Chen Fan and Zhou Chao's previous precautions during the mission were indeed justified.

Zhang Zixiong is the agent of the Apostle Organization in China.

He has been running the Apostle Chamber of Commerce in Chuncheng for many years.

He did drag some members of the Chuncheng Branch into the water.

During Zhang Zixiong's detention, some members of the branch wanted to cooperate with Zhang Zixiong to complete the suicide operation.

Fortunately, Zhou Chao had already taken precautions and strangled a premeditated suicide in the cradle.

But this made the guards on Ma Laoer and Zhang Zixiong more strict.

The urgency of dismantling the two time bombs was greatly increased.

Zhou Chao originally wanted to use his own strength to dismantle the time bombs in an orderly manner.

In this way, there was no way to delay.

He could only ask Chen Fan for help.

After Chen Fan arrived at the scene, he took the members of the Chuncheng Branch and successfully dismantled the two time bombs in the villa and on Tianzi Mountain in less than 5 hours.

It made the people of other branches ashamed again.

Complete this matter and let go of the knot.

Chen Fan then set off to return to his hometown in Haicheng City.

Chen Zhengjun had already returned home, and the reason for returning home this time was also because of Chen Fan.

Grandma Chen was very surprised that Chen Fan returned home, and she prepared a large table of delicious food.

After a simple lunch, Chen Fan sat on the sofa with Chen Zhengjun.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, and no one spoke.

Chen Zhengjun looked at the slightly stubborn Chen Fan in front of him, and couldn't help sighing: "Didn't you say that you would come back to ask me if you have any questions? Can you tell me now?"

"Yeah! There are some questions!"

But after saying that, Chen Fan didn't know how to start.

This time, the case of participating in the Chuncheng City Branch can be said to have subverted Chen Fan's three views to some extent.

In the past, Chen Fan was exposed to some physical struggles with foreign hostile forces.

This time, he confronted the enemy in the field of ideology.

If it weren't for good luck and killing the other party by surprise, it would be unknown who would win and who would lose.

After a long while, Chen Fan said, "Do the leaders really know nothing about what happened in Chuncheng this time?"

This is what Chen Fan cares about most.

The answer Chen Zhengjun gave him was somewhat unexpected.

"Of course the leaders know!"

"If the leaders didn't know anything about such a big thing, I'm afraid our China would have been destroyed long ago!"

When Chen Zhengjun said this, he looked at Chen Fan with a smile: "Are you going to say next, since the leaders know why they still condone such things?"

"In fact, what I originally wanted to tell you is that if a person's mind is big and the pattern is big, the specific things will become small..."

"On the contrary, if the mind and pattern are too small, everything will be big!"

"Then think about it, will the leaders' pattern and mind be small?"

"No!" Chen Fan shook his head: "Is such a wide-ranging thing still a small matter in the eyes of the leaders?"

"Then it seems that I am superficial!"

As soon as Chen Zhengjun heard Chen Fan's tone and his corresponding expression, he knew that Chen Fan was speaking angrily.

"Haha! All of the above are just to fool others!"

"I'll tell you the truth!"

"Originally, I was going to tell you this answer at least three years later!"

Chen Fan was shocked.

He was very curious about what Chen Zhengjun would say next.

"The reason you can't accept it is because you have given the leaders an image of good people in your heart!"

"Serving the people is such a lofty ideal and pursuit!"

"But have you ever thought that even if everyone really has the lofty ideal of serving the people!"

"But doesn't he have any selfish thoughts?"

"There are people in this world who have no desires, but they are really too few!"

"As long as people have desires, there will be people and things with interests!"

"These people and things combined together become a complicated network of interests!"

"No matter how big the leader is, he is just a member of this huge network of interests!"

"No one dares to say that he has the energy to tear the whole web apart!"

"It's like a giant mantis walking into a newly woven fine web by a spider spirit under the temptation of a spider!"

"Everyone in it I feel like I can't breathe!"

"Not only you and me, but leaders are like this too!"

Chen Zhengjun explained earnestly: "In the minds of leaders, there is no absolute good or bad, only benefits that can be obtained and costs that can be borne!"

"A person dares to openly give you villas, luxury cars and beauties, and tells you without hesitation that you can communicate with your superiors!"

"If you refuse, you will not only offend the person in front of you, but also offend your superiors!"

"You must be thinking, he didn't deal with your superiors, how dare he be so arrogant?"

"I'm just giving an example! The real network of interests is a thousand times more complicated than this!"

"That's why leaders need to weigh the pros and cons when making every decision!"

"Instead of simply distinguishing right from wrong!"

Chen Fan listened to these theories.

Some of them seemed to understand.

But he understood one thing!

No matter how powerful the leader is, it is also difficult to move forward in front of a huge network of interests!

"Xiao Fan, what I just taught you is how to weigh the pros and cons!"

"And what I want to teach you now is that it is necessary to remind you that whether you do good or bad things in the traditional sense, you have to pay a price!"

"There is no need to say more about doing bad things, it is not recognized morally and legally!"

"Doing good things also has a price!"

"Within this week, the results will be announced!"

"And I will resign from all positions in the First Military Region!"

Chen Fan stood up after hearing this: "Why?"

He looked at Chen Zhengjun in shock, and had guessed what his grandfather Chen Zhengjun was going to do!

"Maybe it's because I can't stand it just like you!"

"Your grandfather used to be a pure soldier!"

"Soldiers should stay away from politics!"

"Over the years, with a major move by the country 40 years ago, the power of money has become more and more obvious in this society!"

"Even these mud legs in our army are no exception!"

There are some things that Chen Zhengjun didn't say in detail.

After capital entered China, in addition to the prevalence of materialism, the concept of money supremacy swept the country.

There are also many leaders who are sitting crooked.

Chen Zhengjun continued: "But even if I want to intervene in this incident, I have to pay a price!"

"And this time I am willing!"

"Because I know deeply that the hope of this country and nation must be planted in our generation, but it will take the next generation to reap the fruits!"

"Our next generation's butt must not be crooked."

"You don't have too much pressure, it's not because of you, it's just a trigger."

After Chen Zhengjun finished speaking, he and Chen Fan looked at each other for a long time without saying a word.

A week later.

China's education system almost had a major cleanup.

The Silg members of the First Military Region also completed the replacement of the old and the new at almost the same time.

People who are not aware of the situation will never be able to connect the two incidents together.

People who know the situation privately gave Chen Zhengjun a thumbs up!

Chen Fan didn't understand it until then.

It turns out that even people of Chen Zhengjun's status also have many things that they can't help themselves!

At the same time, he became more determined in his inner thoughts.

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