At this moment, Chen Fan had successfully arrived at Kishitani's door.

Generally, only powerful ninjas can appear around Kishitani's room, and the stronger ninjas are out for training, so Chen Fan has no obstacles all the way.

The interior of the ninja base is not large, and Chen Fan can easily cover every corner of the entire base.

"I didn't expect the door to be open?"

Chen Fan was slightly startled, looking at the size of the door, it was as if it was tailor-made for him.

Through the crack in the door, you can see Kishitani in the room, holding the information in one hand, crossing his legs and admiring it.

"You are still naive to think that you will get the money, even if it is the Devil's Legion?"

Kishitani smiled grimly: "This time, if you bring this secret back to the organization, you will have no use value!"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, listening to what Kishitani said, it was nothing more than him wanting to take the secret value obtained from Mousse for himself.

Just as Kishitani was immersed in it, he didn't know that Chen Fan had come behind him!

"Who is it?!"

Kishiya was stunned. The position of the captain was not for show.

When Chen Fan came within half a meter of Kishiya, Kishiya suddenly realized something was wrong and turned his head immediately.

But what was coming towards him was Chen Fan's fist as big as a sandbag, which quickly enlarged in front of his pupils!


Chen Fan showed no mercy. He did not hold back at all and threw a straight punch with the greatest strength.

It was too late to dodge!

Kishiya subconsciously raised his hands up quickly, trying to catch Chen Fan's punch directly.


He still didn't realize Chen Fan's strength.

At the moment when the fist hit his forearm, Kishiya's arm was numb instantly, as if what was coming towards him was not a fist, but a mad beast, rushing straight towards him!

This person's strength is actually stronger than mine? !

Kishitani lost his balance and was hit by Chen Fan several meters away. He then fell heavily on the wall and stopped.

The information in his hand was scattered because he put his hands on it to block. Chen Fan took the information with one hand and put it away directly.

These ninjas are really worthy of their reputation.

Chen Fan was shocked in his heart.

Even if it is placed in the entire Longyan, it is estimated that no one can dodge his punch without any defense, right?

If Kishimoto didn't react to the punch just now, this punch would hit the back of Kishimoto's head!

With Chen Fan's strength, even if he didn't die on the spot, he would lose his ability to move directly.

"The ninja's stern perception ability is really worthy of its reputation."

Chen Fan looked coldly at Kishitani who was lying on the ground.

"People from the Devil Legion!" Kishitani shouted.

But before he could stand up, Chen Fan punched him again.

Every punch went to the vital point!

Kishimoto rolled over and stood up suddenly.

The murderous aura on Kishimoto's body was also instantly released.

The aura exuded by Chen Fan was like a lion!

Masculine and domineering!

And the aura exuded by Kishimoto was like a poisonous snake in the dark.

Feminine and deadly!

Facing Kishimoto, even Chen Fan did not dare to relax easily.

Because he had just passed the system detection, the strength of this ninja was actually comparable to his!

If Chen Fan had not just successfully attacked Kishimoto, it would definitely be a fierce battle!


"Deputy Captain, something bad has happened!"

The technician shouted hurriedly: "All the sentry towers suddenly lost contact! I just called every sentry tower, but none of them responded!"

"And everyone's private channel didn't respond!"

I just tried to contact the ninjas who went out for training, and they were all normal!"

"What? ! "

Hearing this, the deputy captain's face suddenly changed.

Sure enough, his expectation was right!

"I knew that the Devil's Legion would never give up this information so easily! Damn it!"

"Pass my order! The B-level ninjas in the base will assemble within half a minute! The ninjas training around the base will assemble within two minutes!"

"Also notify the ninjas who are training on the cliff. They can see the sentry tower from the cliff. Let them check the situation of the sentry tower! After confirming the situation, reply to me as soon as possible!"

The deputy captain immediately ordered loudly.


The intelligence personnel immediately took action.

Soon, the B-level ninjas in the base gathered immediately, and the ninjas training around the base were rushing towards the base one by one.

"Tanyama-kun! It's bad! The sentry tower cannot be contacted. Please stand on the cliff and observe the situation of the sentry tower immediately! "

The intelligence officer hurriedly said to Tianshanjun, who led the team.

Upon hearing the news, Tianshan immediately returned to the cliff along the rope, and immediately picked up the telescope to look at the surrounding watchtowers.

Seeing the scene on the watchtower, Tianshan's face instantly sank.

"What happened?"

The intelligence officer asked again in a hurry on the phone.

"They were all killed!"

"What? !"

Hearing this, the deputy captain immediately felt bad.

"It must be someone sent by the Devil's Legion! Search carefully for me! To be able to kill all 20 ninjas at the same time, the Devil must have sent more than 20 killers!"

"More than twenty killers logged in, are those ninjas on guard blind? Send people to search quickly! They have only been out of contact for ten minutes, they can't run far!"

"Also, strengthen the defense of B-class ninjas in the base. Their goal is to regain the data..."


At this moment, the vice-captain faintly heard a collision.

But maybe the B-class ninja bumped into something because he was too anxious?

The vice-captain frowned, but then he didn't take it seriously and continued to assign tasks to each ninja.

But the next second, there was a loud sound of metal collision, causing the vice-captain to stop all movements in his hands.

sulfuric acid!

The two samurai swords collided fiercely, and a spark from friction even flashed in the dark room!

Kishitani gasped and looked at Chen Fan, who was slightly vague in front of him, with some fear.

Ninjas are best at fighting in the dark. Not long after Chen Fan attacked Kishitani, Kishitani took the opportunity to turn off the lights in the house.

In an instant, the room became extremely dark.

Kishitani, who thought he could find some advantage in the darkness, never expected that after turning off the lights, it was this person who gained the advantage!

Under radar scanning, no matter how dark or dark the surrounding environment, Chen Fan could observe everything around him extremely keenly.

"How on earth did you observe my figure!"

Kishitani looked at Chen Fan with some horror.

There was only a ray of moonlight in the room.

The night light tonight is very bright, and the ray of moonlight is shining on Chen Fan's body, exuding endless coldness.

Kishitani's actual combat experience is extremely rich, but when faced with Chen Fan's offensive method, he has no way to start!

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