Chen Fan's speed has been increased to the limit.

Originally, he had enough time to escape.

But he didn't expect Mars to have made arrangements, and the speed of other enemies in the camp was faster than Chen Fan imagined.

If it weren't for his radar scanning skills that could clearly see the position of other enemies.

I'm afraid Chen Fan would have been entangled by the endless enemies and completely stayed in the camp.

This is why even the most powerful individuals cannot fight against the organization before they are completely transcendent!

Unless they can kill the entire organization with their own strength.

Otherwise, anyone who dares to fight against the organization will not have a good end.


Because the organization is just a machine.

All the men in the organization are just pawns of the people in power.

In fact, they can be sacrificed at any time.

Just like these enemies chasing Chen Fan, they can fight for their lives without hesitation.

They only need to leave a wound on Chen Fan or bite off a piece of meat from him.

But Chen Fan can't do that.

He is alone.

People will get hurt, and their fighting power will decline sooner or later. Even if they have fought with more chess pieces, what will happen?

So Chen Fan chose to escape from the weakest point of the encirclement without hesitation.

Never take action unless necessary.

Of course, he will encounter enemies along the way.

However, Chen Fan's camouflage and infiltration skills are very powerful, and in this jungle, Chen Fan can be said to be the king of the jungle.

At this time, Chen Fan didn't even have time to eliminate the traces he had just left.

The first priority is to keep a distance.

Otherwise, if he is always followed by those enemies and defeated, there will be a fatal risk sooner or later!

"Over there!"

"Try harder! We will catch up soon!"

More than 20 retired Black Panther special forces have been chasing Chen Fan closely.

They are just chess pieces, and they have no choice!

Even though they knew that Chen Fan was extremely powerful, they killed a lot in the camp and finally escaped.

At least two-digit teammates died along the way.

But they can only chase him!

Da da da da!

The sound of rifle shooting kept ringing in the jungle.

However, at this distance, with his super strong danger perception skills, Chen Fan was able to avoid it calmly.

But if the distance was a little closer, coupled with the extremely fast speed of the bullet, Chen Fan might not be able to enjoy it.

"Captain, he has been changing positions!"

"But generally he is fleeing to the northwest!"

The Black Panther special forces soldier, who was called the captain, nodded: "We just need to keep compressing his range of activities!"

The Chinese special forces soldier in front is indeed powerful!

But these pursuers don't need to fight desperately!

The side and the rear have already arranged vehicles to chase and intercept Chen Fan on the way he escapes!

The organization can even call on helicopters to intercept from the air!

This guy can't get away!

Despite this.

The Black Panther special forces soldier still couldn't help his horrified look while chasing Chen Fan.

As a serious retired member of the Black Panther special forces, he considered himself to be a master of jungle warfare.

But the bodies found on the road just now.

It was simply horrifying to the captain!

The first two bodies found were also retired Black Panther special forces.

One of the guys had his throat completely cut open, and his death was extremely miserable.

The other one was slightly better, and it seemed that someone had stabbed his heart directly from behind without making any sound!

The captain knew who these two people were.

They were teammates who trained together every day, and one of the two search teams arranged by Mars.

According to the plan, they only needed to intercept Chen Fan on the road for one or two minutes!

Unfortunately, these two people not only failed to complete the task, but also lost their lives!

What's more terrifying is.

Such killing methods are usually used by Black Panther special forces when they abuse some rookie team members.

Once upon a time.

Are Black Panther special forces also regarded as rookies?

When he thought of this.

The captain couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

As the pursuit continued.

They found the bodies of other people one after another.

This is not surprising at all.

Mars originally arranged for these retired Black Panther special forces, who were his confidants, to set up layers of ambushes outside!

The Chinese special forces who were originally used to guard against this raid had other helpers to be used as surprise troops.

However, the opponent had only one person from beginning to end.

The method of killing this two-person team was to pierce the heart directly from the back.

It was as simple as killing cattle and sheep!

It was so scary!

Until the sound of the helicopter propeller spinning at high speed suddenly sounded behind him.

The captain of the Black Panther special forces was relieved!

Since the helicopter has chased in the direction they guided, it is basically impossible for the Chinese special forces to escape next.

The only pity is that the jungle where they are now is too dense.

Even a helicopter can hardly lock Chen Fan's position directly.

The captain's happiness did not last for 1 minute.


When he heard the sound of the river flowing in front of him, his face changed instantly.

As for the possibility that the Chinese special forces on the opposite side could not swim, they had never thought about it!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Let our helicopter fly to the river first!"

Unfortunately, it was too late.

When they rushed to the river bank, the helicopter had just flown to the river for monitoring.

However, the river was calm.

The figure of the Chinese special forces that year had long disappeared.

This river is not a particularly clear river.

The width of the water surface is less than 5 meters.

The captain gritted his teeth: "We still have hope!"

"Even if he holds his breath in the water, the time is limited!"

"We will split into two groups, one to search upstream and the other to search downstream!"

"Sooner or later, we will find him!"

The speed of running on the shore is much faster than the speed of swimming in the river.

They just don't believe it!

Can this guy hold his breath in the river?

More than 20 people quickly divided into two teams.

One on the left and one on the right searched upstream and downstream respectively.

The captain stayed where he was.

After all, there is a possibility that the Chinese special forces could hold their breath in the water!

But they probably never dreamed of it!

At this time, in a bush about 30 meters behind them.

A pair of eyes were quietly looking at them.

It was Chen Fan in a ghillie suit.

He did jump into the water.

But he quickly swam less than 10 meters downstream, and swam to the shore with the help of camouflage and infiltration skills to blend into the environment.

When everyone thought he had left along the river.

Chen Fan quietly came to the rear of these enemies.

If it weren't for these people chasing him, I'm afraid he really left!

And now.

Chen Fan turned around and looked behind him.

He needed to let Mars know that threatening the Chinese special forces would cost a price!

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