As if in the blink of an eye, under the leadership of Chen Fan, Zhang Hai immediately moved to the roof.

On the roof, Zhang Hai spotted a lying figure from afar.

"Wu Feng?"

Zhang Hai was slightly startled.


How did he get up there?

If you can run to the roof, then the roof is undoubtedly the best hiding place.

Chen Fan remained silent all the time. Wu Feng didn't even notice Chen Fan until the moment Chen Fan came within one meter of Wu Feng.


Chen Fan said softly.


Wu Feng was about to spurt out on the spot, but fortunately Chen Fan covered Wu Feng's mouth with one hand.

After muttering in a low voice for a while, Wu Feng turned his head and saw that the person behind him turned out to be Chen Fan.

After seeing Chen Fan silently approaching behind him, Wu Feng's shocked look completely disappeared.

He would never believe it if someone approached him silently.

But if Chen Fan does it, then he absolutely believes it 100%.


Chen Fan made a gesture and whispered: "Don't make any noise and follow me."

After saying that, Chen Fan took Zhang Hai and Wu Feng into action.

The radar skill was activated by Chen Fan at all times. With everyone in the blind spot, Chen Fan successfully led the two of them to move their positions.

Chen Fan used radar skills to capture which places he had searched and which places he had not searched.

After all, these nineteen people still have their own arrogance.

At this time, they had no idea of ​​searching as a group.

Chen Fan led Zhang Hai and Wu Feng to a hidden room in advance, which they had not searched yet.

Feeling the presence of these people, it is expected that the door of the house will be opened within a minute.

"Are you ready?"

Chen Fan looked at the two of them and whispered.


The two nodded and hid in the corner arranged by Chen Fan.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, was in a cabinet next to the door.

The room was eerily quiet now.

They can even hear their own heartbeats.

The cabinet where Chen Fan is located is very small, and a normal person cannot squeeze into it.

But... Chen Fan is not that normal person.

From anyone's point of view, they would not go looking for a cabinet that might not be occupied in the first place.





The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Chen Fan made a gesture and the two of them hid themselves.

When the door was opened, the two of them were in a blind spot.

And when they were seen, it meant that he had completely fallen into Chen Fan's trap.

Not even five seconds after hiding.

The door of the house was gently pushed open.


Feeling the figure coming from outside, Chen Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is really a bad fate.

The person who came was none other than the Night Demon who was the first to be beaten.

He thought it would take a little effort when he started, but when he looked at the scarred Night Demon, Chen Fan's worries suddenly disappeared.

Although Night Demon was injured, Night Demon's search was still very precise.

But just a few steps into the room, the door inside the house was closed.

Except for the moonlight scattered outside the room, there was no light in the room.

"not good!"

Night Demon suddenly cursed in his heart. It seemed that he had fallen into a trap.

Just now he got punched by Chu Wu.

If Night Demon cannot successfully capture the person this time, what will happen to him...

Thinking of this, Chu Wu's heart trembled.

But even though he knew he was trapped now, Night Demon didn't panic at all.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if Night Demon is ambushed by the Long Yan Special Forces soldier, he will be able to discover the Long Yan Special Forces soldier immediately and subdue him...

Before Night Demon could take another step, Night Demon's pupils suddenly shrank.

A sound of breaking wind approached rapidly from behind him.

This strength?

Night Demon suddenly cursed in his heart.

What a crime.

Why did we meet that monster again!

And feeling this punch, he was definitely within one meter of himself.

From beginning to end, Night Demon found no trace of Chen Fan.

When Night Demon reacted, Chen Fan's fist had already hit his face.

Night Demon, who was already weak, received this punch, and his vision suddenly went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already tied up and unable to move.

Little did they know that during the period when Night Demon was in coma, the same five people had already been attacked.

After successfully kidnapping a person with each attack, Chen Fan would lead Zhang Hai and the others to move positions and continue the next ambush.

Of course, not all ambushes are as clean and tidy as the one against the Night Stalker.

Among the few people behind, Zhang Hai and Wu Feng had to use all their strength to control the opponent for just a moment.

But fortunately, the nineteen people were not very close together. Even if there was a little movement in the room, as long as the door was closed, the others would not notice it.

As time went by, until the sixth person was secretly eliminated, Night Owl vaguely felt that something was wrong.

But this is Night Owl's personal inference after all, and Night Owl will not speak out until it is confirmed.

It wasn't until Chen Fan and the others secretly eliminated the ninth one that Night Owl finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Because nine teammates had not reported their location for a long time, they contacted them.

Although they did not force them to contact, it was strange that they had not made any movement for such a long time.

While contacting the other nine teammates, Night Owl continued to search.

Night Owl dialed the nine channels one by one, but the only response was the sound of electricity.

"Not good."

Night Owl frowned and immediately called Banzi's channel, "Banzi, maybe they are not passive."

"What do you mean?"

"They are the active ones."

Night Owl said in a serious tone: "If my guess is correct, nine people have fallen into their hands now."

"What?" Banzi was stunned.

"Because nine people have been completely disconnected."

Night Owl continued: "It is very likely that the three of them have now reunited, and the strength of the two Longyan special forces can be ignored."

"But the man they call the boss, his strength, we have to pay full attention to him."

"If the three of them join forces, if they want to silently eliminate one of us in the dark, in the room... it shouldn't be a difficult task given the strength of the man in the lead."

"What do you mean?"

"Act as a group!"

Night Owl immediately dialed everyone's channel, "Two people in a group, continue to act! At present, we have nine team members in their hands!"

As soon as these words came out, the team members were stunned.

Nine...nine teammates have fallen into their hands?

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