Listening to Chen Fan talking about the principle of the falling leaf drift and various operation methods in the back.

The eagle in front was stunned instantly.

It seems that Chen Fan even knows all this?

Feeling the fighter plane gradually rising into the air, the eagle suddenly felt frustrated.

On weekdays, ordinary people would be completely scared by the eagle as long as they reached the roller maneuver.

And looking at Chen Fan's calm appearance, the eagle frowned and even began to doubt his life.

Every time he performed the falling leaf drift maneuver, the students almost thought that the plane was going to crash and were scared to death.

After a long silence, the eagle did not say a word.

"Hello? Instructor? Is there a problem with the communication?"

Chen Fan frowned and said with some doubt.

After these words, the eagle was pulled back to reality by Chen Fan.

"No problem."

Old Eagle took a long breath and said directly: "Do you plan to fly for a while? After landing, I will apply for you to go directly to the plane for training."

Hearing this, Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

What is the point of flying?

Hurry up and let Old Eagle apply for him to go to the plane for training!

"Land, I have adapted to it and can go to the plane for training!"

Chen Fan said directly.


Old Eagle nodded heavily and controlled the plane to go to the training base again.

And the whole process did not even exceed half an hour.

When calling the tower to land again, the tower was also a little confused.

"Could it be that this student has such a poor tolerance that he came down so quickly? It can't be."

"Then why do you say he came down so quickly?"

"It seems so...but I remember he is Chen Fan, the genius student."

"Even if he is a genius, he will have some discomfort when he really goes to the plane for the first time."

The staff of the tower said one after another.

The Eagle, who was flying the fighter plane, was like a fish in water. During the whole landing process, Chen Fan even rarely felt the shaking.

After getting off the plane, Eagle didn't even say hello to Lao Tan. He took out his mobile phone and called someone.

And Chen Fan continued to admire the fighter plane from a close distance.

The operations of Eagle were too simple for Chen Fan.

The only thing Chen Fan had to do now was to practice on the plane himself.

But at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly came.

Dengdengdengdeng! ! !

When Chen Fan turned his head and looked, he found that Eagle was running all the way towards him.

How come it's not three minutes yet, and Eagle has returned the same way?

"Instructor Eagle, what happened?"

Chen Fan asked.

"I have completed the application!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan was immediately happy and asked, "What's the result?"

"Get on the fighter plane!"

Eagle patted Chen Fan on the shoulder and said deeply.


A few minutes later, the tower received another takeoff request.

But this time the voice...

"Whose voice is this? Why haven't we heard it before?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard it either! And isn't the plane requesting takeoff the one that Eagle just flew?"

The tower staff were talking to each other, and just as they were hesitating, Eagle's voice suddenly came.

"It's me, Eagle."

At this time, Eagle had already sat in Chen Fan's position, "Just now it was my student's voice. Next, he will have his first flight training! Request to take off!"

"Tower... Tower received."

The staff said subconsciously.

Why did the things that happened in this hour make them feel a little bit incoherent?

First, Eagle took Chen Fan on the plane, but what happened a little while later?

Eagle landed inexplicably again.

But not long after, Eagle suddenly said that the student was going to have his first flight training? !

"Is the student named Chen Fan about to start flight training?"

At this time, several staff members in the tower suddenly realized.

Although Eagle felt that it was a bit abrupt to let Chen Fan train on the plane so quickly, he had an inexplicable trust in Chen Fan.

Before Eagle finished his instructions, Chen Fan had already debugged all the equipment and fighter planes.

Before Eagle spoke, the fighter plane had already entered the taxiing state.

Chen Fan's smooth operation made Eagle a little unresponsive for a while.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Eagle even suddenly felt like he was training on the plane for the first time.

From beginning to end, every move of Chen Fan was so experienced.

This is because Eagle knew that Chen Fan was flying a fighter plane for the first time.

If someone who didn't know saw Chen Fan flying a fighter plane, they would think that Chen Fan was an old hand who had been flying for several years.

Accompanied by a burst of thrust, the fighter plane was slowly pulled up by Chen Fan.

Before Eagle was about to command anything, Chen Fan had even made a few maneuvers by himself!

Although these were relatively simple maneuvers.

But... this was Chen Fan's first time on a plane!

And Eagle didn't seem to teach Chen Fan these maneuvers.

After some simple maneuvers, Chen Fan seemed to be about to start performing more difficult maneuvers?

Looking at Chen Fan's scolding look when he was operating the plane, Eagle couldn't believe that the man in front of him was actually flying a fighter plane for the first time!

And watching Chen Fan gradually improve from various simple maneuvers to somewhat difficult maneuvers, Eagle had a feeling.

Chen Fan seemed to be constantly adapting!

"Chen... Chen Fan."

Eagle asked with some stammering: "You... Have you really never flown a fighter plane before?"


While talking, Chen Fan did not forget to continue to do maneuvers, and even flew backwards for a while, admiring the beautiful scenery he had never seen before.

Looking at Chen Fan's ease, it seemed as if flying a plane was as simple as drinking water.

Chen Fan was probably the only one who could talk leisurely and elegantly while doing maneuvers!

Time passed by minute by minute, as if Chen Fan was making progress every second.

From the simple turning at the beginning to now being able to make various maneuvers such as sharp turns and rollers, it only took less than ten minutes.

Chen Fan succeeded in every action!

At this moment, Chen Fan pulled the plane to the horizontal direction, and Chen Fan also kept the speed at a stable cruising speed of 400 kilometers.

Could it be...

Eagle's heart suddenly trembled.

Not good!

But before Eagle could speak, Chen Fan had already started to do the Pugachev Cobra maneuver...?


Eagle frowned. Although the maneuver Chen Fan did was very similar to the Pugachev Cobra maneuver.

But what he was going to do was definitely not the Pugachev Cobra maneuver!

Chen Fan pulled up the nose of the plane significantly, using thrust vectoring and flight to achieve high angle of attack deceleration, and combined with rolling maneuvers to quickly adjust the course of the fighter!

As an ace pilot, Eagle was excited about what Chen Fan did, and he was already familiar with it!

What Chen Fan just did was the Herbs maneuver!

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