Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 381 How to repay kindness with kindness

"You are taking revenge!"

"You are deliberately using the army to disguise as fishing boats to enforce fishing in this sea area! Naked revenge!"

"Didn't we just catch two of your fishing boats a few days ago?"

"We can talk about the conditions again! But you have broken the rules now!"

At this time, Ruan Wenhui was furious!

He felt that he was deceived by the other party.

They looked like two shabby fishing boats, but they were actually fully armed soldiers.

If they had known that they were warships, they would have run away!

How could they have taken the initiative to deliver themselves to the door?

"You Chinese are so insidious! We will sue you in the International Court of Justice!"

It is normal for fishermen from two countries to have conflicts.

Conflicts are everywhere in this world, let alone conflicts between fishermen from different countries.

Even people from the same country may have conflicts because of interests.

But the intensity of such conflicts is strictly controlled.

In particular, the army must not enter into similar conflicts.

Ruan Wenhui thought that Chen Fan and others were sent by China to take revenge, but in fact it was not the case at all!


They didn't admit that they were Chinese soldiers.

"You are really good! You even know about the quintessence of our Chinese culture, fishing enforcement!"

It is quite normal to speak Chinese in South Vietnam.

But it is not easy to express the meaning of fishing enforcement so accurately.

"But you should be careful with your words!"

Chen Fan laughed: "Why do you say that we are Chinese soldiers fishing enforcement!"

"You are slandering!"

"Everyone has seen it! This guy is slandering us!"

The other base members nodded while trying to hold back their laughter.

They are sure.

If anyone else saw this scene, they would definitely say: "I, Huang, have no mortal relationship with gambling and drugs!"

But Chen Fan was more concerned about the information revealed in Ruan Wenhui's words.

He immediately looked at Zhang Hao beside him: "Have we sent out the intelligence here?"

"What did the navy say? How did the Maritime Affairs Office respond?"

Ruan Wenhui's meaning was very clear just now.

They used the same method to seize two Chinese fishing boats before.

That's why he thought that Chen Fan and others were soldiers sent by China to carry out revenge.

It's not difficult to verify this information.

And this kind of words were said by the leader of the other party, and it is likely to be true!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan's anger rose in his heart!


Chen Fan laughed strangely and sinisterly, which looked very scary: "Don't you know what you did?"

"You blame us at this time?"

What did you do?

Ruan Wenhui, who knelt on the ground, was stunned!

He didn't do anything special!

"I just seized two fishing boats, did all the men on the boats, and confiscated all their fish."

"Finally, I asked for some compensation from your Chinese officials through some unofficial channels!"


Hearing Ruan Wenhui's shameless words.

All the base members were angry!

Originally, they didn't know much about the disputes between the fishing boats in this sea area.

I thought that at most they would just detain the people and the boat there, and as long as the Chinese officials negotiated, they would be able to get them back intact.

But I didn't expect them to resort to such despicable means!

But think about it carefully.

There is nothing new under the sun!

Of course, the Chinese fishing boats would not honestly allow them to detain them, and the fishermen on the boats would definitely resist.

It is natural for something like this to happen now!

It's just that I didn't think deeply about it when I didn't experience it!

"Captain, I have received a reply here!"

Zhang Hao walked to Chen Fan and whispered: "The navy and our maritime office have confirmed it just now!"

"Five days ago, two fishing boats were indeed detained by unknown armed elements in this sea area!"

"They are trying to find a way to rescue the Chinese people!"

These are all natural.

But they are not the answers Chen Fan wants to hear the most.

Chen Fan: "What about our action this time?"

"Of course I support it!"

Zhang Hao said excitedly: "There are foreign fishing boats that have invaded our Chinese exclusive economic zone, causing huge economic losses to our Chinese fishing boats!"

"All their fishing boats combined are not enough to compensate!"

"So our fishermen spontaneously retained them!"

Zhang Hao was getting more and more excited!

"I just went to see that our two latest hydrogen-powered new energy fishing boats, which are built with the world's top Hextech technology, caused at least 500 million yuan in losses in the collision!"

"Even if we sell all these guys, it's not enough to compensate!"

Chen Fan and other base team members laughed!

Silently raised a thumbs up to Zhang Hao!

Zhang Hao did not shy away from the last sentence.

Ruan Wenhui and his men subconsciously glanced at the two Chinese fishing boats!

Just the bow part was slightly deformed due to the collision?

It actually costs 500 million for this?

Is that so-called Hextech technology so expensive?


Too black!

But now I am the fish and the knife, what can they do?

This moment is just like the time and time of those Chinese crew members before!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan has made up his mind.

"Brothers, let's be careful next time, don't beat them all to death!"

"We Chinese are all pure and kind, we must treat prisoners well!"


Ruan Wenhui, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't help rolling his eyes!

These shameless people said that they were not Chinese soldiers!

Even the fucking treatment of prisoners was said!

But why did I feel relieved when I heard these four words?

Ruan Wenhui finally remembered.

It seems that his grandfather was once a prisoner of Chinese soldiers!

Prisoners of many countries are reluctant to mention their captive life.

But Ruan Wenhui's grandfather was beaming with joy when talking about that period of time!

Not ashamed, but proud.

Because the days they were captured were more comfortable than the days they spent at home!

Unfortunately, that was in the past!

Back to reality.

Ruan Wenhui finally understood what these hateful guys meant by treating prisoners well!

The base members rushed up together and confiscated all their weapons.

They beat them up with punches that avoided their vital points, making Ruan Wenhui and all their men feel like they were in heaven!

What kind of treatment of prisoners is this?

You are selling dog meat under the guise of sheep!

Sending fake goods!

I want to return the goods!

I have freight insurance!

It seems that their previous ideas coincide with each other!

Thinking of this, Ruan Wenhui's eyes widened: "You bastards! I want to protest!"

"You unfilial descendants have forgotten the tradition of treating prisoners well by your predecessors!"

"You didn't treat prisoners well like this before!"

Chen Fan clasped his fists and sneered at the side!

You also know that was in the past!

Treating prisoners well?

Confucius said: "If you repay evil with kindness, how can you repay kindness?"

It's good enough that I didn't get the chance to kill you!

And you treat the captives well?


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