After the words fell, not only did there not be a sound of welcome in the classroom, but the classroom was unusually calm.

It seems that these people are really serious about him "going through the back door".

But Chen Fan didn't take this to heart. After the introduction, he walked back to his seat silently.

The instructor started to call the roll. At this time, Tang Zihua also sneaked over and said to Chen Fan: "Brother Chen, don't take these things to heart."

"It's not that they don't welcome you, it's just that they haven't recognized your strength yet. They have overcome all obstacles and passed the exam all the way. They must be jealous when you see you coming here without doing anything."

"To tell you the truth, we were disgusted with you when we first met you, but after seeing your true strength, we understood why you were able to enter the Army Aviation Academy midway."

"Here we only recognize strength. They just don't understand Brother Chen's strength yet."

Chen Fan waved his hand with a natural look on his face.

"I know."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "Just let them say what they want. My strength won't be weakened just because of their gossip, right?"

Tang Zihua also smiled and did not continue.

Every time before the class starts, the instructor will give a classroom quiz. These are questions that the instructor creates himself to allow students to consolidate their knowledge.

Each question contains a lot of essence.

"A class is ninety minutes, and we usually take half-an-hour exams."

Wang Ziru also started to get up from the side.

Chen Fan nodded slightly, and questions about fighter planes appeared on the screen in front of the podium.

Soon, the squad leader distributed an A4 paper to each person according to the number of people and prepared to start the assessment.

"This is considered bad luck for the one who took the back door. He will suffer the consequences soon!"

"Without studying for a year or two, he would never be able to answer the questions we take. He can't rely on luck even if he wants to."

"Hahaha, let's wait for the good news that he will get zero marks in the test."

The students were whispering to each other in low voices, but they turned a blind eye to these gossips.

The dean did not reveal all of Chen Fan's identity. This was Chen Fan's suggestion.

With Chen Fan's status, he might be given special treatment, which would be quite unnecessary.

For Chen Fan, I only knew a name at first. After Chen Fan introduced him, I only knew more about him. He was a special soldier,

Chen Fan is no different than the son of a certain big boss. Chen Fan was arranged here with just a few clicks.

I was also very unfavorable about Chen Fan who used the back door.

If Chen Fan fails the test this time, no matter how strong his background is, he will definitely be punished severely.

"The exam begins."

He said seriously, then walked down from the podium and guarded the students.

But just a few steps off the podium, he was startled.

A figure waving a pen quickly attracted him immediately, and this figure was none other than Chen Fan who used the back door!


His brows furrowed slightly.

I didn’t expect this guy to answer these questions?


His speed is weird and weird!

Chen Fan's writing speed was so fast that it was hard to see clearly. If it were any faster, the paper would be covered with sparks.

I originally thought that Chen Fan was writing in a chaotic manner because he was writing so fast, but if he looked carefully, he could see that Chen Fan was writing very rhythmically, and he was indeed writing normally.

There are ten questions in total this time. According to Chen Fan's writing speed, let's compare the answers.

If Chen Fan had written all correct answers, he would have written down the fifth question by now.


He looked at Chen Fan quietly for a long time. From the beginning to now, Chen Fan never raised his head.

Could this guy really be writing blindly?

At this time, Kazuya noticed Chen Fan's writing speed.

Seeing Chen Fan's writing speed, all the students couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

"How can he write so fast? Could this guy really do it through the back door?"

"How is that possible! Look at his writing speed, it must be fake."


"I was watching him from the beginning. Except for a glance when the questions were first shown, he kept his head down while answering the questions and never raised his head."

"Damn, it turns out he was just faking it. I thought he was so awesome."

Frowning slightly, he said: "Quiet!"

The students then turned their heads back obediently, shut their mouths and continued to answer questions.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to observe Chen Fan.

Looking at the text on the A4 paper, Chen Fan has now written the 10th paragraph.

Does this guy really know how to do it, or is he just pretending?


Under the constant gaze, Chen Fan had finished answering all the questions on the screen.

five minutes!

He glanced at his watch and then looked at Chen Fan in shock.

Answered these questions in five minutes?

This guy is actually twice as fast as Li Jian?

Tang crossed his arms and walked slowly to Chen Fan.

"Have you finished answering?"

But even though it was so quiet, it was still heard by the surrounding students.

Shall I wipe it?

The students could no longer hold back their curiosity and glanced at Chen Fan with their peripheral vision.

"This guy actually finished writing?"

"That's not right. Look at the handwriting on the paper. It seems to be very neat. It doesn't look like it was written blindly."

"Is he really some kind of genius? Did he secretly study by himself before? But is impossible to learn this level."

"It's definitely fake. It's impossible for Li Jian to finish his answer so quickly. Is there anyone more evil than Li Jian in the world? Theory comes first every time."

"How could the one who used the back door be so powerful?"

The students were chattering privately, but Chen Fan didn't take it to heart at all.

"Answer finished."

Chen Fan replied softly, and after speaking, handed over the A4 paper in his hand.

Wang Ziru and Tang Zihua were closest to Chen Fan. When they heard that Chen Fan had finished answering the questions and came to check in person, they didn't react at all.

Because with Chen Fan's strength, there is no need to think about it, maybe it will be a perfect score.

And what about them?

It's better to answer the questions for a while. After answering the questions, it's not too late to start gossiping again.

After taking the A4 paper, I immediately made a careful judgment.

The moment I got this A4 paper, I couldn't help but feel stunned.

This guy's handwriting is so amazing!

I saw that the entire A4 paper was written in regular script. Those who didn't know it might have thought that this test paper was printed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would really think that Chen Fan was cheating.

Look at the neat question numbers and the answers.

Suddenly fell into deep thought.

Looking at Chen Fan with a plain face, his eyes were very complicated, but no matter what, there was no doubt in his eyes.

Because all the answers given by Chen Fan were standard answers, and some were even optimized based on the original ones.

And from beginning to end, Chen Fan didn't even raise his head.


That should be impossible. After all, no matter what, cheating would never be done.

Another possibility is that Chen Fan is a genius, a genius even more evil than Li Jian.

If Chen Fan was a genius, all this would make sense.

Just one glance at the questions on the screen and Chen Fan could memorize them in his mind.

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