Chen Fan could understand the feelings of the old man in front of him.

Why do Chinese soldiers work hard every day to practice killing skills?

It is for the safety and health of Chinese people.

The march of these criminals is challenging the bottom line of every Chinese soldier!

"And you must pay attention to safety!"

The leader reminded Chen Fan: "The situation in the chaotic area is very complicated, and the forces of all parties are intertwined. Even if you want to complete the task, you must ensure safety!"

"Don't worry! I know it!"

Then Chen Fan saluted the leader and strode away.

The helicopter is ready, and he will rush to the border where the chaotic area is as fast as possible.

After Chen Fan left.

A military district leader came to the chief's office: "Can he do it alone?"

"If he can't do it, then there is no one else in our military district who can!"

The chief sighed: "This kind of chaotic area is the most complicated!"

"The fewer people there are, the more convenient it is to act!"

"I believe in Chen Fan!"

Then the chief turned his head and looked at the combat staff on the side: "Is there any progress in the interrogation at the government office?"


The combat staff answered without hesitation: "The legal person and all the middle and senior leaders of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company have been controlled!"

"To put it bluntly, they are just a problem of nepotism, there is no worse plot!"

"No need to cover it up."

"It's just a pity for Xiada Pharmaceutical Company. Although it is not a century-old pharmaceutical company in our China, it has a history of nearly 40 years!"

The sigh of the combat staff.

The chief didn't take it to heart.

In fact, the chief himself was also shocked by this thunder.

No one expected such a thing to happen.

Chen Fan on the helicopter was checking the information.

When reporting the situation to the chief just now, I clearly felt that the other party was reserved.

And some of the information handed over to him this time was even marked as confidential.

Although ordinary people often use the term "state secrets" in daily conversations.

But in fact, there is a very strict set of standards for all information to be classified as state secrets.

After Chen Fan finished reading it.

He found that there was indeed a reason why these materials could be classified as state secrets.

After carefully combing through the matter, the root of the matter was still in Xiada Pharmaceutical Company.

This 40-year-old Xiada Pharmaceutical Company can be regarded as the top company among all pharmaceutical companies in China.

The profits in the past five years have been higher year by year.

This year has reached more than 100 billion.

This is related to the continuous investment of pharmaceutical companies in research and development to develop many new drugs.

It is also related to the gradual entry of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company into the physical examination industry in recent years.

Almost 50% of the physical examination companies in China have a certain connection with Xiamen University Pharmaceutical Company.

This has led to a very scary reality.

All the data of Chinese citizens who participated in the physical examination are stored at the headquarters of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company.

It also contains very sensitive genetic testing data of the Chinese race.

This phenomenon was soon noticed by the Chinese government.

It has been quietly monitoring and basically ensuring the security of various test data for several years.

However, as Xiada Pharmaceutical Company continued to grow and develop, it inevitably began to cooperate with foreign medical institutions.

In terms of Western medicine, China still has a qualitative gap with the world's top medical powers at this stage.

The senior management of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company welcomed this phenomenon.

At first, it was ordinary cooperation in research and development of pharmaceuticals, and later it involved orders for medical equipment worth tens of billions.

Under the premise of a market economy, these are irrelevant.

But when Xiada Pharmaceutical Company appointed a child who had studied for a so-called doctorate degree at a foreign fake university as a senior leader, everything changed.

Xiada Pharmaceutical Company's cooperation with foreign medical institutions no longer stopped at the purchase of medical equipment, new drug research and development projects and ordinary academic exchanges.

Foreign medical institutions have intentionally or unintentionally expressed their concern for the personal health data of Chinese people.

And they are willing to spend a high price to purchase the personal health data of Chinese people.

This kind of transaction is strictly prohibited by the Chinese government.

As soon as this sign appeared, it was strangled in the cradle.

But because it did not cause a bad impact.

In the end, it was exempted from processing.

It was just that the senior executives of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company involved were criticized internally.

This led to everything that happened later.

The senior leaders of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company who returned from overseas training held a grudge.

He seized the opportunity to secretly download the data of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company and traded with overseas medical institutions.

This scene was something no one expected.

The legal person and all the middle and senior leaders of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company who were controlled were quite cooperative when facing the interrogation of the government.

Because they knew nothing at all.

As for the real key person, he disappeared after the transaction was completed.

No entry and exit records have been found yet.

It is also unknown whether he has smuggled out of the country or stayed in hiding in the country.

These are the things to be implemented in the next step.

The only thing that is certain is that the people who traded with the senior leaders of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company this time were a group of retired international mercenaries.

And because of the border tragedy.

They were unable to reach the scheduled Chinese border at the scheduled time.

These retired international mercenaries wanted to trade the data they obtained, and they also needed to contact medical institutions abroad in the chaotic area.

According to some confessions of the senior leaders of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company.

The data sold in this package should be encrypted.

I am afraid that the senior leaders of Xiada Pharmaceutical Company will tell the other party the password only after the overseas medical institutions have paid the final payment.

This buys time for Chen Fan.


These retired international mercenaries only need to find a place with network in the chaotic area to send the data packet to the overseas medical institutions.

Even the Daluo Immortal can't get the data packet back.

Seeing this, Chen Fan has a complete understanding of the whole case.

Next, not only do we have to kill all the retired international mercenaries, but we also have to get the data packet back safely and smoothly.

It can be imagined.

Medical institutions abroad will certainly rush to the chaotic area to meet with the group of mercenaries.

All this must be done in a hurry!

Once they complete the transaction, it will be extremely difficult or even impossible to get it back later!


He just received intelligence on the way.

In order to avoid the border guards who strengthened patrols, the group of retired international mercenaries just left the border of China in batches 15 minutes ago.

And there was a conflict with the border guards of China.

This gave Chen Fan room to operate!

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