"The other party has a smoke helmet?"

Hearing the words of the fourth company commander, Huo Gang frowned.

As far as he knew, among all the troops participating in the exercise, only the Wolf Fang special forces had special equipment like this.

"It should be the trophies obtained from the 'sacrificed' Wolf Fang warriors."

Huo Gang frowned and thought.

Pulling back his thoughts, Huo Gang picked up his binoculars and looked at the intersection ahead.

By this time, the smoke had slowly dissipated, and there were dozens more "bodies" on the road.

Because Chen Fan is blocking the Blue Army here, those people killed by Chen Fan can hinder the advancement of the Blue Army. Therefore, factors that can affect the battle situation like this, they can only stay where they are and cannot leave. This undoubtedly adds to the difficulty for the Blues.

"There is really only one person on the other side?"

Although he already knew the answer, Huo Gang still asked without giving up.

The Fourth Company is the most powerful in the 105th Regiment. If even they can't rush through, won't they be stopped here?

Hearing Huo Gang's question, the fourth company commander nodded with a wry smile, "Make sure, there is only one person on the other side!"

"He occupies a geographical advantage. Although we have more people, it is difficult for the soldiers to hit him."

"Where are our snipers?"

"The sniper can only have a shooting angle after exiting this intersection, but the opponent will not give the sniper a chance at all. The sniper has been killed by the opponent before he can find a suitable shooting point!"

Hearing this, Huo Gang felt a sense of depression rising in his heart, which made him panic.

There was only one person on the other side, and they intercepted thousands of their troops here. Since joining the army, he has never fought such a frustrating battle.

If this spreads out, maybe his comrades in the same period will laugh at him.

Huo Gang really wanted to meet Chen Fan in person, but he estimated that as soon as he showed his face, the other party would take him away with a shot, which would make him even more aggrieved.

"Captain, how about we call for support and let them cover this hilltop with artillery fire."

The fourth company commander saw that Huo Gang was silent, so he spoke.

This is undoubtedly the best way at the moment. Their losses have already been great enough. Facts have proved that forcing the enemy to break in is just to kill the opponent and increase their achievements.

"At present, it seems that this is the only way."

Huo Gang murmured, and then said to the correspondent: "Explain the situation to the headquarters and ask them to send fighter planes over."


At the same time, on the other side, He Chenguang had already escorted the Blue Army commander and Fan Tianlei, leaving the cave and heading towards the Red Army base.

They were not moving very fast. After all, they had traveled long distances for a day and night, and they had not had anything to drink or eat for a long time. The three of them were all a little exhausted at this time.

He Chenguang was okay, after all, young people have good physical strength, but the Blue Army Commander and Fan Tianlei were not so good. After a huge physical exertion, their mental state was obviously not as good as He Chenguang's.

"Stop, take a rest here."

He Chenguang also noticed the two people's predicament, so he stopped them.

When the two heard this, they didn't say anything. They all stopped. They found a seat and sat down with their eyes closed to rest. They were too tired and didn't want to say another word.

He Chenguang also found a seat and sat down. Although he did not keep an eye on the two of them, his attention was basically on them.

Now that he was almost back within the territory of the Red Army, he didn't want any more accidents to happen to his eyes at this juncture.

"Put your hands up!"

At this moment, a voice came over suddenly.

The sudden sound shocked the three of them, and then they all looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Red Army soldiers appearing more than ten meters away from them, pointing guns at them.

And at this moment, there was a rustling sound coming from the surroundings, and six more Red Army soldiers appeared one after another, with their guns pointed at them without exception.

It turned out that they were a team sent by the Red Army to investigate the situation. They met He Chenguang and the other three here, so they set up an ambush.

"One of our own!"

He Chenguang shouted immediately, and then wanted to stand up and greet him.

"Put the gun down!"

He Chenguang was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was still wearing Blue Army clothes.

"Don't shoot, I'll let go!"

He Chenguang put down his gun, and then said: "I am He Chenguang from the Fourth Company of Sharpshooters of the Iron Fist Regiment. In order to complete the mission, I wore the clothes of the Blue Army. I will take them off now."

After saying that, He Chenguang started to unbutton his clothes carefully.

Seeing He Chenguang making a move, the seven people immediately tightened their grip on the gun. However, they did not stop He Chenguang. However, as long as they sensed something was wrong, they would pull the trigger at any time and beat He Chenguang into a sieve.

He Chenguang unbuttoned the buttons one by one, and then slowly opened them, revealing the combat uniform of a Red Army soldier inside.

"See, I'm really one of my own."

He Chenguang said with a smile, and then took off the entire Blue Army clothes.

When the seven people saw this, they put away their guns, and then looked at the Blue Army Commander and Fan Tianlei.

"Hello, Chief!"

Only then did the seven people see clearly that the two people in front of them, one was the commander and the other was the colonel, immediately saluted and shouted.

Although they didn't know the two of them, they still knew the identity symbolized by the armband.

"No matter what, I will become your prisoner!"

Fan Tianlei replied angrily.

When several people heard this, they all fell silent, not knowing what to say, and the atmosphere seemed slightly awkward.

"You came just in time to take the two chiefs back."

He Chenguang spoke up to break the awkward atmosphere.

"What about you, won't you go back with us?"

asked a Red Army soldier.

"My teammate is still fighting alone in the front, I have to go back and join him!"

He Chenguang said with firm eyes.

"If you go back like this, you will only die. You might as well go back with us first."

"Yes, it is said that many Blue Army troops have been found nearby. If you only have one teammate, the situation is already in danger. You are not afraid to make more sacrifices."

Several Red Army soldiers advised him one after another.

"No, I will not abandon my comrades!"

"Two chiefs, I leave it to you!"

After saying that, He Chenguang picked up the gun and walked back.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you!"

A Red Army soldier stopped He Chenguang and walked forward quickly.

"Squad leader, I'm going too!"

"Count me in!"

"And I!"

Several other people also shouted.

Looking at everyone's firm gazes, He Chenguang was deeply moved, but he still shook his head, "The most urgent task is to bring the two leaders back, so that our efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain!"

"In this case, I will ask the two of them to take the leader back, and the five of us will go with you to rescue people."

The Red Army squad leader said.

He Chenguang looked at the squad leader and finally shook his head.

"Don't waste any more time, you all go back!"

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