"We basically have theory classes in the morning, physical training classes in the afternoon, and rest at night."


The students talked one after another, and Chen Fan nodded.

"If you have time, how about a small test in the evening?"

Chen Fan turned his head and leaned on the podium, saying: "If you are willing, I will sort out the knowledge points I taught in class and list various questions to strengthen your memory."

Hearing this, the students paused.

"If you don't have time, you don't need to take the test, go back to the dormitory to study..."

But before Chen Fan finished speaking, the students' enthusiastic shouts filled the entire classroom.

"Who said that! We are willing!"

"I won't go back to the dormitory, teacher, when will we take the exam?"

"I won't go back either. I will go back after the exam. I still need to review the knowledge points in the classroom first!"

The students talked one after another.

Wu Hong and others in front of the screen are now completely shocked. Chen Fan, this kid, can be so abnormal in teaching.

After listening to Chen Fan's two different classes in the afternoon, even Dean Wu Hong was fascinated.

The seniors applauded, and Instructor Tang even wanted to find Chen Fan to ask him about his teaching method!

After listening, Instructor Tang even wanted to ask Chen Fan for a set of questions he had given for testing.

"Old Jiang, Old Jiang, you really brought us treasures this time."

Wu Hong looked at Chen Fan and sighed, "It is our honor to have Chen Fan come to our Army Aviation College!"

In the end, after Chen Fan's constant persuasion, the students finally agreed to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Because if they didn't go to eat, Chen Fan wouldn't test them in the evening...

In the cafeteria today, a particularly incredible scene appeared.

The whole class went out collectively, and everyone held a notebook in their hands, and even took a few glances at it while eating.

This made the people in other classes completely confused.

"Isn't this the class one? What happened to them today?"

"Who knows? Although there are often such people in their class, I know Wang Ziru. He never does this."

"What did they do today?"

Chen Fan did not go to the cafeteria to eat. He went directly to Wu Hong and asked him to allocate a laptop to write textbooks.

Upon hearing Chen Fan's request, Wu Hong took the laptop in front of him to Chen Fan without saying a word.

"Here, take mine and write first. I will personally send the laptop to your dormitory later!"

Chen Fan's idea really suited their wishes.

Because Chen Fan never uses books when teaching, he always teaches in his own way.

Chen Fan himself is a mobile textbook, and this textbook only exists in Chen Fan's mind.

If Chen Fan leaves, students will no longer be able to take such high-quality courses.

Just this afternoon, two classes.

For example, Instructor Tang can finish a small part of a chapter, while Chen Fan can finish a whole chapter directly.

This is the difference!

If Chen Fan turns all his ideas and opinions into textbooks, then even if Chen Fan leaves in the future, their Army Aviation College can send a few instructors to study and barely replace Chen Fan's existence.

After arriving at the dormitory, Chen Fan quickly took out his laptop to work.

After a few minutes of making questions, Chen Fan began to write a brand new textbook, and even the cover had been designed by Chen Fan.

In the evening, Chen Fan came to the study room as scheduled to distribute his new small test papers.

Hearing that Chen Fan was going to take an exam, Wu Hong, Instructor Tang, and those old predecessors also rushed to see Chen Fan's teaching results in person.

Chen Fan gave a total of 40 questions, 20 in the first class and 20 in the second class.

If it were on weekdays, it would take them some time to digest these contents.

What's more, they had to digest several times more content than Instructor Tang taught at once.

But when Wu Hong and his team carefully observed everyone's test paper and answers, these students miraculously all wrote it correctly!

What kind of monster-level teaching method is this?

After the exam, Chen Fan judged everyone's score in class, and finally, all the students in the class got full marks.

"Brother Chen, will you go back to the dormitory with us?"

After the exam, Wan Ziru ran up to him happily, "Brother Chen, your lecture today was really good. I didn't expect that a poor student like me could understand it all! You are my brother!"

"I won't go back yet. I have to go to the dean's office later."

Chen Fan said: "If you have time, you can go back and sort out some questions you don't understand. If you have enough time, you can also investigate where most of the students in our class have problems and where they don't know."

"I will make countermeasures according to each person's situation."


Wang Ziru agreed immediately.

"Tang Zihua, do you have time?" Chen Fan asked.

But when Chen Fan just turned his head, Tang Zihua's figure had disappeared.

When Chen Fan carefully searched for Tang Zihua, he realized that he had already started to ask questions about the puzzles of other students.

This guy is really efficient!

Turning around, Wang Ziru's figure also disappeared.

In the following week, all physical classes were temporarily suspended.

In his spare time, Chen Fan began to write textbooks, and even wrote a special textbook for teachers, which contained various teaching methods.

At Chen Fan's speed, he took a few hours every night, and the two textbooks and thesis were almost completed within a week.

The instructors studied according to the newly written textbooks by Chen Fan every day. During this period, Chen Fan would also take out free time to teach the instructors how to teach.

In just one week, all the instructors responsible for teaching theory, as well as the students in the first class, were studying tirelessly and crazily.

After another week, Chen Fan had preliminarily completed the textbooks.

At the same time, Chen Fan also initially trained a group of instructors.

A week ago, Class 1 crushed the field with full marks.

And a week later, the students in other classes finally understood why Class 1 became so strong in just one week.

When Wu Hong walked into the entire college again, he sighed in his heart.

Since he started at the Army Aviation Academy, he has never seen such a scene.

All the instructors and students are studying and studying hard all the time.

The whole academy is thriving, and several seniors are very moved.

The paper written by Chen Fan was also taken out by several seniors for evaluation.

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