Squad leader Li Qiang panted and said, "I don't know, but the other party can kidnap the commander under heavy siege, they must not be good people, let's hide here and don't show up."

"When they attack, that's when we rescue the commander!"

"Fortunately, there is a platoon of brothers here, otherwise they might really rush over!"

A blue soldier said.

Although this may be suspected of exaggerating the enemy and belittling oneself, it is indeed the case, and the other few people did not refute it.

"Erniu, do you have grenades?"

Chen Fan asked.

"Yes, when I was at the command center, I picked up a lot of those eliminated soldiers."

"Give them all to me!"


"Keep an eye on them, as long as they show up, stick to them!"


Li Erniu now completely regards Chen Fan as the commander.

Chen Fan crawled forward, stopped when he was still 300 meters away from the swamp, and then began to throw grenades into the swamp.


With a loud explosion, white smoke rose from the swamp, and three blue soldiers who were ambushing there were eliminated.

"It's bad, the platoon leader and the others have been discovered!"

Li Qiang said in a deep voice, his face full of gloom.

"Why hasn't the support come yet?"

A soldier asked in a panic.

In fact, it has only been more than a minute since the battle began. Although the troops next to him rushed over immediately after hearing the gunshots, it still takes some time.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the system radar scanning, Chen Fan knew the position of the blue soldiers very well, and he threw the grenade accurately.

After a while, Chen Fan killed twelve blue soldiers with grenades, and the rest of the people immediately scattered after they reacted.

"Damn it, how come this grenade has eyes!"

A blue soldier saw that the grenade was thrown specifically in crowded places and felt very unbelievable.

At this time, the remaining people knew that they had been discovered and could no longer hide, so they all crawled out of the swamp and were completely exposed to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan was quick-witted and immediately raised his gun to shoot.

The few remaining ambushers all became "dead souls under Chen Fan's gun".

"There really is an ambush!"

Li Erniu saw it from a distance behind and was stunned.

"Erniu, put up the scarecrow repeatedly, pay attention to grasp the time!"


From a distance, the people hiding behind the bunker saw the scarecrow erected by Li Erniu, and they couldn't help but panic, thinking that Chen Fan and his men were about to rush over.

"It's bad, squad leader, they seem to be rushing over!"

A blue army soldier saw the scarecrow suddenly appearing from a distance and exclaimed.

Behind the bunker, Li Qiang saw that his own ambushers had been crippled and the other side was about to rush over again, so he immediately requested support.

"Report, the enemy's firepower is too strong, we can't hold on any longer!"

"Assholes, one platoon can't beat four people, what are you doing?"

"Hold on, support is coming!"

A decisive order came from the phone.


"Everyone hold on, support is coming, we must not let them rush over."

Li Qiang said to several people.

They didn't expect that the plan that they thought was foolproof was not only discovered by the enemy, but also a platoon was beaten to only four of them.

"Chen Fan, the enemy's support is coming, retreat quickly!"

At this time, Li Erniu saw that many enemies had appeared a thousand meters away.

A rough estimate is that there should be no less than a thousand people.

"Stand the straw man half upright, retreat!"

After Chen Fan and Li Erniu joined, he immediately ordered.

After making a false appearance to confuse the enemy, the two of them immediately bent their bodies and ran quickly in the direction of He Chenguang and others under the cover of dense grass.

At this time, He Chenguang saw on the computer screen that more than half of the blue dots in front were moving quickly towards Chen Fan and his team, and he knew that their plan was successful.

Now there were only five soldiers guarding in front of them.

"Yanbing, cover me, I'll go get rid of them!"


Wang Yanbing held his gun and locked his eyes firmly in front.

He Chenguang crawled on the ground and quickly crawled towards the blockade line in front.

Time was running out, and he had to race against time.

Soon, when there were more than 100 meters away from the blockade line, there was no obstacle in front of He Chenguang.

It was an open area without any shelter.

So the Blue Army was more confident about this blockade point. They didn't expect that Chen Fan and his team would choose to break through from here.

He Chenguang rushed out with his head held high, and was immediately discovered by five guards.

"Is that an enemy?"

A soldier saw He Chenguang and said hurriedly.

He Chenguang was still wearing the combat uniform of the Blue Army at this time. They were not sure whether he was an enemy, so they did not dare to shoot randomly.

"Why panic? He is alone. Wait until he comes forward and asks, and we will know!"

The comrade next to him said calmly.

"The enemy should not be so stupid as to rush over like this. Isn't that a suicide?"

In this way, the five people did not shoot, and kept watching He Chenguang rushing forward.

"Stop, which unit are you from?"

He Chenguang, who was very nervous in his heart, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"I am a technician sent by the command center to support you."

He Chenguang said with a smile.

"Technical staff?"

Everyone frowned and looked at each other.

"What's the proof?"

"I'll give it to you!"

He Chenguang stretched out his hand and pretended to take out the certificate from his pocket to show them.

While the attention of the five people was attracted, He Chenguang was so quick that he pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger on them repeatedly.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Before the five people could react, white smoke erupted from their bodies.

"You have been killed. Please abide by the drill rules and stay calm."

After saying that, without waiting for their response, He Chenguang quickly ran towards Wang Yanbing and the others, waving as he ran.

Soon, the two men carried Gao Shiwei and Fan Tianlei on their backs again and ran towards the blockade.

"Asshole, they fell into the trap. Their target is 135 defenses."

At this time, the high school team appeared with the Lone Wolf Group B.

From a distance, he saw He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing rushing towards the Red Army territory through the telescope, carrying Gao Shiwei and Fan Tianlei on their backs.

"Quickly, notify them and let them return to defense!"

At this time, they were still two kilometers away, and it was too late to drive.

"Chen Guang, what should Chen Fan and Er Niu do?"

After crossing the blockade, Wang Yanbing asked.

"We can't control that much anymore. Now the enemy has discovered us. If we don't leave, we will all be finished!"

He Chenguang knew that now was not the time to be indecisive. If he hesitated and the enemy caught up, Chen Fan and Li Erniu would have died in vain.

"let's go!"

He Chenguang glanced at the direction where the gunshots were blasting, gritted his teeth, and said harshly.

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