Entering the room, the vice-captain was stunned on the spot.

I saw a mess in the room, the moonlight filtered into the house through the gap, and the pools of blood on the ground reflected the moonlight, exuding endless coldness.

Kishitani knelt down directly in the center, with a pool of fresh blood flowing under his body.

The vice-captain's lips kept trembling as he slowly walked towards Kishitani.


But halfway through, the vice-captain suddenly kicked something with his foot.

When he lowered his head and looked down, even the vice-captain was instantly frightened and screamed.

Kishitani's entire face fell into a pool of blood, and his face was already covered with blood.

Kishitani's revealed face was ferocious, and under the moonlight, it looked extremely terrifying!

"Kishitani!" The vice-captain picked up Kishitani's head, raised his head and shouted.

But at this moment, the deputy captain suddenly noticed that there was still a trace of warmth in Kishitani's head.

The vice-captain reacted immediately and escaped from the pain.

He should have noticed it when he heard the explosion.

In an instant, the vice-captain picked up the radio communication, opened all channels, and shouted to all the ninjas: "Everyone chase him immediately! The murderer just ran not far, he should be in the jungle to the north!"

"Kishitani, killed!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone and gently put down Kishitani's head.

"Wait for me, I will twitch and skin the intruder tonight!"

The other ninjas were shocked when they heard the news and did not react for a while.

"What did the vice-captain say just now? That our boss Kishitani is dead?"

"Did I hear it correctly..."

"No wonder I heard an explosion just now. I thought someone was training and made the sound."

"Wait, so you mean our boss Kishitani is really dead?"

At this time, Kishitani had already rushed into the compound of the base and shouted to the ninjas: "Chase! We must deal with the intruder today! Revenge for the boss!"

"Baga, is it true?!"

Seeing that the vice-captain came in person, it seems that what the vice-captain said is definitely true!

The once invincible boss in their hearts was silently killed by an intruder.

"Twenty people from the left come out of the gate to surround us. Twenty people from the right follow me!"

The vice-captain shouted loudly.


After saying that, the vice-captain immediately led twenty people and ran towards the gap in Kishitani's room.

The other twenty people quickly ran outside.

"Going after me?"

Chen Fan sat leisurely on the roof, watching everything in the courtyard.

Just when the deputy captain entered Kishitani's room, Chen Fan had already used his climbing skills to climb outside and camouflage himself on the roof.

Watching the ninjas approaching the bomb little by little, Chen Fan took out a button the size of a fingernail in his hand.


"It's now!"





In an instant, a series of explosions erupted on the path that the ninjas must pass.

More than twenty B-class ninjas were blown to pieces on the spot!


Hearing the explosion, the vice-captain suddenly raised his hand, "Ten of you, follow me! The other ten rush out! I'm going to see the situation in the base! The Devil Legion may have sent more than twenty people! The other ten continue Chase the intruder!"


After saying that, the vice-captain rushed out with his men.

At this time, Chen Fan had already been waiting for them at the gap for a long time.

When Kishitani and others rushed out of the room, the B-level ninjas had not yet reacted.

Bang bang bang bang...

Chen Fan didn't hesitate at all. In less than three seconds, the heads of the ten ninjas in the room suddenly blossomed!

Until the moment of their death, they may not know how they were killed.

Seeing the tragic situation inside the base, the deputy captain's eyes turned red with anger.

Twenty B-class ninjas were blown into pieces, with limbs and internal organs scattered on the ground!

"Baga! Notify the trained A-level ninja immediately! We must kill all the Devil Legion troops here today!"

The vice-captain stood in the center of the base and roared loudly.

The other B-class ninjas were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

There was blood and broken limbs all over the ground. Although they had seen dead people and had killed people on missions.

But they have never seen such a cruel scene!


At this time, Chen Fan had already installed the silencer on the pistol.

With the climbing skill activated, Chen Fan kept shuttled on the roof like a ghost.

call out--

call out--

There were dull sounds one after another, and the ten ninjas scattered in the courtyard were silently killed by Chen Fan one by one!

"Come here! Follow me to pursue the enemy and avenge my companions!"

The vice-captain roared loudly.

But what responded to him was deathly silence!

As if in the blink of an eye, all the ninjas in the entire courtyard were slaughtered by Chen Fan!

In the entire compound, only the deputy captain stood stunned.

"All ninjas gather immediately! Return to the compound within three minutes!"

The vice-captain held his earphones and shouted loudly.


The ninjas outside the compound quickly ran towards the compound. Although the ninjas who went out for training were not yet A-level, they were all top B-levels, and some had even reached A-level strength.

After dealing with those minions, the remaining ninjas were generally quite strong.

If he insisted on dealing with the deputy captain here, although he was not defeated, Chen Fan would definitely be injured in the end.

The reason why he was able to defeat Kishitani so smoothly just now was because Chen Fan took advantage of the sneak attack and attacked Kishitani first.

If it weren't for the punch at the beginning that made Kishitani lose his composure, Kishitani would be a very difficult character to deal with.

After scanning and testing, this deputy captain had the same strength as Kishitani.

Kishitani stood directly in the center of the compound, and Qin Fan could hardly avoid his sight no matter where he went.

The ninja's sense of smell was extremely sharp, and he would immediately notice the slightest movement.

Soon, Chen Fan activated his camouflage skill and walked towards the mountain.

After all the ninjas returned to the compound, the deputy captain immediately told them everything that had just happened.

"What?! Boss Kishitani was also killed?!"

"How many people came from the opposite side? How could they kill so many partners at the same time!"

"And the boss was assassinated? There should be at least 20 people on the opposite side. How did they sneak into the compound in front of us? He actually knew the boss's room!"

"Is there a traitor among us?"

The ninjas looked heavy-faced and their lips trembled slightly.

The moon was hanging high in the sky, and it was already 11:30 in the evening.

"Half an hour left!"

The deputy captain looked down at his watch and said in a deep voice: "We will start returning home at 3 o'clock tomorrow. At midnight tonight, the Ninja Village Alliance will send 200 people to us!"

"Two hundred A-level ninjas, although most of them are only the lowest A-level, they are still A-level ninjas after all! There is still a clear gap with B-level!"

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