However, the identity of the players participating in the exercise was reviewed but no problems were found.

Of course, Wang Tiancheng's move was reasonable and not an extraordinary move.

No one else at the scene had any special opinions about him.

Only Wang Tiancheng himself always felt that others were looking at him with strange eyes.

This is guilty conscience!

The exercise started soon.

A huge display screen was lit up in the combat command center.

The military actions of the red and blue sides can be seen on it.

"In order to more intuitively understand the training effect of the troops participating in the exercise, we asked the troops on both sides to carry positioning devices and recorders that can transmit signals in real time!"

Qian Sansi, who was sitting on the rostrum, explained: "This is a new technology developed by our headquarters, and it is used for the first time in a cross-military exercise!"

The leaders of the Eighth Military Region and the Ninth Military Region nodded.

It is only good for them to use these high-tech products in the exercise.

Chen Fan also noticed that this large display screen is indeed higher definition than the previous ones.

After the technicians enlarged the picture to 64 times, it can still be seen very clearly.

Now we can see that the Red Army suddenly attacked the Blue Army.

They concentrated all their vanguard troops' superior forces and launched a fierce attack on a certain point of the Blue Army.

The Blue Army obviously did not expect the Red Army to concentrate its superior forces to break through their defense line, so they seemed a little restrained when defending.

The Red Army was different.

They had planned it in advance and quickly tore through the defense line that the Blue Army had set up at the beginning and then drove straight in.

The vanguard troops quickly radiated to the surrounding areas and quickly occupied the border line of the Blue Army's defense.

In this case, the Blue Army had to fight back, but it would take some time for their troops to assemble.

They could only keep withdrawing the defense line.

But the advantage on the exercise field had been completely occupied by the Red Army.

At least from the two hours since the beginning of the exercise, the Blue Army could only passively defend and constantly delay the time to complete the assembly of the follow-up troops.

At the same time, adjust their combat plans.

All kinds of data and force mobilization deployment of the red and blue exercises were transmitted back to the combat command center in real time through high-definition recorders.

However, Chen Fan was not very interested in this kind of cross-district confrontation exercise.

He and Wang Tiancheng from the Eighth Military Region almost all paid attention to the small screens of the two special operations commandos of the Red and Blue sides.

After all, although the Red Army temporarily gained the first-mover advantage on the battlefield, it would take a long time to completely defeat the Blue Army.

Moreover, the Blue Army, which was already on guard, shortened their defense line.

It was almost impossible for the Red Army to replicate the blitzkrieg at the beginning.

The scene entered a short strategic stalemate.

At this time, it depends on how the special forces of the Red and Blue sides exert their strength!

If we look at the strength of the conventional forces alone, it is obvious that the overall strength of the Eighth Military Region is slightly higher than that of the Ninth Military Region.

And this time, the Ninth Military Region took the initiative to gain the first-mover advantage and brought the two sides to the same level.

"They set off!"

At this moment.

Several of the leaders of the two major military regions and the leaders of the headquarters almost simultaneously fixed their eyes on a small area on the big screen.

"Zoom in the images of the two special operations assault teams!"

Qian Sanqiang from the headquarters seemed to be very interested in the operations of the two special operations teams.

The first to take action was still the Red Army's assault team.

"It seems that the Red Army's tactics this time are very bold!"

"More than bold! It is clear that the Red Army's commander has great trust in this newly joined special assault team and has high hopes for it!"

"It can be seen from the targets chosen by the Red Army!"

"This is a strategy of dying if it fails!"

"By the way! What should this special operations assault team be called?"

Most people looked at Chen Fan, who was standing aside like an old monk in meditation.


Chen Fan only answered with two words.

At the same time, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

He didn't expect that the name Song Zhiyuan finally decided on was Hailong.

There is nothing wrong with the Marine Corps being named Hailong, and the naming is in line with the Navy that trains them.

"Deep Blue!"

Wang Tiancheng noticed that the other leaders were looking at him, and decisively said the name of the Eighth Military Region Special Assault Team.

At the same time, he was also very shocked.

The special operations order issued by the Red Army was indeed too bold!

The Hailong Special Operations Assault Team only had 25 people in total!

Even so, they actually split into two groups, a 10-man combat team and a 15-man combat team.

The 15-man combat team was preparing to penetrate the middle area of ​​the entire battlefield.

And the 10-man combat team chose to advance from the edge of the battlefield.

This tactic is a bit too bold!

Is it Chen Fan who gave the Red Army confidence?

For a moment, everyone looked at Chen Fan again.

But they were destined to be disappointed!

Since Song Zhiyuan was the captain of the Marine Corps, Chen Fan was too lazy to arrange any tactics.

Especially, he knew that there was a troublemaker in the Hailong Special Operations Assault Team.

He was known as the dog-headed military advisor of the entire Hailong Assault Team.

Just to see how this guy's tactical planning and execution are.

From the marching routes of the two teams, it is nothing more than one team responsible for containing the enemy's special commando team and the other team is responsible for decapitation surprise attack.

But the opponent is the Deep Blue Special Operations Assault Team, and the strength is twice as much as theirs!

The defense of the Blue Army Headquarters must be extremely tight. It is not so easy for the Sea Dragon Special Operations Assault Team to achieve their tactical goals.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Fan!

This time he led the team to act as a mascot honestly.

In fact, it is just to cheer up the Sea Dragon Special Operations Assault Team.

But then see the results of the Sea Dragon Special Operations Assault Team.

Even Chen Fan was a little surprised!

"Isn't the defense line of the Blue Army too bad?"

"Did the Sea Dragon Special Operations Assault Team 1 succeed?"

The 15-man team headed by Song Zhiyuan was responsible for containment. They set their sights on the Blue Army's communications regiment right from the start.

The disguised infiltration along the way can be said to have been passed down by the Zhulong Special Operations Regiment.

Even when they encountered a very tempting artillery regiment, they did not take action.

They resisted the urge until they got close to the Blue Army's communications regiment.

Only then did they attack and defeat the enemy!

They directly destroyed the Blue Army's communications regiment!

This unexpected move directly sent the Hailong Special Operations Assault Team 1 to the forefront!

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