From Ge Yuancheng, I got the information that China had safely brought back the two missing fishing boats and the fishermen on board.

Chen Fan felt extremely relieved.

Finally, this time it was not in vain.

To some extent, it can be regarded as protecting the people of China.

Next, Chen Fan led Yang Hao and others to devote themselves to the preparation work of the Marine Corps.

After continuous inspections by the leaders of the Military Region Navy Headquarters, the entire training base has changed a lot.

Various training facilities are very complete.

The entire camp looks very clean.

Seven days later.

More than 20 military trucks arrived at the Marine Corps training base one after another.

One after another, the navy soldiers jumped off the car and looked around curiously.

Of course, they are no longer recruits.

They are very clear about the rules of the army.

No one will make loud noises at all.


After all the candidates for the Marine Corps selection got off the car.

The squad leader shouted.

Tap tap tap tap.

Everyone immediately trotted to the squad leader, stood still, and lined up.

"Stand at attention!"

"Look to the right! Look forward!"


After counting the number of people, Chen Fan officially completed the handover with the leader of the Marine Corps.

From today until the end of the training camp.

All these soldiers participating in the Marine Corps training will be fully managed and trained by Chen Fan and his base troops.

This is also the authority that Chen Fan applied for from the Navy Headquarters of the Military Region!

Since they are responsible for the training, the rights and responsibilities must be clear!

"Welcome everyone to the future Marine Corps training base!"

"Congratulations on passing the entrance examination for this Marine Corps selection training!"

"But I want to remind you that so far, you have only obtained the admission ticket to participate in our Marine Corps training!"

"You still have a long way to go before you become a qualified Marine Corps member!"

Xu Ke stood on the rostrum and glanced at all the soldiers in the audience: "From now on, you must obey all the disciplines in the base!"

"No one is allowed to contact the outside world without permission!"

"Once discovered, everyone will be kicked out of the Marine Corps training team!"

"If there is an emergency, the base's communication room is open to you at any time!"

It's so strict?

Almost most of the candidates changed their faces when they heard Xu Ke's request.

These people who participated in the entry selection of the Marine Corps were originally naval soldiers.

Many of them have even served on ships for many years.

They have a deep understanding of discipline.

But they never thought that the management would be so strict after entering the training base!

Even if they are special forces, they can't be completely unable to contact the outside world, right?

But this matter is not negotiable.

"Hurry up! Hand in all your communication equipment now!"

The other base members are now transformed into instructors of the Marine Corps.

Under their urging.

All the marines participating in the training took out their mobile phones and other communication electronic devices.

The instructors wrote their names, put labels on them, and then put them in a unified basket to take away.

They will be locked in the safe later.

Fortunately, no one objected.

This is also very normal.

The duty of a soldier is to obey.

All those who came to participate in the training are veterans, and they still understand the rules.

But the necessary procedures still need to be followed.

"I think you all know! The first lesson of the selection is to check!"

Xu Ke said loudly again: "Maybe some of us still have a fluke mentality just now!"

"Still keep your own communication equipment!"

"I emphasize again, please everyone take the initiative to hand over the communication equipment!"

"Once we find it, please leave the training base!"

Although Xu Ke said it very seriously, no one of the naval soldiers below made any extra movements.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan shook his head.

However, Chen Fan did not feel sorry for the soldiers who deceived the leader!

He easily found several naval soldiers who hid their mobile phones through the radar scanning skill PS.

"In that case! Now everyone put down your backpacks and open them in front of you!"


In the sparse responses, everyone took off their backpacks.

Waiting for the instructors to check.


Xu Ke first announced the order for the inspection, and then gave an order.

The instructors came forward one by one and opened the backpacks in front of all the soldiers for inspection.

This is all routine work.

Even the base team members have been the subjects of inspection before, so they are familiar with all kinds of actions.

The inspection was carried out in a quiet atmosphere.

The only sound in the whole place was the sound of rummaging luggage.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, a noise sounded.

The squad leader dug out an old mobile phone from the deepest part of the backpack.

"Now please tell me, what is this?"


The soldier whose mobile phone was found was pale and explained tremblingly: "My relationship with my girlfriend is not very good recently, and I want to keep in touch with her every day!"

"It's really a hopeless case!"

The squad leader was a little disappointed: "As a person who has experienced it, I can tell you responsibly!"

"People with different ideals cannot work together! If a soldier cannot find a like-minded partner, no matter how you keep in touch, it is doomed to be in vain!"

But seeing the fragile look on the soldier's face.

The squad leader thought of the warrior who had a great influence recently.

For a moment, he softened his heart again.

"You are still young! I can understand your current thoughts! Our army is not an unreasonable place!"

"But what is the occasion now?"

"What I can't understand most is that you chose to conceal it!"

"So you have to leave!"


Not only was the soldier stunned!

Others also widened their eyes.

Never thought that just because he didn't hand in his mobile phone, he would go home directly!

But looking at the other instructors who were checking.

Everyone knew that this was not a joke!

They were serious!

In this case, the soldier could only leave the training base with his bag in disgrace.

In addition, other base members also caught several other liars one after another.

All of them were asked to return to their original units.

Two of the soldiers even had their communication devices extended into their crotches.

Unfortunately, in front of Chen Fan, it was destined to be in vain.

The results were also very significant.

Just through such an inspection, the expressions of almost all the soldiers who came to participate in the Marine Corps selection became serious!

Chen Fan then knew.

This time, the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkey was achieved!


It's time to show the surprise gift package they carefully prepared!

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