
At this moment, a member of the base force ordered to everyone.

Soon everyone walked towards the center of the field.

After the gathering is completed.

Chen Fan also walked out.

"I believe you are probably wondering why you are here."

"I'm also curious about where this is!"

"Now, let me tell you where this is."

After Chen Fan stepped onto the podium, he faced

After a day of hard work, Chen Fan also knew that many people couldn't wait.

"Hello, my name is Chen Fan!"

"Where you are now is the base of the base troops!"

Chen Fan said slowly, his voice echoing throughout the playground.


"Base Force!!"

"Is this the base unit?"

"Isn't the base force the name of our military region's special forces?"

"Yes! They are the special forces of our military region."

"Chen Fan?"

"Isn't Chen Fan the leader of the base troops?"

"What's going on? How did we get here."

For a while.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

How could the base troops not know?

That's where they've always wanted to go.

For soldiers, who doesn’t want to be a special forces soldier.

But they have not dared to imagine this dream for a long, long time.

"Platoon leader!"

"Isn't this base force a special force?"

"I...how did we get here?"

Listening to Chen Fan's words, Xiao Wu felt like he was sweating on his back.

He didn't know why they were brought here.

"I don't know either, but what I didn't expect was even more."

"He is Chen Fan!"

Li Jian's eyes never left Chen Fan's figure, his eyes full of reverence.

He really didn't expect that the person in front of him was Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's name has long been heard throughout the military region, but he has never seen him in person.

"Chen Fan?"

"Isn't that the King of Soldiers in our military region?"

"He seems to be the same person who went to our company yesterday!"

"He...is Chen Fan?"

Only then did Xiao Wu react.

The whole person was stunned.

The young man who went to their company yesterday is the man on the stage now.


"I know you must be very curious as to why I brought you to the base."

"What are you doing here?"

"You don't need to think about these things from today on."

"Next. You will all know gradually."

"Give them something!"

Chen Fan did not continue to explain.

Instead, he directly asked the members of the base army to distribute the body repair fluid to everyone.

These body repair solutions.

He specially redeemed them from the system store last night.

The purpose is to repair those physical injuries to everyone.

With these body repair solutions.

All injuries and old illnesses in everyone's body will be repaired.

Everyone in the audience.

At this moment, I calmed down my mood.

Although Chen Fan's purpose is still unclear, he can see Chen Fan and the base troops.

They were already very satisfied.

"This bottle of liquid in your hands is very useful to you."

"The veteran members of the base army will arrange a place for you in a while."

"After you finish repairing it, drink this bottle of medicine."

"The process can be more painful and take about two days."

"But I think you'll all be able to get through it."

"As long as you get through it, you will know the next arrangements."

Chen Fan calmly explained to everyone.

In order to repair the physical condition of everyone in front of him, Chen Fan spent all the points he saved.

But being able to help the people in front of him, Chen Fan felt it was very worthwhile.

As for not telling everyone what it is.

It was at this moment that I tested the endurance and perseverance of everyone in front of me.

After all, wait until Zhang Hao and others bring all the soldiers back.

Everyone must participate in the special selection training for the base troops.



The soldiers in the audience didn't have any objections.

Although I don’t know what the bottle of liquid in my hand does.

But just because Chen Fan said it, they will carry out the order.

This is the trust in Chen Fan.

"Take them down."

Chen Fan ordered.


After saying that, a member of the base force immediately led everyone towards the camp.

"Platoon leader, what do you think this thing in our hands is used for?"

"According to King Chen Fan, this thing seems to be not simple."

"Yes, Platoon Commander."

"King Chen Fan brought us here. Does he want us to join the base army?"

After walking some distance.

The Tiger Regiment's logistics company asked Li Jianlai doubtfully.

"Join the base force?"

"Don't think about it. Don't you know what our situation is?"

Li Jian said helplessly.

Until now, Li Jian didn't know what Chen Fan was going to do.

Although they are indeed eager to join the base troops.

But he knows best what their current physical condition is.

Chen Fan clearly knew their physical condition.

But bring them here anyway.

This made Li Jian feel very surprised.

"Does the base army also lack a logistics department?"

"You want more than a hundred people?"

One soldier sighed in confusion.

You must know that the base troops already have their own logistics department.

Bringing them here now, what else is it if they don't join the base troops?

"Okay, don't think about it."

"Just follow Chen Fan's instructions and drink this as soon as you finish repairing it."

Li Jian looked at the bottle in his hand and said thoughtfully.



After everyone finished speaking, they followed the members of the base force to the arranged dormitories.

After tidying up my things, I rushed to the bathhouse.

Chen Fan also returned to his office.

On the other side, Xiao Long and three others were also busy selecting soldiers.

Chen Fan only gave them five days.

So time is very tight.

In the office of the military region chief.

The chief was looking at the document in his hand.

"Reporting to the commander, Commander Ye has transferred many veterans from the logistics company of our military region and the ammunition depot."

Guard Xiao Li walked to the leader to report.

Once received

Because Chen Fan's operation is really weird.


"You said he transferred a lot of soldiers from the logistics company and the ammunition depot's logistics troops?"

"What on earth does this kid want to do?"

"Most of those veterans continue to stay in the army because of physical reasons and cannot leave the army."

"What's the use of transferring these soldiers?"

After the chief heard Xiao Li's report, he was a little confused.

Chen Fan said before that he would just select soldiers from the recruit company.

After all, there should be some good seeds in the training of new recruits.

But the soldiers of these logistics troops.

Most of them went to the logistics force because their bodies were irreversibly damaged.

Otherwise, many of these soldiers are very good prospects.

Say this.

The chief felt a little regretful in his heart.

Because he had liked many soldiers before, but no one could have imagined that something like this would happen later.

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