"Very good, I promise you!"

"After we cripple the other three heads of state, we will let Team 11 take revenge in person."

"And their situation is clear from above."

"As long as you complete this mission, they can follow you in the future, and the organization will not ask anything."

After listening to Chen Fan's words, William immediately responded.

He knew why Chen Fan was doing this, but at the moment he was more happy that Chen Fan was willing to issue this petition.

"Where are their locations?"

Chen Fan didn't waste any time and immediately asked about the location of Musi's base in Country R.

"The location has been locked by the intelligence team and has been sent to you. Mousse is on a ninja island overseas. After receiving valuable rewards and protection, Mousse will definitely reveal all the secrets."

"I think you know that if this secret is known by Country R, ​​the organization will definitely be blackmailed, and how serious the consequences will be!"

"I have arranged for someone to take you there."

"I hope you can complete the mission successfully. Another point is that if you fail to complete the mission, the entire Team 11 may die along with you." William replied immediately.


Chen Fan nodded and walked out of William's office.

"The organization really values ​​this guy, but he gives me a very good feeling."

After Chen Fan left, the hyena also smiled and said.

I have always heard William talk about Chen Fan, but now that I have met Chen Fan, there is indeed something extraordinary about him.

"He has great potential, and he will be bound to us after this time." William also smiled, with a smile on his face.

It can be said that he is still very happy in his heart.

"Okay! Finish your business quickly."

"It's time for those heads of state to deal with it too."

Looking at William's appearance, the hyena just smiled.

"Poisonous Spider, lead the team to take action immediately."

"Over there at Flying Eagle, let Flash Blast take care of it."

William turned his head directly and ordered to the poisonous spider, while also looking at one of the people behind the hyena.



Poisonous Spider and Flash Boom both responded at the same time, and then they walked out.

After Chen Fan returned to Team 11 to explain some things, he drove directly to the beach.

He knew that William would take care of the other three heads of state of the legion.

Two hours later, Chen Fan arrived at the beach and changed into a speedboat. Head straight towards Ninja Island according to the coordinates.

"Four o'clock sharp."

Chen Fan silently counted the time.

It was estimated that there was still an hour and a half before he arrived at Ninja Island. By the time he had finished observing the island, the sky was getting dark.

According to intelligence, the island is densely covered with jungle.

The island is not too big, but it is not too small, and there is a cliff of nearly forty meters on the island.

The reason why this island is called Ninja Island is because it is a place where ninjas from Country R often gather for training.

Ninjas usually fight in the dark.

Darkness is their main battlefield.

The ninjas have received inhumane training since they were young. Their detection ability, crisis perception ability, and pain tolerance are no less than those of Long Yan's special forces.

Every year, hundreds of ninjas are sent to Ninja Island to continue their advanced training.

Therefore, the ninjas who can come to Ninja Island are generally very powerful!

The reason why this island was selected as a training island is because it has an environment that is extremely suitable for ninja training.

Almost the entire island is covered with jungle, with venomous snakes hiding in the dark, and cliffs tens of meters high.

At this time, in a wooden house on Ninja Island.

The leader of the ninjas, Kishitani Keiichi, was holding a wine glass, his face full of pride.

And it was Mousse, one of the four heads of state.

"Mousse, if the secret you told is true, our Empire will not treat you badly!"

"This secret is worth tens of billions of dollars."

Kishitani Kei knew that Mousse must not have told him completely, but he knew how valuable it was if Mousse only told him some information.

"Willing to serve the Empire of Japan!"

Mousse also smiled and replied.

After learning that William sent people to eliminate Fermi, he knew that the organization had taken action against them.

Since William chose to take action, he should be prepared. If he goes back, he will definitely die at William's hands.

So he came directly to Ninja Island to seek asylum as soon as possible, and he was very confident that the secret he knew could definitely save his life.

"Very well, have a good rest tonight, and I will introduce you to our adults tomorrow."


After hearing what Kishitani Kei said, Mousse also expressed satisfaction.

This shows that he has been taken seriously.


At this time, Ninja Island had gradually expanded in Chen Fan's field of vision.

This is the high seas, and few people know about this island.

Therefore, the security on the island will naturally be relaxed, and some ninjas are even shooting tons directly in the sentry tower.

Chen Fan found a hiding place, stopped the speedboat, and hid the speedboat with pieces of palm leaves.

Sniper rifles, rifles, pistols, as well as some grenades and remote-controlled bombs have become Chen Fan's standard equipment for carrying out missions.

Because the ninja island is too hidden, just finding the ninja island is already very troublesome.

Therefore, Chen Fan didn't know exactly how many ninjas there were on the island.

After arriving at the island, Chen Fan immediately activated his radar skills to detect the terrain on the island.

Looking at the training traces on the island, Chen Fan said secretly.

"It looks like they just finished training."

The cliff is in the center of the entire island. If you look closely, there are traces of ninjas using grappling hooks on the cliff.

The sky gradually darkened, and Chen Fan gradually began to go deeper into the island.

Chen Fan's journey was relatively smooth, because Chen Fan arrived at the island from the front, and ninjas almost all like to be on the dark side.

"Why do you think our boss sent so many people to guard today?"

A ninja yawned and said impatiently: "Since we came to Ninja Island, we haven't seen any outsiders come in. What's the point of getting these sentry towers?"


The ninja on the side hurriedly made a hush gesture.

"It seems that the man who came today has something very valuable to our empire."

"Boss Kishitani arranged so many people, maybe he is worried that someone will come to kill him!"


The ninja sneered and said, "Our island can't even be found on the map. Sometimes a few pirates will come here by accident."

"And there is Boss Kishitani here, what is there to be afraid of? And think about it, who would send such a large-scale assassination operation?"

"Only a few people can come. We have 120 ninjas on our island. Are we afraid of them?" The ninja on the side nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that what he said is really true.

This island is extremely remote, and there are not even a few seabirds coming here to shit.

And this time, the ninjas who stayed on the island are almost all above average in strength.

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