Chen Fan smiled faintly at everyone.

He saw joy and surprise in the eyes of the members of Team 11.

"Captain Black Magic, it's really you!"

"We all thought you wouldn't come back."

After confirming again, Pete walked up to Chen Fan and said in surprise.

He really didn't expect Chen Fan to be able to come back alive under the siege of so many people in the Death God Legion.

"Do you really want me to die?"

Looking at Pete's excitement, Chen Fan joked.

How could Chen Fan not see the worries of Pete and others.

However, it is really rare to feel this kind of emotion from the members of Team 11.

"Captain Black Magic, what are you talking about?"

"How could I hope you would sacrifice yourself."

"I'm very excited that you can live!"

Pete immediately explained that he had always hoped for a miracle to happen and Chen Fan could come back alive.

Now that he saw that Chen Fan was fine, he felt much more at ease.

"I'm fine. Those people from the Death Corps haven't been able to take my life yet."

"By the way, why are you all gathered here?"

"Why didn't you go back?"

When he was rushing here just now, the system radar suddenly scanned Pete and others.

According to the speed of Pete and others' retreat, they should have retreated a long distance at this time.

"Captain Black Magic, we feel that there is nowhere to go."

"Then we didn't go back to the Corps."

"In order to deal with you, the four heads of state actually chose to abandon our entire eleventh team."

"In this case, they will definitely not let anyone in our eleventh team go."

"Even if we go back, they will kill us to silence us."

After listening to Chen Fan's words, Pete explained.

"What Pete said is right."

"Given the ruthlessness of the four heads of state, how could they let us live? Besides, Boss William is not here."

"We will die if we go back, let alone expose their conspiracy."

"Plus, we all think that you, Captain Black Demon, have sacrificed yourself."

"We plan to stay and find a place to wait for Boss William to come back. We will go back to the legion to seek justice and revenge for you."

For a moment, everyone explained to Chen Fan.

They all knew very well that when the four heads of state chose to do this, they did not intend to let anyone from their eleventh team go back alive.

"So that's it."

After listening to everyone's words, Chen Fan understood why everyone did not choose to return to the legion.

What Pete and others said was indeed correct. In order to deal with him this time, the four heads of state did choose to sacrifice the entire eleventh team.

Even if everyone was lucky enough to go back alive, they would still be killed.

"Captain Black Magic, what should we do next?"

"Boss William is not in the legion, and other people will not believe us."

"All of our team members survived this time because of you."

"In the future, we will only obey you!"

At this time, Pete also expressed his inner thoughts.

Chen Fan came back alive, so it was time for them to start fighting back against the four heads of state.

"That's right, Captain Black Magic! In the future, we will only obey your orders. If it weren't for you, we might have died long ago."

"No matter what, we have to seek revenge on the four heads of state!"

"So many brothers, working so hard for the legion, but in the end they died at the hands of their own people!"

For a while, everyone said angrily.

When they knew that they were betrayed by the four heads of state, their hatred had been transferred to the four heads of state.

Compared to being attacked by the enemy, they hated being betrayed by their own people more.

At this time, everyone wanted to tear the four heads of state to pieces.

"Thank you for your trust in me."

"This revenge must be avenged."

"Since the four heads of state have done this, there is no need for us to be polite."

"But now the four heads of state are deeply rooted in the legion."

"Even if we go back now, they must have a reason to shirk responsibility."

"To deal with them, we need to take a long-term view!"

Hearing the voices of the people in Team 11, Chen Fan was still somewhat relieved.

And in order to gain a foothold in this legion, Chen Fan also planned to cultivate his own confidants.

Now is the time to win the hearts of the people.

After this encounter, the surviving members of Team 11 must have been extremely disappointed with the legion.

"Captain Black Magic, you tell us what to do, and we will listen to you."

"Yes, we will follow your arrangements!"

After listening to Chen Fan's words, everyone immediately expressed.

After Chen Fan's action of covering everyone's retreat, everyone had long been convinced by him.

So as long as Chen Fan gives an order now, they will obey.

"Okay, I know that most of you were forced to join the army."

"Many of you chose to sell your lives for money because you had no other choice."

"But since everyone treats me, Chen Fan, as a brother, I will naturally not let you suffer."

"This time our entire team was betrayed by the four heads of state, and this revenge must be avenged."

"Otherwise we will be sorry for those brothers who died."

"I have an idea. If you support me, follow me."

"If you don't want to, you can leave. I won't force you."

After thinking for a moment, Chen Fan said to everyone in a deep voice.

He was planning to win over the people at this time, only in this way could he really get into the core of the legion and get in touch with the secrets of this legion.

"Captain Black Demon, we are all willing!"

"Just you say it!"

"No matter what you do, we will follow you."

After listening to Chen Fan's words, everyone expressed their loyalty.

Originally, there was no friendship at all in such a legion, but Chen Fan gave them a different friendship.

So no matter what Chen Fan decided to do, they would support it.

"Okay, since everyone is willing, then I will say it."

"I plan to fight against the four heads of state until they are completely solved."

"If you solve them all, you will also get what you want."

Chen Fan directly told everyone his thoughts.

He and the four heads of state are already incompatible, even if he goes back this time, the four heads of state will definitely take action against him.

At this time, Chen Fan is taking advantage of the resentment of the people against the four heads of state to win over the people.

But Chen Fan is very clear about the status of the four heads of state in the legion. Even now, the legion will definitely not deal with the four heads of state for Chen Fan and others.

In order to get rid of the four heads of state, Chen Fan must make the people behind the legion feel that he is more important than the four heads of state.

But it is not possible now.

"Captain Black Magic, we all listen to you."

"The four heads of state betrayed us, so we don't have to obey their orders."

"And we want them to pay the price for this!"

"That's right, Captain Black Magic, we all follow you."

"As for what to do, we all listen to your arrangements!"

After listening to Chen Fan's words, everyone expressed their opinions.

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