Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 43 The way of descending the mountain shocked everyone

Although it was just a blank, it still splashed a lot of gravel and grass when it hit the rocks and grass.

At this time, Chen Fan had already hidden outside his range of fire and locked the fighter with a sniper rifle.

When the driver dived down to shoot, Chen Fan seized the opportunity and quickly pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After three shots, the fighter jet billowed with white smoke.

So far, the three helicopters sent by the Blue Army for support were all eliminated by Chen Fan.

After firing three shots, Chen Fan did not look at the result. He did not stop for a moment, replaced the sniper rifle with a rifle, turned around and aimed at the crowd at the bottom of the mountain.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

With Chen Fan's burst of fire, white smoke came out of many people at the bottom of the mountain, and Chen Fan's attack had not stopped.

After finishing one magazine, he immediately replaced it with another magazine, regardless of whether there were enough bullets or not. Even if he had finished shooting, he did not care at all.

Chen Fan's fierce fire finally cut off the running crowd.

Most of the Blue Army who were still behind were beaten back, and only a small number of Blue Army rushed forward.

"Damn it, does he have unlimited bullets? He still has them after so long?!"

Huo Gang looked at the "corpses" lying on the road ahead and was so angry that he cursed.

"What's wrong with the pilots of the fighter planes? They were all killed not long after they came up. This training was in vain!"

"I have to talk to the leaders later to see how they train normally. They can't even beat a sniper!"

However, he forgot that he was actually almost the same. A force of 1,000 people couldn't beat Chen Fan alone, and finally had to call for support.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"What should we do? Rescuing the commander is important."

"I don't believe it. His bullets are endless. Give me the gun, and let's rush with me!"

Huo Gang couldn't care less. If he continued to waste time here, he would not be able to do anything in the end.


The guards around him wanted to dissuade him, but Huo Gang didn't give him any chance. He shut up with a look.

"Everyone, disperse, don't follow too closely!"

When rushing out, Huo Gang shouted again.

Having seen how powerful Chen Fan's rifle shooting was, he would not be stupid again and let the soldiers rush out in a swarm.

Now in Huo Gang's mind, there is only one idea, that is, rush over, at all costs.

Although it is a high-to-low attack, the limitations of the rifle are there. Even if Chen Fan's shooting skills are powerful, it is impossible to hit people at a long distance.

So, Chen Fan used sniper rifles and rifles alternately. He used sniper rifles to kill those far away, and used rifles to shoot at close range, without wasting a single bullet.

In the wave after wave of charges by the Blue Army soldiers of the 105th Regiment, Chen Fan's bullets were consumed at a rapid rate and soon reached the bottom.

"Brothers, he has no bullets!"

When the gunshots stopped, the sharp Blue Army soldiers immediately realized that Chen Fan's ammunition had been exhausted and shouted excitedly.


Everyone no longer cared about Chen Fan and rushed forward.

After this battle, only more than 300 people were left in the 105th Regiment, and even the regiment commander Huo Gang was "sacrificed"!

Watching hundreds of enemies slip away from under his nose, Chen Fan showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Alas, a good cook cannot cook without rice!"

Without bullets, Chen Fan could only give up.


"They all left?"

Two minutes later, except for those killed by Chen Fan, there was no living person at the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan was happy in his heart, and then he took a look at the radar scanning interface.

No one was found within a radius of 1,500 meters, so Chen Fan immediately climbed down the mountain. He planned to collect some weapons and ammunition.

"Look, the Red Army soldier is coming down!"

An eliminated Blue Army soldier saw Chen Fan climbing down the mountain and immediately said in surprise.

Hearing his cry, everyone looked up at the mountain.

At this time, Chen Fan was grabbing the protruding or concave parts of the mountain wall and descending quickly.

They asked themselves that it was impossible for a single person to climb up such a steep cliff without the help of tools, so they were curious about how Chen Fan climbed up.

Now seeing the way Chen Fan came down, they immediately understood.

"Is this something a normal person can do?"

Seeing Chen Fan flying over the cliffs, many people couldn't help but ask such questions.

"If he wasn't wearing clothes and had eyebrows on his face, I would think he was a monkey!"

"Maybe he was transformed from a monkey~"

"You mean he was transformed from a monkey spirit?"

"Nonsense, these non-human creatures can't become spirits after the founding of the country!"



The soldiers talked a lot, and the more they talked, the more outrageous they became.

"Okay, what are you talking about, shut up!"

Huo Gang shouted to everyone, "Not as good as others means not as good as others, and the monkey spirit is nonsense!"

"After the exercise, you all double your training for me. If others can do it, we can do it too!"

Uh~ The soldiers were silent when they heard it.

Looking at Chen Fan who was rapidly descending from the cliff, they were all dumbfounded again.

At this moment, they only had one thought in their hearts: What the hell is this if not a non-human?

Captain, are you sure you are not kidding?

It is said that it is easy to climb a mountain but difficult to descend. This saying does not apply to Chen Fan at all.

Climbing a mountain requires great physical strength. On the contrary, descending a mountain is much easier.

It only took two or three minutes for Chen Fan's feet to land on the ground.

As soon as he landed, Chen Fan walked straight to the nearest blue soldier.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Everyone looked at Chen Fan, somewhat confused.

But Huo Gang saw that Chen Fan was here to collect spoils.

"Comrade, please give me all the ammunition and grenades on your body, otherwise I can only do it myself."

Chen Fan said very sincerely.

"Brother, you are really amazing, how did you do it?"

The blue soldier was stunned for a moment, then took off the ammunition on his body and asked curiously.

"Strength and keen observation."

Chen Fan took the ammunition with a smile and responded.

"Strength and keen observation..."

The blue soldier murmured in his mouth, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Chen Fan ignored him and turned to walk to the next blue soldier.

When Chen Fan walked to another blue soldier, before he could speak, the blue soldier had already offered all his ammunition.

He admired Chen Fan from the bottom of his heart. He killed nearly two-thirds of the people in their regiment and destroyed three fighter planes. It was simply amazing.

Although the two were enemies in the exercise, it did not affect his admiration for Chen Fan at all.

At this moment, Chen Fan already had die-hard fans!

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