Chen Fan said calmly: "You want to force me into a corner to attack, but have you ever thought about whether your intention is a bit too obvious?"

After the words fell, Chen Fan immediately punched out his fists.


The two of them were at a loss, but when faced with Chen Fan's sudden punch, they had no time to resist.

After flying back four or five meters again, the two of them hit the ground hard.

Feeling the bursts of pain from their chests, they knew that they were not dreaming.

There really are such strong people in this world!

I thought their plan was perfect, but I didn't expect that their plan had already been seen through by Chen Fan.

Both had the energy to stand up again.


Chu Qingyun, Li Hu, no one chose to stand up again.

Chu Qingyun, who had always been proud of fighting, fell to the ground and fell into deep thought.

Li Hu also looked confused on the side.

It turns out that the gap between people can really be so big.

The other students lying on the ground were also stunned.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan took the initiative to give Chu Qingyun and Li Hu ten moves, but he could still blast them with a hammer.

In the face of absolute strength, any resistance is meaningless.


Chen Fan shouted loudly at the students.

The students endured the pain and got up from the ground to gather together.

Every student's face will be beaten into a pig's head, and his body will be bruised and bruised.

It wasn't until he saw the students gathering that the principal slowly returned to his seat.

Thinking back to the scene just now, the new Chen Fan seems to have some real strength.

From beginning to end, the students didn't even touch Chen Fan.

There are instructors in the military academy who can indeed beat thirty of them like Chen Fan.

But it is almost impossible to be like Chen Fan without being touched by the students from beginning to end.

After this fight, every student was deeply aware of the gap between them and Chen Fan.

But there was no trace of discouragement or discouragement in their hearts.

On the contrary, in the hearts of the students now, more and more they want to become stronger!

Chen Fan put his hands on his back, glanced at the students with sharp eyes, and said: "Now that we have seen the difference in strength, and since we want to become stronger, we must work harder and train harder."

Immediately afterwards, the students were picked out one by one by Chen Fan.

During the fighting process, Chen Fan carefully observed each student. At the same time, Chen Fan also made a training plan for each student that was most suitable for them.

Until it got completely dark and the entire playground was deserted.

The entire intensive class continues to train under the leadership of Chen Fan.

The intensity of their training this afternoon has already exceeded their usual training volume of two or three days.

But now the students don't seem to know how tired they are, and are training crazily on the playground tirelessly.

After seeing how powerful Chen Fan is, every student is eager to become stronger!

Those who are close to vermilion are red, this is the truth.

The two people who train the most diligently are Chu Qingyun and Li Hu.

The arrogance they had accumulated for many years was shattered to pieces by Chen Fan just now.

It was just now that they finally realized how weak they were compared to Chen Fan.

Their arrogance tells them that they have to work hard to train and become stronger.

No matter what, at least they should be able to touch Chen Fan during the next attack, right?

Time passed by minute by minute, but the students had no intention of stopping.

Chen Fan also shuttled between each student, correcting each student's shortcomings.

It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and the surrounding temperature had dropped to below zero.

The students who went out in casual clothes at noon seemed to be unaware of the cold and were training crazily with great energy.

If Chen Fan hadn't forced them to go back to the dormitory to rest, they wouldn't have known how long they would have practiced.

On the way back to the dormitory, the faces of the students were full of reluctance.

This is the first time that they are not so eager to return to the dormitory, but so eager to continue training on the playground.

On the one hand, he was hit by Chen Fan, saw the gap between himself and Chen Fan, and wanted to desperately improve himself.

On the other hand, they really had an inexplicable force to support themselves today. Even though they trained so late, they didn't feel any fatigue.

Of course, all this is the result of the physical strengthening liquid.

If Chen Fan hadn't secretly added these to the soup, normally the students would be lying on the ground too tired to walk.

The reason why the students were sent back to their dormitories to rest was because Chen Fan wanted the students to recover as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you continue to train, there will be no significant results.

With the blessing of the body repair fluid, students will definitely be able to be active again after waking up.

Based on the amount of training today, their physique will definitely improve.

In the fight just now, although they were beaten away countless times by Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan only aimed at the thicker parts, and with the strengthening liquid, they could almost recover from the injuries they sustained after waking up.

That night, it could almost be said that this was the best sleep the students had ever had, bar none.

Overworked during the day, my body had reached its limit, and I fell asleep completely as soon as I fell on the bed.

But the good dream hadn't lasted for a few hours...

At three o'clock in the morning, the students suddenly heard some noise outside.

When they reacted, several tear gas bombs were thrown into the dormitory.

The students woke up from their dreams. Facing the tear gas bombs thrown into the room, how could they still feel sleepy when they just got up?

Although the training mode of the military academy is very strict, in terms of work and rest, at least it is as guaranteed as a normal school.

Every student maintains an extremely good work and rest every day.

Being woken up by the tear gas bomb at three o'clock in the middle of the night is the first time they have come to this military academy!

"Fuck! What happened? What is the school doing?"

"It's three o'clock in the morning. Who threw tear gas in? How can you be so wicked... cough cough cough!"

"Hurry up and put on your clothes and run outside! If we go out with what we have, we will freeze to death now!"

Suddenly, the students hurriedly got up from the bed and put on their coats. If they don't keep warm in the middle of the night, even they can't resist such cold weather.

But when they were about to push the door open, the students were dumbfounded.

This door has been blocked!

"Come out to see me fully armed within one minute."

A familiar voice came from outside the door.

This is in the public dormitory area. Chen Fan didn't want to make such a big noise to disturb the rest of other students.

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