Things have come to this point.

All the tasks that Chen Fan carried out abroad this time have been completed.

Not only did he recover the health data package lost by Xiada Pharmaceutical Company, but he also killed 5 retired international mercenaries who committed murders in China.

He also found out who the forces behind this series of actions against China were.

As for uprooting the Eye of Prophecy organization in South Vietnam, it was beyond Chen Fan's ability.

And Chen Fan had almost no information about the base.

Even if he wanted to take action, he would plan it for the long term.

He searched Mars' office again and took all the information he could find.

Then Chen Fan looked at the northwest direction of the temporary camp.

All the elite enemies went to that direction to hunt Chen Fan.

Even if he couldn't kill the Eye of Prophecy base, Chen Fan would never let go of the enemies of this temporary base.

He took a deep breath.

Chen Fan looked at Mars lying in a pool of blood and fell into deep thought.

It is not difficult to deal with the remaining 20 or so logistics personnel in the temporary camp.

The difficulty is to find a suitable time to prevent them from passing the message.


Why should they be restricted from passing the message?

There is no need for this at all!

Chen Fan grinned!

Then Chen Fan picked up the rifle and walked out of Mars' office and began to shoot the logistics personnel in the temporary camp one by one.

Most of the remaining guys are engaged in clerical work, and their combat effectiveness is not much different from that of ordinary people.

In the eyes of masters at this level of Chen Fan, it is full of loopholes.

Da Da!

Da Da!

Gunshots continued to sound in the temporary camp.

Each bullet will take away at least one enemy.

The logistics personnel who stayed behind soon found the problem.

"Report to the colonel, the temporary camp was attacked!"

"Report... The temporary camp was attacked fiercely by the enemy! Please give instructions..."

In Mars' office.

The voices of the logistics personnel's reports and requests for instructions in the communicator kept echoing back and forth.

But it is destined that no one can answer their questions and solve their doubts.

"Haska, Lord Mars must have suffered a bad experience! What do you think we should do next?"

"How should I know! Damn it!"

The man called Huska cursed: "Our main force has already gone out, and the rest are the same as us!"

The two people hid in the corner and trembled in despair.

As for those who dared to resist, they had already been killed!

"By the way! Can't we contact Captain Talos and the others?"

"Yes, yes, yes! We must contact Captain Talos as quickly as possible! As long as they come back, we will be saved!"

"I hope so!"

"Damn, I don't know if he has provoked anything recently!"

Haska was still talking big there, and the other guy was contacting Captain Carlos and others who were originally chasing Chen Fan as quickly as possible.

Talos, who was still trying to find Chen Fan by the river, realized that he had been fooled after hearing the help information from Huska and the others!

"Quick! Gather everyone, let's go back as quickly as possible!"

Talos's expression was extremely serious.

He didn't expect it at all!

That damn Chinese special forces soldier actually came back to the temporary camp.

Sir Mars is probably in danger.

Haska also thought of this: "Man, we called Lieutenant Colonel Mars just now, but there was no response!"

"The Lieutenant Colonel may have died!"

"But Lieutenant Colonel Mars is so strong, how could he die..."

Haska was talking to himself.

But he didn't hear the response from the guy next to him: "Why don't you talk?"

When he turned his head, he couldn't help but widen his eyes!

At the same time, a very confident voice sounded in his ear: "You guessed it right! Lieutenant Colonel Mars has indeed died!"

Haska saw a Chinese special forces soldier with a dagger in his left hand across the neck of the guy next to him, and a pistol in his right hand pointing at his head.

"Have you two passed the information just now?"

The two nodded almost subconsciously, and then shook their heads.

Captain Talos is their only hope, how can they easily tell this information?

"Hehe." Chen Fan has got the answer he wanted.



The left hand and the right hand attacked almost at the same time.

Instantly, the two fell into a pool of blood.

"Haska! What is the situation in the camp now?"

Talos' voice sounded from the intercom.

Chen Fan could have disguised himself as Haska's voice to answer, but then he shook his head.

It was no longer necessary.

Just make sure that the elites in the camp are now on their way back.

Then Chen Fan looked at the helicopter parked on the temporary helipad.

This is the strongest armed helicopter of the previous generation that the Ugly Country has just eliminated.

It actually appeared in the hands of the Eye of the Prophet organization.

This means that the Word of the Prophet has long been tied to the Ugly Country.

Then take this opportunity to kill all the remaining elite Black Panther special forces!

The ace pilot driving skills that Chen Fan mastered include helicopter driving related content.

It's just that there has never been an opportunity to practice.

His eyes quickly scanned the various buttons in the helicopter cockpit.

He pressed the start button without hesitation.

The power was turned on, and the fuel tank began to supply fuel. The loud sound of the propeller's rotation came.

Chen Fan directly pushed the joystick and the helicopter circled up.

Through the glass of the cabin, Chen Fan determined the direction and flew directly to the northwest.

Before leaving.

Chen Fan pressed the launch button of the airborne missile.

With a bang, an air-to-ground missile exploded in the center of the temporary camp.

Endless flames rose.

The stronghold that the Eye of the Prophet organization had painstakingly built was destroyed by Chen Fan.

The helicopter continued to fly forward.

The enemies ahead were discovered one after another through the radar scanning skill ps.

The helicopter did not carry much ammunition, but it was enough to deal with those enemies!

Wow, wow, wow, wow.

When Talos and the others noticed the sound of the helicopter hovering overhead, everyone couldn't help but flash a hint of joy.

This is good news!

But then their faces changed drastically!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Fan on the helicopter pressed the missile launch button.

Three air-to-ground missiles broke away from the helicopter and instantly pierced the sky and flew towards Talos and the others in front!

The distance was too short!

There was no time for Talos and the others to react!

Boom boom boom!

A deafening explosion rose into the sky!

Talos himself had already been wiped out under this indiscriminate firepower attack!

The radar scanning skill combined with the armed helicopter is too powerful!

After confirming that no enemy was alive.

Chen Fan then drove the armed helicopter towards the border of China.

It's time to go back home!

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