Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 29: Battle of wits and courage with the air

Facing He Chenguang's aggressive generals, Deng Zhenhua and Lao Pao naturally couldn't be fooled.

"Big Tail Wolf, have you found any enemies?"

Lao Pao leaned behind the tree and observed, not daring to show his head rashly.


Deng Zhenhua frowned and said in a deep voice.

Although the two sides had only fought for a few minutes, they already understood that Chen Fan's sniper was terrifying. His marksmanship and observation skills were still superior to Deng Zhenhua's.

"Aren't you going to chase me?"

"Then I have to leave!"

He Chenguang continued to be verbally provocative.

However, Deng Zhenhua and Lao Pao did not respond.

"Chen Fan, what should I do? They don't dare to pursue me anymore?"

He Chenguang whispered to Chen Fan who was not far away.

"Don't dare to chase me. That's not good. You should leave first."


"How about you guard the place while I leave first?"

"Forget it, I don't have as perverted marksmanship as you."

He Chenguang said with a smile.

It was only now that he fully realized Chen Fan's power. Not only did he escape from the encirclement twice, but his marksmanship was also perfect. Especially in such a forest, he could actually snipe the enemy from a distance of seven to eight hundred meters. .

If it were him, this would be impossible.

Chen Fan no longer struggled with this issue and said bluntly:

"Only two of them came after them. The other two must have gone after Erniu and the others."

"Sneak around to the other side and follow them!"

Hearing this, He Chenguang suddenly woke up. "Yeah, I'll rush over right now, be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'll be able to follow you soon."

Chen Fan responded calmly.

"Yes, your strength is so abnormal, thousands of people let you run away, let alone only two people~"

He Chenguang smiled bitterly and ran back immediately.

"No, that kid is going to run away!"

Lao Pao said something and wanted to take steps to chase after him.


The bullet hit the tree and almost hit him. Lao Pao was so frightened that he hid back again.

"Oh, there are too many trees and not enough angles!"

Chen Fan sighed.

What he is holding now is a Type 88 light sniper rifle, and it is still a blank bullet, and its lethality is far inferior to real bullets.

If it weren't for the exercise and they had used the Type 10 anti-materiel sniper rifle, Deng Zhenhua and Lao Pao would have been killed by Chen Fan long ago.

"We found the enemy's position, but there is no shooting angle~"

Deng Zhenhua was very helpless and couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart:

"What the hell, did this kid have X-ray surgery?"

Everyone is obviously a sniper, why can the other party hit them, but he can't hit the other party? This is so unfair!

"What should we do? He is guarding there and we can't get through at all!"

Lao Pao said anxiously.

"I think this Red Army sniper should be the strongest in their team. We just need to contain him and don't let him support his teammates."

Deng Zhenhua frowned and said.

"That's all we can do for the time being."

Lao Pao said helplessly.

In fact, Chen Fan could have used his camouflage skills to leave here quietly, or slowly approached Deng Zhenhua and Lao Pao and killed them, but he did not do so.

Firstly, this is too boring, but because of the strength of one or two Wolf Fang special forces, even if Chen Fan activates the camouflage skill, the sound of stepping on dead branches and rotten leaves may alert the two of them.

When it was accidentally exposed, the two of them thought that Chen Fan was some kind of monster and might be caught and sliced ​​into pieces, which was what Chen Fan wanted.

However, Chen Fan had to hurry up now.

During the radar scan, Chen Fan knew exactly where the two men were hiding. What he had to do now was to find a suitable shooting angle as soon as possible to "snipe" the two men.

However, God did not fulfill his wishes.

Just then, a large number of blue dots appeared in Chen Fan's scan, with more than forty people in total.

"Forget it, let you survive for a while longer."

Chen Fa put away his sniper rifle, and then slowly backed away with his camouflage skills. After the two of them could no longer notice anything unusual, they rushed towards He Chenguang.

"Big-tailed wolf, why hasn't the other party moved? Has he already left?"

A few minutes later, Lao Pao couldn't help but asked on the intercom.

"No, the other party has been hiding behind a tree at the three o'clock direction, 700 meters away, and has not noticed any unusual behavior."

Deng Zhenhua, who had been staring closely at Chen Fan, answered with certainty.

What he didn't know was that Chen Fan was already a thousand meters away.

"There's movement!"

Just as the two were battling with the air, a rustling movement came from the southeast. Listening to this sound, you knew that there were a lot of people coming.

"The gunshots clearly came from here. Where are the people?"

said a Blue Army soldier.

"Be smart, be careful of ambush!"

The platoon leader warned.

"It's friendly forces."

Through the scope on the sniper rifle, Deng Zhenhua saw that the people coming were all Blue Army soldiers.

"Shanlang, explain the situation to them and ask them to cooperate to kill the sniper!"

Deng Zhenhua thought that he had not been exposed, so he asked Lao Pao, who had been discovered by the enemy, to shout to the friendly forces.


Lao Pao responded and then shouted at the top of his lungs.

"We are from the Spike Special Forces Brigade, which section are you from?"

"Platoon commander, he is one of our own!"

Hearing this, the blue soldier in the front said.

"There is a sniper at three o'clock, be careful!"

The old man said immediately without waiting for the other party to respond.


The platoon leader immediately said to the soldiers.

"Is there only one sniper on the other side?"


"What are you afraid of? Go at him!"

Just when the old man was about to respond that the other party's shooting skills were very powerful, Deng Zhenhua interrupted at this time.

"Something is wrong, mountain wolf, I suspect that the other party has left!"

"With the other party's sharpness, it is impossible for them not to know that the people from the field company are coming, but they know but don't shoot or run away, which can only mean one thing, that is, he has left!"


After hearing this, the old man was completely confused.

What were they doing just now, fighting wits and courage with the air?

This is too damn embarrassing.

In fact, this can't be said that they are cowardly, but it can only be said that Chen Fan is too stressful. With such a magical shooting skill, who dares to go forward easily when there is no advantage in numbers?

Moreover, Chen Fan had camouflage skills, so he wanted to slip away without being noticed. At such a long distance, the two of them could not detect him at all.

"Are you sure?"

Lao Pao still couldn't believe it. They had been keeping a close eye on him, so how could he suddenly disappear?

Deng Zhenhua didn't answer, but walked out of the bunker directly.

Seeing this, Lao Pao didn't say anything more, and immediately came out from behind the tree, and walked to the place where Chen Fan was just now with Deng Zhenhua on the left and right.

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