What is the concept of four seconds? It might just be time to say a word.

And in such a short period of time, Chen Fan actually used bullets to unscrew all six mineral water springs two hundred meters away!

"Four seconds."

Chen Fan frowned slightly and sighed: "His marksmanship has declined a bit."

Li Zimo: "..."

All students: "..."

Brother, would it be a bit offensive to say this?

You know what you can do in four seconds, but we don’t know how long it takes to do it?

How about this Versailles!

At this time, Chu Qingyun, who was two hundred meters away, picked up all the bottle caps.

Every time he picked up a bottle cap, Chu Qingyun's eyes widened.

Because he found that these bottle caps had almost no major damage!

It's not a problem to screw the cap back all the way.

And the bottle cap that Li Zimo just punched out?

It can only be said to be severely deformed!

When everyone was surprised, Chu Qingyun had already jogged all the way and brought back all six bottles of water.

"Report to the instructor, not a single drop of the six bottles of water was spilled!"

Chu Qingyun suddenly stood at attention and reported loudly.


Chen Fan said calmly: "If water is spilled because of this, then I should learn my marksmanship again."

The students' hearts have been completely numbed by Chen Fan's shock.

Compared with Chen Fan, their requirements for themselves are too simple...

"Go get another batch of mineral water bottles."

Chen Fan said: "Within thirty seconds, fifty meters, use bullets to unscrew the caps of six mineral water bottles. I don't think it is that difficult, right?"

"If you can't complete this challenge in one day, if I were you, I would punish myself by not eating and only drinking water for three days."

Hearing this, the students couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Are you saying that if we can't finish the fight in one day, we won't be able to eat in three days?

"If you let the strongest class in your military academy come, can they reach this level?"

Chen Fan asked the students.

"I really don't know...because our school has never had this kind of training."

"It should be possible for the third-year class to complete it. The third-year class A is the class with the strongest average strength in our military academy, and their class is also famous for its extremely high marksmanship."

"Everyone has their own subjects that they are good at, and all members of Class A in the third year are good at marksmanship! And they are not weak in other aspects, and they can all reach the first-class level."

"We have seen the level of Class A in the three-year school before. Their overall level is even better than Class B, which is also a three-year group."

Chen Fan nodded.

According to the students' descriptions, it is estimated that if they continue training until graduation, all members of Class A will be members of that mysterious force.

Although the current intensive class can already meet the standards for the assessment two months later.

But if they want to graduate, their level is far from enough.

At least the students were much different from the people from the mysterious army that Chen Fan saw in Longyan.

Although the students' physical fitness has improved a lot during this period, they still need a long time to settle down if they want to completely catch up with those people.

“They can do it on the first try, so why can’t you?”

Chen Fan asked rhetorically.

The student was speechless for a while, "I..."

"Your talents are not bad, and you are also human beings. Why are they better than you?"

Chen Fan said: "There is only one year difference, but the difference between you and them is as big as heaven and earth."

"I know you are very reluctant when I say this, but this is the fact. If you want to make yourself stronger, you need to work harder and devote yourself to training!"


The students responded loudly.

Under Chen Fan's guidance, the students began training again.

With the help of neural responses and the modified Eagle Eye medicine, the students can train with twice the result with half the effort.

In less than three hours, all the students were almost ready to pass.

They would never have thought three hours ago that they would be able to do this three hours later.

"Don't get too proud too early."

Chen Fan said calmly: "Fifty meters today, 100 meters tomorrow, and 200 meters the day after tomorrow."

"After your physical fitness and combat command are up to standard, your training will begin in a real sense."

What the instructor means is...

Didn't he really train them before?

Does the training really begin after they pass their physical fitness and combat command?

"Instructor, what else do we need to train next?"

Chu Qingyun asked curiously.

"Everything you can think of."

Chen Fan turned around and said to the students: "Starting from tomorrow, get up at six o'clock every morning and have three meals a day as normal."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in a state of excitement!

Is what the instructor said true? !

Get up at six o'clock?

In the past, this was something they would never even think about.

It has become their habit to get up at three o'clock in the morning every day. Likewise, they are also used to having steamed buns and egg soup every day.

Now that they suddenly returned to normal life, they actually felt that normal life was so happy.

"Don't be happy too early."

Chen Fan said: "There will only be more training, not less."

But even so, the students were still so excited that they couldn't stop.

Although Chen Fan said that there would be more training, according to the normal training time, their training time was less than before.

In such a short time, what would happen if Chen Fan trained himself?

But in the following period of time, Chen Fan proved that what he said was right with his actual actions.

Because the following training was not just boring and long physical training. Now the physical training of the students every day was to carry a weight of 20 kilograms and run a lap of 20 kilometers.

Most of the rest of the time, Chen Fan almost devoted himself to teaching the students as much theoretical knowledge as possible.

The gap in physical fitness and shooting skills could not be caught up in a short time.

But the theory was different. With the talents of these students and the cooperation of the words of resonance, the students could learn things that they could not learn in the previous few days in one day.

After running 20 kilometers every morning, the students started the day's course.

According to this high-intensity theoretical course, the students finally couldn't hold on.

It's true that they have high talents, but they are not gods!

But the closer they got to the end, the more they found that their instructor was simply a pervert.

It was as if there was nothing in this world that he couldn't do.

Especially when Chen Fan talked about infiltration with makeup, Chen Fan directly disguised himself as Chu Qingyun to sneak into the class, and then later he even used his mouth to say that the real Chu Qingyun was a fake Chu Qingyun.

"Hey, is our instructor really from Mars?"

In the dormitory, Li Zimo lay on the bed and murmured: "Now when I see Chu Qingyun, I feel a little nervous, because I always feel that Chu Qingyun is the instructor!"

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