After the initial preparation, the Eagle Medal Ceremony officially began!

"This year's Eagle Medal winner is very special. This academy has determined that no one's achievements in the past ten years can be successfully compared with this person."

Wu Hong said very seriously.

The students below couldn't help but become curious after hearing this.

This is also a point they have always been puzzled about, that is, why this time the Eagle Medal winner was not voted at all, but was directly determined.

Although they have not been in this school for a long time, they have made great contributions to this school and even the country in the past ten years.

Even if they have been here for a year, they should have heard about it, right?

Some of the instructors below were also very confused.

Most of the instructors here actually have very old qualifications, but in the past ten years, they really didn't expect anyone to make great contributions to the Army Aviation Academy and the country.

The auditorium was very quiet, with only Wu Hong's solemn voice constantly echoing in it.


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the auditorium was excited.

Generally speaking, the winner should be introduced before being invited to the stage.

But how come this year's winner was invited to the stage without being introduced?

Although the students were full of curiosity, the entire auditorium remained silent.

Under everyone's curiosity, a figure stood up silently from his seat.

When Wang Ziru and Tang Zihua saw this figure, they could not sit still.

It turned out that the mysterious winner of the Eagle Medal was Chen Fan!

Watching Chen Fan walk to the stage step by step, the two were surprised and happy.

Their roommate was not officially enrolled from the first day he came.

And on that day, his roommate became their theory teacher, and later even in the physical fitness class, he still became their teacher for a short period of time.

Theory, physical fitness two subjects full marks, went to the training base that day, and got the pilot's license with full marks that day.

"Really, since I met Brother Chen, I feel like I can brag for the rest of my life. "

Wang Ziru muttered in amazement.

Tang Zihua, who was standing by, was also very excited. He watched Chen Fan win the award as if he had won it himself.

Several seniors were sitting in the front row. When they saw that the winner was Chen Fan, they were not surprised at all.

Because Chen Fan deserved the award!

Several seniors looked at Chen Fan with a smile, their eyes full of satisfaction.

Chen Fan was sitting in the front row, very close to the stage in the center. Some students even hadn't noticed who the award presenter was before he was on the stage.

Tang The instructor, the Eagle, and several others stood on the stage and received Chen Fan very solemnly.

Seeing this scene, everyone below was stunned instantly.

Although some of them may not even have spoken to Chen Fan, they are already familiar with Chen Fan.

Because the textbooks they are studying now are all written by Chen Fan himself!

Considering the quality of the textbooks, it is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Fan can lead the existing textbooks by 20 years.

"You may feel very different when you see this year's winner, but if you think about it carefully, it is reasonable for Chen Fan to win the award."

Wu Hong held a gift box in his hand and walked slowly towards Chen Fan.

The gift box contained the golden Eagle Medal!

While walking towards Chen Fan, Wu Hong also began to introduce Chen Fan's achievements in recent years.

What the students knew was just what Chen Fan did in the academy.

And they didn't know about Chen Fan's achievements outside the academy.

"Fuck! So Chen Fan is also a consultant for the latest fighter jets? "

"Are you sure Chen Fan's life is not a cheat?"

"He has researched so many things on his own... How awesome is that? The person in front of us is not just a human being, he is simply a god!"

The discussion from below was endless. Everyone was amazed by Chen Fan's cheating experience.

Wu Hong stepped forward and personally put the Eagle Medal on Chen Fan.

But then, Wu Hong did not continue to speak, but waved to Instructor Tang.

Then, Instructor Tang used both hands to bring another very solemn gift box.

On the gift box, there was also a medal, the medal

Seeing this scene, the people below were dumbfounded again.

Some people may not know the Eagle Medal, but they are very familiar with the medal of the best graduate.

Because they can see this medal every year.

"Chen Fan. "

Wu Hong looked at Chen Fan deeply and said solemnly: "Today, you will officially graduate as a recipient of the Eagle Medal."

"I know that the Army Aviation College is definitely not your future stage. I hope that this Eagle Medal and the Outstanding Graduate Medal will always accompany you in the sky."

"Similarly, I also hope that they will continue to accompany you and witness you, and make more contributions to the motherland!"

Speaking, Wu Hong officially handed the graduation certificate to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took the certificate with both hands, and the whole process was very solemn.

"As a double medal winner, do you have any teachings for everyone?"

At this time, Wu Hong asked.

Chen Fan nodded slightly, but when Wu Hong was about to lead Chen Fan to the podium, Chen Fan waved his hand to refuse.

Chen Fan took a few steps forward and cleared his throat again.

Suddenly, the whole auditorium became quiet.

"What I want to say is very simple."

Chen Fan's voice was not loud, but everyone heard it clearly, "In the next period of time, I just hope that you will have a competitive attitude towards everything."

"Always maintain the concept of contributing to the people and the motherland, that's all!"

The award ceremony ended quickly, and Chen Fan went to get his pilot's license and returned to the dormitory.

"Brother Chen, are you really leaving?"

Tang Zihua looked at Chen Fan reluctantly.

At this time, Chen Fan had packed all his luggage and was ready to leave with his bag.

Although they had only been together for a short month, they were still very reluctant to see Chen Fan leave suddenly.

"Graduation is one thing, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "You will go home in less than half a month, right?"

Hearing this, the two nodded.

Chen Fan was right, the Chinese New Year was less than half a month away.

"I haven't been home much since I joined the army. This time I specially asked for a longer annual leave to go home and spend time with my family."

Chen Fan waved his hand and said, "No need to see me off, the car is waiting for me outside."

After saying this, Chen Fan picked up his luggage and walked out of the dormitory.

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