Looking at this posture, is the enhanced class going to challenge them?

Are they looking for death?

But looking at the speed of the enhanced class, Class A was stunned.

This speed is not slow...

Did the enhanced class secretly train during this week?

"What do you want to do?!"

"Hey, aren't you from the enhanced class? What do you mean?"

"Are they going to compete with us?"

The students of Class A looked at the enhanced class in disbelief.

And the students of Class A responded with big fists from the enhanced class.

Within this week, the fighting level of the enhanced class has been improved by a whole level.

Now they are no longer the enhanced class a week ago!


Suddenly, a student of Class A was knocked to the ground.

"Brothers, fight!"

Li Zimo shouted loudly.

When one fell to the ground, almost the entire enhanced class surrounded him and kicked the fallen student hard.

The instructor of Class A was also stunned when he saw this scene.

How desperate is this enhanced class to dare to challenge their A class?

Don't they know the fighting strength of their A class?

But after seeing the offensive of the enhanced class, the instructor of A class felt something was wrong.

Seeing the students being knocked to the ground one after another, the instructor of A class frowned.

Although this was a sneak attack by the enhanced class, the students had no time to react, but they would not be beaten like this by a mere enhanced class, right?

The overall strength of A class is several times stronger than that of the enhanced class.

And the enhanced class is famous for its uneven physique.

The only two who are strong are Chu Qingyun and Li Hu.

But even if they are the two of them, A class can defeat them with a few more people.

But the performance of the enhanced class today surprised the instructor of A class.

Because today's enhanced class is too fierce!

Even Li Zimo, the weak chicken, can stand shoulder to shoulder with the students of A class today?

Obviously, it was not just the instructor of Class A who was confused.

All the students in Class A were also confused.

How did the strength of the enhanced class suddenly increase so fast? !

Seeing the thin man standing behind the enhanced class, this seemed to be the mysterious instructor who took over the enhanced class, right?

Could it be that he trained the enhanced class so hard?

But looking at Chen Fan's body, it was obviously impossible...

"Quick battle and quick decision."

Chen Fan raised his chin and said to the enhanced class.


The students of the enhanced class responded loudly.

After that, the offensive of the entire enhanced class was raised to a higher level.

The enhanced class, which was once crushed by the strength of Class A, was able to gain an advantage in the confrontation with Class A today.

But Class A is not a vegetarian after all.

The title of the first in the second year group is not something that can be blown up by bragging.

The two classes soon fought together.

Suddenly, the two classes attracted the attention of the entire playground.

The training has not officially started yet, and most of the students now come here to warm up on their own initiative.

The whole playground was filled with students from the first, second, and third year groups.

Class A had 40 students, while the enhanced class had only 30 students.

In the eyes of outsiders, Class A was almost certain to win.

Class A was much stronger than the enhanced class, and the number of students in the enhanced class was so small.

But only the fighting Class A would not think so.

Because after they really fought with the enhanced class, they found that the enhanced class now seemed to be no longer the same as before.

Their strength was no weaker than their own!

And they had 40 people fighting 30 people, but they still hadn't gained an advantage.

The attack mode of the students in the enhanced class had also changed greatly. As long as any one of them in Class A fell to the ground, that person would be beaten by more than three people in almost three seconds.

And no matter how much the students in Class A attacked the students in the enhanced class, the students in the enhanced class seemed to feel no pain.

No matter how they kicked them from behind, they would not give up their goal and stared at one person and beat him.

The enhanced class will not continue to change its target until the student has been beaten to the point where he has no fighting power.

In less than five minutes, ten students in the enhanced class A have been beaten to the point where they can no longer stand up.

If you want to beat fewer people with more people, then the enhanced class will have to face the situation of being beaten by more people.

The members of the enhanced class have been injured to some extent at this time.

But this has not affected their fighting power at all. Now the students in the enhanced class are like a wolf and pounce on the entire class A.

In a fight, strength is one aspect, and momentum is another aspect.

If you lose when your momentum goes up, then you will definitely not have a chance of winning this battle.

The momentum of class A has been completely crushed by the enhanced class.

It seems that the enhanced class has a blood feud with class A. Every student in the enhanced class wants to swing his fist and beat him.

The feeling of hitting every punch is so cool!

For a whole week, they fought with Chen Fan for a whole week, but they didn't even touch a hair of Chen Fan.

This feeling was as infuriating as it could be.

They couldn't hit Chen Fan, but could they not hit these students in Class A?

For every punch, the students in the enhanced class almost used all their strength to punch out.

It seemed that only in this way could they wash away the fire in their hearts that had not been dispersed for a long time.

Every time a person in Class A fell, the other students in the enhanced class would immediately rush forward to beat them up, and every student enjoyed this method of fighting.

Until ten minutes later, half of the students in Class A had been beaten down.

At this time, the students watching the excitement on the playground also completely realized that the current enhanced class was definitely not the previous enhanced class.

If it was based on the previous strength, even if Class A gave the enhanced class ten moves, the enhanced class would definitely not be the opponent of Class A.

How did the enhanced class suddenly become so strong after being elusive for a week?

20 people in Class A had fallen, but no one in the enhanced class fell.

This was simply a one-sided crush!

Suddenly, the enhanced class became the focus of the entire playground.

Almost all the classes that came to the playground for training noticed the fight between the enhanced class and Class A of the second grade.

Almost every class looked over and thought that the one being beaten on the ground was the enhanced class.

But after a closer look, everyone was shocked by this brand new enhanced class.

Is this enhanced class still the enhanced class they had in their previous impression?

Now they can actually press Class A to the ground and rub it...? !

Although the students in the enhanced class were also injured and bruised, they attacked like crazy as if they didn't feel any pain at all.

It was as if all the students in Class A were their enemies, and they were as ruthless as they wanted.

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