The first, second and third floors represent three ages respectively, and the fourth floor is where various indoor training takes place. Chen Fan even saw the overload compartment on the fourth floor through the radar.

Thinking about the armed helicopter he had just seen, Chen Fan was stunned.

Do the students here have to know how to fly a plane?

The fifth floor is where the leaders, instructors and offices of various colleges are located.

"Senior sister, you are here."

At the entrance of the fifth floor stairs, a woman who looked about the same age as Chu Wu and looked very playful and cute greeted Chu Wu.

"Is this the temporary instructor?"

The woman stepped forward and asked.


Chu Wu nodded, turned around and said to Chen Fan: "She will be responsible for handing over to you next. I have a mission and I have to leave first."

"Bye, senior sister!"

The woman waved goodbye to Chu Wu, then turned around and introduced herself to Chen Fan.

"My name is Chu Yuxuan, and I am the combat instructor of the first-year group of the Junior Military Academy. From today on, we are half colleagues."

Hearing this, Chen Fan was stunned.

What kind of world is this...

Why are girls so much stronger than boys in fighting?

Another girl who looks so thin, but in fact, she is a fighting instructor!

"My name is Chen Fan."

Chen Fan smiled politely, and the two shook hands to get to know each other briefly, and Chu Yuxuan led Chen Fan into the principal's office.


"Principal Wu, it's me, Xiaoxuan!"

"Come in."

In the office, the principal's full-bodied voice came.

The principal didn't look very old, probably around fifty years old.

"Are you Chen Fan?"

The principal raised his head slightly and looked Chen Fan up and down.

"Hello, principal."

Chen Fan greeted with a smile.

"Have you understood the basic situation of the school?" asked the dean.

Chen Fan replied: "Chu Wu has told me in detail."

"Well, then Xuan will take you to the dormitory and put your luggage in the dormitory to settle down."

The principal said: "As for which grade you will serve as an instructor, we will send Xiao Xuan to inform you after the meeting."

The dormitory building is behind the teaching building. After walking behind the teaching building, Chen Fan found that this military academy is not as big as it looks on the surface.

Behind the teaching building, there is even a runway of several hundred meters.

And next to the runway, there are several hangars, which contain the latest fighter planes in China.

Coincidentally, Chen Fan arrived at the time when the students were doing on-board training.

Looking at those 18-year-old boys sitting on the plane, it was somewhat out of place.

Chen Fan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Others were in school and dating at the age of 18, but they were already flying fighter planes at the age of 18.

Maybe in another year, if they graduate officially without any accidents, they will have become an unknown hero at the age of 19, silently risking their lives for the country.

Along the way, Chen Fan, this strange face, was really cool.

Wherever he went, he would be greeted with many curious eyes.

It was really strange to see new faces in their military academy.

The only new faces they could see were the new students who came once a year, or the new instructors who came to the military academy at some unknown time.

Could it be that this man in his twenties was their new instructor?

At this moment, in the principal's office.

Several school leaders were sitting on the sofa and talking to the principal.

The principal didn't know much about Chen Fan's strength. As for Chen Fan coming here to be a temporary instructor, it was just a notice from above.

Even if he didn't want to, he had to do it.

This was an order from above, and he couldn't disobey it!

"A young man in his twenties was assigned to be an instructor here with an order from above? Although it's temporary, he must have used the back door, right?"

"But using the back door of our military academy... Is there some unfathomable background behind this young man? I just checked his information briefly, and he is not from a red family."

"What? You said he is not from a red family?"

Several leaders talked about it while drinking tea.

"These are not things we can discuss."

The principal said: "We obey the orders from above, that's the truth."

The leaders were stunned when they heard it, but what the principal said was indeed reasonable.

"But whether he can really stay here depends on his strength, right?"

The principal said meaningfully.

All of a sudden, the leaders understood the deep meaning of the principal's words.

Even if Chen Fan came in through the back door, if he is not strong enough, the school still has the right to expel him.

"You mean to expel that intensive class..."

A leader asked tentatively.

"That's right."

The principal nodded and said, "Second-year D class, this intensive class has only two months left."

"Go let Xiaoxuan notify Chen Fan."

The leaders' eyes lit up immediately.

Second-year D class can almost be said to be the worst class in the entire military academy.

They could barely meet the standards in the first-year assessment, but in the second year, all the students in the second-year D class were completely unsatisfactory in terms of physical fitness and command.

The military academy has now adopted an attitude of letting the second-year D class fend for themselves.

After two months, the second-year D class will be forced to drop out of school for failing to meet the standards.

The academy has even started to prepare the withdrawal procedures for these students. Now, the only thing left for them to withdraw is the assessment in two months.

Chu Yuxuan understood the moment he received the notice that the school meant to let Chen Fan leave.

And Chu Yuxuan had just checked Chen Fan's background.

He is not from a red family at all!

No wonder the school took such an attitude and assigned Chen Fan to the enhanced class as an instructor.

After lunch, Xiaoxuan found Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan, you will be in charge of the second-grade D class in the next period of time."

Xiaoxuan said to Chen Fan while handing the information bag in his hand to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan nodded, took the information bag and started to read it.

Unlike other classes, the second-grade D class has only 30 students, and these 30 students were all assigned to this class later.

To call it better, they call it the second-grade D class.

But in fact, this class is just a strengthened class abandoned by the school.

Chen Fan still had some understanding of the rules of this school. When Chen Fan saw that these students were not good at physical fitness and combat command, Chen Fan immediately knew what the school meant.

Chu Wu told Chen Fan that if any of the students did not meet the standard, they would be eliminated.

In two months, the military academy would assess them again.

If they still did not meet the standard by then, Chen Fan would probably be sent away with these students.

But even though this was an enhanced class, after reading the information in detail, Chen Fan was still slightly surprised.

Even if the students were almost abandoned by the school, they were very talented in other aspects.

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