Chen Fan is running so lightly, easily and naturally!

"The reason you're getting more and more tired is because your running form has completely collapsed."

Chen Fan said calmly: "Breathe according to my rhythm, exhale every two steps, inhale every two steps, keep your butt and balls stable, otherwise it will slow down."

"The arms are at 90 degrees, and the hands are relaxed. Your hands are already tense now, and the arms are already at an unknown angle."

"Be sure to pay attention to the landing. When landing, you should land behind your feet and in the middle of your feet, so that you can quickly roll forward until your front feet hit the ground. The sound of your feet when landing should not be too loud, but should be light and elastic."

"If you continue to run like this, your joints will be injured next. When you wake up today, I guarantee that you will not be able to get off the ground."

Listening to what Chen Fan said, the two of them realized how different their current running status was.

They wanted to change it back, but...

They are so tired now!

They are so tired that they are almost speechless, and they are so tired that their consciousness is blurred. How can they still use so much willpower to maintain their condition now?

"But...Brother Chen...we are...too...tired now..."

Wang Ziru panted heavily and spoke word by word.

"Let me help you."

Chen Fan suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

help me?

Before Wang Ziru could react, Chen Fan's figure suddenly disappeared.

Then, there was a sharp pain in the thighs of both legs.


Wang Ziru screamed on the spot. Due to the conditioned reaction to pain, Wang Ziru rushed forward for a short distance, almost hitting the student in front of him.

"Are you awake this time?" Chen Fan asked with a smile.

Wang Ziru complained repeatedly in his heart, but he had to say that Chen Fan's method seemed to be really effective!

"It just hurts a little..."


Before Wang Ziru could finish speaking, Tang Zihua on the side also screamed.

Chen Fan accurately pinched a small piece of meat on the inner thigh, then pulled and twisted it hard.

The severe pain that suddenly came from the inside of the thigh instantly made Wang Ziru and Tang Zihua energetic.

"Do as I just told you and breathe."

Chen Fan said calmly.

Without paying attention to the pain that kept coming from the inside of their thighs, the two of them subconsciously did what Chen Fan said.

Sure enough, after a while, the two started running rhythmically again.

Eagle and Lao Liu, who were standing in front of the finish line and watched, also sighed in their hearts.

They also learned it today. They didn't expect that they would also learn it today. They didn't expect that they could be stimulated in this way.

The vague consciousness of the students was forcibly brought back by the screams.

Coupled with Chen Fan's guidance, the students miraculously gradually recovered.

Even while running, Chen Fan actually gained some military merit points.

After scanning the physical condition of each student, it turned out that some students actually exceeded their limits in the process.

Seeing this scene, Yingying and others couldn't help but admire in their hearts.

Sure enough, Chen Fan might have a talent for teaching?

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan could also teach these students in terms of physical fitness.

In the end, the students all succeeded in completing the task in more than nine minutes and fifty seconds, and some of them even finished in fifty-nine seconds perfectly, or even ten seconds.

Almost every student who crossed the finish line exhausted their last bit of strength and fell to the finish line with a thud.

Except for a few leaders and Wang Ziru, who was physically stronger and could barely stand up, all the other students were spared.

Li Jian's physical fitness is pretty good, but now he is half-bent and breathing heavily.

In the entire team, there was only one person standing with his back straight.

"Chen Fan... nothing happened?"

Old Liu was shocked and was completely confused when he saw Chen Fan's innocent look.

Looking at Chen Fan, he didn't even take a breath, as if he just went for a walk.

Looking at the students lying on the ground, each one was panting like a donkey.

Eagle, who had been watching from the side, was also completely confused.

Although he had known Chen Fan before, he also clearly understood that Chen Fan's physique was extremely abnormal.

But when he saw Chen Fan's strength with his own eyes, he was still deeply shocked by Chen Fan.

Ask yourself, even if these instructors are allowed to come, their physique will definitely not be comparable to Chen Fan.

Although the instructors said that Chen Fan could achieve this result, even after they completed it, they would never be as relaxed as Chen Fan.

Because looking at Chen Fan's appearance, Chen Fan didn't use all his strength at all.

After resting on the spot for half an hour, the students finally regained some strength and finally managed to stand up.

"Let me go, Brother Chen, why is nothing wrong with you?"

Tang Zihua stood up with difficulty and said to Chen Fan who seemed to be fine.

Chen Fan smiled softly and said, "You can do this if you practice more."

Wang Ziru who was on the side also walked over and looked at Chen Fan as if he were looking at a ghost.

"You are really my brother. My brother has never been so cruel to me."

Wang Ziru said with tears in his eyes: "I haven't recovered from your blow yet. Brother Chen, is that really your hand? I even thought it was a pair of pliers that pinched me!"

"Alas, I feel that my physical strength is completely overdrawn now, and there are so many tests to come..."

Hearing this, Tang Zihua's face looked like he was constipated.

Thinking about the next test, Tang Zihua's head was about to get bigger.

"What other tests are there next?"

Chen Fan asked.

The three walked to the lawn and sat down where they were.

"Next there will be tests on anti-vertigo and dynamic vision."

Wang Ziru said in detail: "Anti-vertigo is divided into many small subjects, and dynamic vision is also divided into many small categories."

"I feel that with Brother Chen's level, these two can almost pass with full marks! Your dynamic vision plus anti-vertigo ability has almost reached the full mark level."

"Since you can do hundreds of abdominal rotations without feeling tired or dizzy, and you can even say that nothing happened, then you should have a smooth journey in the next anti-vertigo training."

"If possible, Brother Chen, you can just apply to the instructor for a "After this assessment, you can go directly to the final assessment of dynamic vision and anti-vertigo. "

"After this assessment, you can go directly to the overload training. "

Hearing this, Chen Fan was delighted, "What training?"

"I remember I seemed to have told you."

Wang Ziru said while holding his chin: "It's the electric swivel chair. After you are fixed on it, the chair will rotate at a speed of four circles per second, and you need to throw into the unfixed box during the rotation. "

"This training subject combines anti-vertigo and dynamic vision range into one. Even if the instructors come, they sometimes can't succeed. "

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