Eagle slowly put his hand on the control stick, looked deeply at Chen Fan, and started the final countdown.



"One, start!"

With everyone watching, the seat gradually began to move.

Of course, the current rotation speed is only one revolution per second.

No matter who he is, no matter how powerful he is, his speed will increase bit by bit.

Moreover, several seniors and Wu Hong also had the same intention, indicating that the Eagle must slowly increase its speed. After all, it was Chen Fan's first training, so it would not be good if something unexpected happened.

If something unexpected happened, considering how much those seniors liked Chen Fan, they would have to peel off the eagle's skin!

The instrument displayed Chen Fan's heart rate and various physical signs, monitoring Chen Fan in real time.

After seeing that Chen Fan's body was correct, Eagle slowly moved up a gear.

"Instructor, let's go straight to four revolutions per second."

At this time, Chen Fan suddenly shouted to the eagle.

Four revolutions per second?

Hearing this, Eagle couldn't help but be startled.

Wang Ziru and Tang Zihua also sighed.

"Four revolutions per second... This is what our Brother Chen can do."

Eagle didn't dare to make any decisions regarding Chen Fan's request.

Eagle subconsciously looked at Wu Hong and a few seniors who were standing aside. They still needed to make the final decision on this matter.

After pondering for a moment, Wu Hong looked deeply at Chen Fan and said, "Is your body feeling strange now? If it increases to four revolutions per second, your body may not be able to bear it."

Several seniors also stepped forward to persuade: "Xiao Chen, why don't you mention it slowly?"

But looking at the dean and several seniors, Chen Fan still said firmly: "Don't worry, everyone."

"I understand my own body, so keep adding more."

Wu Hong and the others hesitated for a moment, but looking at Chen Fan's firm look, they could only nod helplessly.

Wu Hong gritted his teeth and said to Yingying: "Yingying, come on."

Now that Chen Fan and the dean have finished speaking, they can see that the data from the sensors is normal.

"Okay, I'll count down by three. After the countdown is over, I'll increase it to four revolutions per second!"

Eagle put one hand on the control stick and shouted at Chen Fan.





The speed of the swivel chair suddenly increased greatly, and there was a buzzing sound of the engine.

After passing the assessment of the fixed wheel in the morning, Chen Fan can still clearly observe everything around him without relying on the system, even though he is now facing four rotations per second.

During the fixed wheel assessment, Chen Fan still felt a little dizzy.

But after adapting, Chen Fan is now completely able to face the dizziness caused by four revolutions per second.

Chen Fan's face was still calm!

Although it has now reached one second and four revolutions, the eagle can still clearly distinguish that Chen Fan is really fine now!

And the data from the sensors are definitely not deceptive. The ones used by their Army Aviation Academy are all the most cutting-edge in China.

Wu Hong and his group were also confused when they saw this scene.

It went up to four revolutions per second, but Chen Fan's body was completely fine?

Although the students watching on the sidelines were a little confused about the data, looking at the green light, they all understood that Chen Fan was not seriously ill now.

Although Chen Fan seemed to be fine now and his physical features were all normal, after more than ten seconds, Chen Fan made no move to aim.

But the eagle didn't think much about it, because the box next to the track was also constantly moving.

Maybe Chen Fan is thinking and predicting the trajectory of the box.

After a few more seconds, Chen Fan, who was sitting on the chair, finally made another move.

"Requesting two more turns!"

Chen Fan shouted loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was filled with the sound of the running instruments.

Did they hear it correctly?

Chen Fan actually wants to add two more turns?

Li Jian, who was watching from behind, was also completely confused. If his dynamic vision was not good enough, or rather poor.

Ordinary students can't even capture Chen Fan's facial expressions.

But Li Jian was different. He could clearly distinguish Chen Fan's expression.

From the beginning to now, Chen Fan's face didn't even show any signs of discomfort.

"Add it."

Wu Hong said in a deep voice.

He is not stupid, so he can naturally see Chen Fan's current situation.

If Chen Fan is really okay now, then he needs to let Chen Fan make another breakthrough!


Eagle responded and the joystick was pushed again.

But this time, the Eagle did not push directly to the sixth turn, but pushed upward bit by bit.

Only after confirming that there was nothing strange about Chen Fan did the eagle dare to continue pushing backwards.

"Six...Brother Chen has really reached the sixth level! Oh my god!"

Wang Ziru looked at Chen Fan with a look of horror, "Tang Zihua, as far as I know, Li Jian completed it in the third revolution before, right? And it was the latest one!"

Seeing Chen Fan who was already in Level 6, Tang Zihua also said in a daze, "It seems so."

At this time, ordinary students like them could no longer distinguish Chen Fan's expression.

Several seniors were also worried about Chen Fan.

Six turns per second is not a particularly scary concept, but throwing accurately in the case of six turns per second is a particularly scary concept!

At this moment, Chen Fan, who was sitting on the chair, finally made a move.

What everyone didn't expect was that Chen Fan seemed to be holding three small balls at the same time!

The eagle leaned on the console with both hands and looked at Chen Fan very seriously.

Did Chen Fan want to throw three directly to increase the hit rate?

Although the success rate of doing so may indeed increase, the failure rate of doing so will also be very high.

Just when everyone was holding their breath for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan had already calculated the flight trajectory of the three small balls in his mind!

Aim and shoot!

Before everyone could react at all, Chen Fan suddenly exerted force and threw all three small balls in his hand.


"Throw it!"

Looking at the three small balls flying out, Li Jian shouted subconsciously.

Hearing this, all the students turned their heads to look.

But they didn't see the ball flying in the air. After that, there were only three thumps of the ball falling to the ground.

The students couldn't help but stand there in a daze, because they didn't react at all to where Chen Fan threw the ball.

In the whole scene, only the instructors and Li Jian could barely find Chen Fan's movements.

The scene that Chen Fan just saw was immediately deeply imprinted in Eagle's mind.

And the lever in his hand was gradually pushed back.

After a few seconds of buffering, the chair gradually stopped.

With the experience that Eagle just gave him, this time, Chen Fan unloaded all the equipment with ease.

"Ah? That's it?"

Seeing Chen Fan walk down from the chair, everyone was completely confused.

Although they didn't see the red ball thrown out just now, shouldn't Chen Fan have only thrown it out once?

Why did Eagle stop the instrument directly after just throwing it out once?

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