The other party wanted to show their power.

And of course he couldn't play according to the other party's routine.

Half an hour later.

The car driven by Chen Fan followed Han Bing's car to a high-end community in the city center.

If he remembered correctly, all the people living in this area were rich people in Chuncheng City.

It seems that the power of the Apostle Organization is indeed extraordinary.

But Chen Fan said nothing.

Soon the three cars entered a luxurious villa.

At the door of the villa, a young man about 35 years old and four young men in their 20s stood there waiting.

Chen Fan glanced at the leader and couldn't help frowning.

Then he used the radar scanning skill PS to scan the entire villa and the five people in front.

First he was shocked, and then he couldn't help but sneered!

"It's a big deal!"

Li Shutong on the side didn't know why Chen Fan said that.

But she didn't speak obediently.

This place has entered the enemy's control area.

Try to say as little as possible unless it is necessary.

Then the three cars drove into the parking lot of the villa.

Ma Laoer had already come over: "Brother Tian, ​​I've heard of you for a long time!"

"You are the one who wants to see me? Are you sincere?"

"Brother Tian, ​​please don't be angry! It's true that I want to see you... but..."

Ma Laoer's explanation was not finished yet.

Chen Fan took out his pistol and pointed it at Ma Laoer's head without saying a word: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! You have to listen to me clearly!"

"Hand over the video and I can spare your life!"

"Otherwise, no matter you or the forces behind you, I promise to make them disappear in Chuncheng!"

The young men of Ma Laoer also took out their pistols when they saw this scene.

But then they were stunned!

Lv Xiaodong and others opened the box truck.

They aimed at Ma Laoer and his four men with heavy and light machine guns with automatic weapons at the same time!

The black muzzle of the gun made people sweat wildly!

"Brother Tian! Brother Tian..."

"I have no ill intentions! I promise I have no ill intentions at all!"

"Haha!" Chen Fan pretended to be a drug addict and shrugged his nose: "You promise? Your promise is useless!"


Chen Fan's pistol opened the safety: "You dare to point your guns at me with just these few guns?"

"Do you believe that I will blow this place up?"

"Put down your guns!"

At this time, Ma Laoer couldn't help but sweat on his forehead!

He hurriedly ordered his men to put down their guns.

It's better to meet in person than to hear about him.

Before this.

Even if you have heard more stories, you can't imagine Chen Fan's moody character.

Ma Laoer's young bodyguards were already very nervous, and after hearing what Ma Laoer said, they immediately put away their guns honestly.

"I'll give you another 5 seconds! Hand over the video, and I can pretend that what happened tonight never happened!"

"If you dare to do anything weird, believe it or not, I'll make a phone call and all the special operations teams in Chuncheng City will have to come and collect your bodies!"

"I believe it! Of course I believe it a thousand times!"

Ma Laoer is indeed a flexible person. He flatters him first: "Everyone knows that Brother Tian is the boss of our Chuncheng City!"

"But Brother Tian, ​​aren't you curious about why I want to see you?"

Seeing that Chen Fan's expression was slightly relaxed.

Ma Laoer hurriedly struck while the iron was hot!

"Brother Tian, ​​don't worry, no matter how we talk tonight!"

"The video will definitely be handed over to you intact after we meet!"


Chen Fan certainly can't just walk away.

Today's meeting is to solve the problem!

Everything just now was just a deliberate illusion he made.

"Brother Tian, ​​please!"

Ma Laoer wiped the sweat from his forehead and made a gesture of invitation to the door of the villa.

Chen Fan turned off the safety of his pistol, laughed and walked into the villa without hesitation.

Li Shutong, Lu Xiaodong and others followed him with their own weapons.

Two Zhulong team members guarded the machine gun on the van.

Two snipers went to the nearby to find a favorable position to set up a sniper position.

Ma Laoer, who was standing by, saw this scene and a strange color flashed in his eyes again.

Then he followed Chen Fan into the gate of the villa.

But at this time, Ma Laoer's face was a little gloomy.

Ye Aotian was so arrogant in his home court.

If it weren't for Zhang Zixiong's plan, Ma Laoer would have turned his face at this time!

As soon as Chen Fan entered the gate of the villa and came to the living room, he couldn't help frowning again!

The camera in the room was expected.

But what about the thing found by the radar scanning skill PS?

Is it the legendary biological weapon?

If that's the case.

This trip seems a bit simple!

But judging from Ma Laoer's confidence and confidence.

Since they dared to invite Ye Aotian to come here to discuss things, they must have been prepared to turn against each other!

This villa can't be that simple!

Chen Fan decided to wait a little longer.

He wanted to see what this Ma Laoer wanted to do!

Although Chen Fan was thinking, it did not prevent him from acting subconsciously.

After taking out the pistol again, Chen Fan installed a silencer on the pistol.

Puff puff puff!

A series of gunshots, in the middle of which Chen Fan even changed a magazine.

In less than a minute, he had already shot down all the hidden cameras in the reception room.

"Just now you said you were sincere, so what's going on now?"

Facing Chen Fan's questioning, Ma Laoer did not get angry but laughed.

"Brother Tian looks very careful!"

"I like to cooperate with cautious people!"

As soon as Chen Fan saw the smile on Ma Laoer's face, he couldn't help but want to go over and slap him in the face!

As a villain, he doesn't even have the most basic self-awareness!

He is still so arrogant when he is about to die!

But for the sake of subsequent plans, he held back!

"Brother Tian, ​​let me introduce myself first!"

Ma Laoer stretched out his hand again: "I am Ma Laoer, the person in charge of the Apostle Chamber of Commerce in China!"

Of course, they know that various organizations in China are very sensitive!

So the official name of the Apostle Organization is the Apostle Chamber of Commerce.

Chen Fan also ignored this Ma Laoer.

He threw the gun on the coffee table and lay down comfortably on the sofa.

As if he was the owner of the villa.

"Okay! Ma Laoer, I've remembered you now!"

"I hope you won't disappoint me next!"

"Brother Tian, ​​don't worry!"

Although Chen Fan refused to shake hands, Ma Laoer didn't feel embarrassed at all: "Since Brother Tian has spoken, I will get straight to the point!"

"Brother Tian, ​​I hope you can join our Apostle Chamber of Commerce and become our Chamber of Commerce's agent in China!"

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