It's true that they are not afraid of death, and dying in battle is also their honor!

But what now?

Can they be called dying in battle?

From beginning to end, he was beaten to death without even seeing his hair. Do you call this death in battle?

What a disgrace!

Listening to the latest situation from the front line, Kawashita's face became gloomy to the extreme.

Yuan Yi's expression on the side was also very ugly.

Even though they had been divided into groups, Chen Fan still did not stop the massacre.

Every time a shot is fired, a ninja's head will be blown off on the spot.

Chen Fan didn't have any sympathy for these ninjas.

You said you are targeting something bad, that you have to target our country’s secrets?

No one on this island can survive today!

The ninjas were all red-eyed, standing there and roaring loudly.

How frustrating is this?

When have they ever been so angry?

Only then can we know that no matter how weak their strength is,

But they are all A-level ninjas.

What does A-level ninja mean?

The entire ninja class is divided into S, A, B, C, and D.

If they can become A-level ninjas, they are already the best in the ninja league.

If they want to become ninjas like them, they must receive inhumane training from an early age, persevere and sacrifice with ten times the perseverance of ordinary people, and finally they can become what they are now.

They are real ninjas, not half-hearted!

But when they faced Chen Fan, they only felt endless despair and powerlessness.

Facing Chen Fan's absolute strength, they had no chance to fight back.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Fan has been fighting around the cliff.

Cliff, hillside, mountain bottom.

Every time he reached the bottom of the mountain, Chen Fan used another disguise skill to disappear from everyone's sight, and then activated his climbing skill to quickly climb to the cliff.

By this time, all the ninjas had gathered.


On the cliff, gunfire and fire were heard again.

Seeing another companion knocked to the ground, the ninjas were about to collapse completely.

"How on earth did he do it! Could it be that he can't teleport!"

"Wasn't he still at the bottom of the mountain just now?"

"Are we not facing just one person, but two people?"

"Impossible! All his actions and signs show that he is the same person!"

The ninjas stood there one by one, their eyes red, shouting hysterically.

They had been completely defeated by Chen Fan.

Chen Fan not only hit their bodies, but also their hearts!

At this moment, Chen Fan had already grabbed a fragmentation grenade.

"three two……"


Chen Fan's eyes turned cold, and at the right moment, he suddenly threw the grenade downwards.

The grenade is exploded in mid-air, so the range of the fragments will be qualitatively improved.

If it were only on the ground, the explosion range would be 180 degrees or even smaller.

But if it explodes in mid-air, the debris will be in all directions!


Chen Fan calculated the time when the grenade exploded accurately down to how many meters above the ground it exploded.

When it was two meters above the ground, the bomb exploded suddenly.

By the time the ninjas reacted, it was already too late.

Although no ninja died directly this time, the debris scattered by the explosion was enough to make seven or eight ninjas instantly incapacitated.

The rest of the ninjas were almost disappointed.

"You are insulting us! You are insulting our character!"

"Come down and fight us if you have the guts! Fight us openly, confront us openly!"

"Yes, if you have the guts, come down and fight us! I'm going to stretch your muscles and peel off your skin!"

The ninjas stood at the bottom of the mountain, furious and incompetent.

Kawashita and Hara Kazuo-kun were also standing in the middle of these ninjas. Looking at the tragic scenes one after another, Kawashita finally couldn't bear it anymore and joined the loudmouth king.

Every ninja was yelling curses and laughing at Chen Fan for being a coward and not daring to come down and fight them.

Looking at the ninjas shouting below, Chen Fan smiled contemptuously.

It seemed that these ninjas had been completely knocked unconscious by him.

In the process of beating, you have even forgotten what kind of thing you are?

Isn't it funny to hear a ninja tell you that he wants to duel you?

Ninjas are not aboveboard things to begin with. Every ninja operates in the dark and takes advantage of the opportunity to carry out assassinations.

Now, Chen Fan is using the same method to deal with them, but they are anxious?

But in the end, Kawashita finally stopped.

His reason told him that he must calm down now!

"Everyone is on standby and retreat first!"

Kawashita paused and gritted his teeth, "If we continue like this, we will definitely be wiped out by him bit by bit and massacred by him!"

"Evacuate them all! While our current casualties are not that heavy, as long as we are here, it is impossible for him to escape from this island without authorization! Our target is only the information on him!"

"After the retreat, I will find time to contact the headquarters and request support from the headquarters!"

Yuan Yi, who was on the side, also started to persuade.

But those ninjas who are already red-eyed, how can they think about this now?

The word retreat no longer exists in their dictionary.

Even if they are not Chen Fan's opponents, even if the gap between their strength and Chen Fan is as big as the sky and the earth.

But they will also flatter their own Bushido spirit, make the final resistance, and swear to die rather than be a deserter!

The Japanese ninjas can be called death warriors.

These people deal with things very extreme. Once a task is not completed well, even if the final result is good and the superiors do not punish them, these ninjas will eventually choose to commit suicide by cutting their stomachs.

Looking at the ninjas who are ready to die, Chen Fan is so happy in his heart.

It's best if they can fully display the so-called Bushido spirit!

It's just right that while they are brewing their emotions, Chen Fan can set up more traps, so that when they rush up again, Chen Fan can take more heads in one wave.

After such a long battle, there are only more than 80 A-level ninjas left out of the 200.

If they just run away in a panic, it will be a bit difficult for Chen Fan to deal with them.

But if they all came up at once, it would be obvious that they were offering him heads.

A head that was delivered to him should not be wasted!

After several battles on the cliff and at the bottom of the mountain, Chen Fan discovered that the ninjas liked to attack along a fixed route.

While the ninjas were still there in impotence and rage, Chen Fan had already arranged remote-controlled explosives on those routes.

Chen Fan returned to the cliff again, and the ninjas were almost done with their injuries, and the fragments of the fragmentation grenade just now had been removed.

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