Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 20 Fan Tianlei, Commander, they really caught you.

Hearing Gao Shiwei's words, Chen Fan and the others were stunned for a moment. They did not expect that under such circumstances, Gao Shiwei would actually recruit people.

"I'm sorry, Chief, I have no plans to leave the Iron Fist Group yet!"

Chen Fan was the first to say.

"Me too!"

He Chenguang followed closely and also rejected Gao Shiwei's invitation.

"Kang Lei is really lucky to have soldiers like you!"

This sentence has a strong meaning of envy.

Five minutes passed quickly.

"Morning light, how should we go next?"

"Now the Blue Army must have set up an ambush around us, waiting for us to fall into our trap."

Wang Yanbing said.

"Don't worry about this, we have a secret weapon."

He Chenguang looked at Chen Fan and said with a smile.

"Secret weapon?"

The three unaware people looked at Chen Fan curiously.

Chen Fan opened his backpack and took out a computer, which was Tang Xinyi's.

"What's this?"

Looking at the picture on the screen, Li Erniu asked curiously.

"This is the anti-sniper reconnaissance system. It is used by Chief of Staff Fan to search for our traces. You should have been found by this system."

Chen Fan explained while operating the system.

"so smart!?"

After hearing this, Wang and Li came forward, staring at the screen with curious eyes.

"If you see the red dot on it, it's ourselves."

"And this blue dot is the chief. This system can also locate and search. As long as people are in that area and emit temperature, it can find them!"

"I see. I said we were hiding well, but why were we suddenly found!"

The two of them understood immediately.

"The scanning range of this system is within ten kilometers. That is to say, as long as the enemy appears ten kilometers away from us, we can detect it in advance and avoid them."

"Let me go, with this system, wouldn't we be able to easily pass through their blockade and return to the Red Army base?"

Wang Yanbing said excitedly.

"That's right!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Get out quickly!"

"Don't worry, we have to do one more thing."

After saying that, Chen Fan looked at Gao Shiwei and said with a slight apology: "Chief, I have to wrong you again."

"From now on, you will pretend to be bound by us and gagged, so that you can no longer speak. I hope you can abide by this rule, chief, and don't force us to use violence against you."

Chen Fan's tone was very sincere, and Gao Shiwei knew that if he didn't do what he said, this man would really tie him up and gag him with something.

Gao Shiwei smiled bitterly and nodded. All participants must abide by the rules of the exercise. As the commander of the Blue Army, they must set an example.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

"Let's go, someone is already following us!"

At this moment, the screen showed that some blue dots were slowly moving in their direction ten kilometers away, and the enemy had already discovered their traces.

Those blue dots are naturally the high school team.

"Chen Guang, you take them first, and I'll take care of the traces behind.

Chen Fan said to He Chenguang.

"Okay, be careful!"

He Chenguang knew that time was tight, so he immediately led the three of them forward without any further ado.

This time, Chen Fan processed the traces very carefully. Only when no abnormalities could be seen, Chen Fan stopped with satisfaction, then ran wildly, chasing after He Chenguang and others.

"Wild Wolf, the enemy is running in this direction!"

Zhuang Yan pointed at the direction in which Chen Fan and others fled.

"Very good. Company Commander Chen notified all nearby troops to move closer in this direction. People from Lone Wolf Group B, follow me in the car and chase, while everyone else runs forward!"


Everyone sprang into action.

"Bald-tailed wolf, release the unmanned reconnaissance drone and find a way out!"


Soon, after processing the traces, Chen Fan ran three kilometers and caught up with He Chenguang and others.

But a few people stopped in front. They couldn't help but feel a little strange. They came up and asked: "Why did you stop?"

He Chenguang raised the computer in front of Chen Fan, and Chen Fan understood immediately.

It turned out that a large number of enemies appeared ten kilometers ahead. No need to guess, they knew that they were here to surround them.

"Let me take a look at what's going on with Chief Fan and the others. If the enemy discovers them, then we don't have to go over there."

With that said, Chen Fan took the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

Since the location of Fan Tianlei and others exceeds the scanning distance of the system, they can only enter additional coordinates.

After a while, many blue dots appeared on the screen. Counting, the number of people was exactly twenty-two.

"They haven't been discovered yet, let's get over from here."

Chen Fan closed the screen and said.

Everyone set off again.

When they knew that they were still three kilometers away from the blue army ahead, several people started to take a detour.

Judging from the number of blue dots on the screen, there is a Blue Army regiment stationed here, which is far beyond what Chen Fan and the others can contend with.

With the help of Tang Xinyi's anti-sniper reconnaissance system, after many twists and turns along the way, Chen Fan and others finally arrived at the mountain forest where Fan Tianlei and others were placed.

"Commander, you, were you really captured by them?"

When Fan Tianlei saw Gao Shiwei on Wang Yanbing's back, he was extremely shocked.

Chen Shanming and other Wolf Fang warriors also stared blankly at Chen Fan and the others, unable to say a word for a long time. They had never thought that Chen Fan and the others could succeed.

Tang Xinyi and her assistant Xiao He, who were still asleep, raised their heads and looked at Gao Shiwei with wide eyes after hearing Fan Tianlei's words.

"I asked why I haven't been able to contact you. It turns out that you old boy was also arrested!"

Gao Shiwei said with a wry smile.

"Chief, I'm sorry, I was negligent in my duty and failed to protect you!"

Fan Tianlei said with great self-blame.

Gao Shiwei snorted coldly, "Let's talk about your business after the exercise is over."

"You two bastards, let me go!"

After the shock, Tang Xinyi started to get angry at Chen Fan and the other two.

"It's none of my business, he tied you up."

Chen Fan immediately pointed at He Chenguang and cleared the relationship.

Hearing this, He Chenguang had a wry smile on his face, "How about I go and let them go?"

"No, no, no, you might as well just kill them!"

"Then let's tie it up."

"Chen Guang, what's going on with these two lesbians?"

Wang Yanbing on the side asked curiously.

"It was these two lesbians who found you using this anti-sniper reconnaissance system."

"Ah, it turns out it's you!"

"Seeing as you are lesbians, I won't make things difficult for you!"

Li Erniu said in a naive voice.

"Okay, let's rest here for five minutes and then go!"

"Chen Fan, do you really plan to take us back?"

Fan Tianlei asked.

"Why else would we go to such great lengths to tie you up?"

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