"

"When did such a person appear in the Devil Corps?"

Liege was hiding behind a big rock at this moment, extremely surprised at the strength of the opponent.

The shot just now almost took his life.

If it weren't for his years of combat experience that made him sense the danger, he would have died at this moment.

Although he dodged the fatal shot, his arm was still hit.

But he was very surprised that such a person appeared in the Devil Corps.

"Notify Captain Mixiu that we have encountered a difficult guy."

"His strength has surpassed ours and reached the strength of the fifth captain."

"This man should be the captain of the eleventh team."

"I hope he can come to support."

Liege knew that he was no match for Chen Fan, but the news he received seemed to be that this escort team was the eleventh team of the Devil Corps.

But the strength shown by the opposite side was not the strength of a captain of the eleventh team.


The team member retreated after hearing Liege's words.

To be honest, Liege was really afraid of the enemy hidden in the jungle. His shooting skills were too strong. There were less than ten people left in their team until now.

Even he almost died in his hands.

"About the strength of the captain of the fifth team?"

"Looking at this guy, he should be the captain of the top five teams in the Devil Corps."

After hearing the report from Liege, Mi Xiu frowned slightly.

The news they received was indeed that the eleventh team of the Devil Corps came to escort this batch of goods.

So they came this time with the ninth to twelfth teams.

For the sake of safety, the leader of the Corps sent him to lead the team.

But after hearing what his subordinates said, Mi Xiu also understood something.

It should be that the Devil Corps also let the captain of the top five lead the team for safety.

"Okay, at the same time, the Devil Corps loses an important captain, such a loss is not small."

"Tell Liege that I will go to support and make sure to involve him." Mi Xiu replied after thinking for a moment.

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