

"Send out the digital tags." Chen Fan took out a box and handed it to Aaron.


After saying that, Aaron took the box and asked the soldiers to start drawing tags.

After a while, everyone who got the same number gathered together, and the four teams were assigned.

Aaron, Xu Quan, Zhang Hao and Chen Fan each led a team.

Chen Fan did this to prevent any emergencies from happening.

"lets go!"

"A month later, the location will be set."

"During this period, each of us has to find a way to survive in this place."

Chen Fan ordered to everyone.

This desert is the largest desert in the northwest.

It covers an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers, and violent sandstorms often occur.

It can be said to be very dangerous.


After getting the order.

Aaron and the others immediately led their teams in different directions.

to be honest.

This is also the first time for Aaron and the others to stay in the desert for a month.

They had also been in environments like the desert during training before.

Generally, the longest time is about a week, and even the longest time is ten days.

Because the environment in the desert is very harsh.

It's as hot as you want during the day, and as cold as you want at night.

The temperature difference between day and night is really too big.

In addition, the most difficult thing in a place like this is how to obtain water.

Water is the scarcest in this place.

"Instructor Long, what should we do next?"

"Isn't this how it goes down?"

After walking some distance, Geng Hu immediately asked Aaron.

He happened to be assigned to Aaron's group again. It can be said that the two of them are very destined.

"In this special training, several of our instructors are all participating in the training together."

"Even we don't know the specific training content."

"But it won't be that simple."

"Let's walk some distance first and find a better place to spend the night."

Chen Fan did not tell them what training subjects were included in this special training.

After all, they were all participants in this special training, but based on his understanding of Chen Fan.

This special training will definitely not be as simple as training survival ability.


Geng Hu responded immediately.

So he followed Aaron and walked forward.

And at this time.

Chen Fan on the other side also handed over the command task to Li Jian.

Although he also participated in the special training this time, it was he who arranged the specific content of the special training.

The reason why he followed Li Jian and others was to prevent emergencies.

"Platoon leader, where are we going?"

"Looking at the sky, it should be dark soon."

At this moment.

Xiao Wu also walked to Li Jian and asked.

"This desert is very large. Looking at the map, we should be at the center of the desert."

"Let's go northwest first and find a place to survive tonight."

Li Jianli immediately ordered.

When Chen Fan handed over the command to him, he also felt very stressed.

It was also his first time to enter the desert.

But he also knew very well what terrible things would happen in the desert.

In addition to the lack of water, the most deadly thing is the sandstorm.

If they encounter a violent sandstorm, they will be in danger.


After everyone heard Li Jian's order, they followed Li Jian and walked northwest.

Two hours later.

Li Jian and others also found a place to stay.

There is a gap here, although it is very narrow, it is just enough to accommodate a dozen of them.

Hiding here can effectively resist the attack of sandstorms.


After choosing a resting place, everyone found some withered trees from around.

These are also very cold at night.

Everyone didn't have any heating equipment, so these dead trees were just enough to provide them with some warmth.

Gulu gulu…

at this time.

Many people thought of the sound in their stomachs.

They hadn't eaten anything all day long.

"Everyone, please be patient and look for something to eat after dawn tomorrow."

Li Jian could only say helplessly.

There is nothing around here but dust and sand.

It is indeed very difficult to find food in this place.



Everyone found a place to sleep without saying anything else.

It’s been a tiring day, and everyone just wants to have a good sleep.

"Instructor Chen, please give me this command ability. I'm afraid I won't be able to complete it."

Just after everyone fell asleep, Li Jiancai stood up and walked to Chen Fan and said.

He really didn't expect that Chen Fan would hand over the command to him.

To be honest, he felt that his ability was not enough.

I was afraid it would affect the whole team.

"You have to believe in yourself."

"Are you talented in command?"

"Just do what you want."

"As long as you do it to the best of your ability."

"Even if he fails in the end, that guy won't have any complaints."

Chen Fan comforted him with a smile.

He only asked for one person to accompany him for this special training, and the rest had to be left to Li Jian to direct.

After all, Li Jian and others will need to lead their own teams to carry out missions in the future.

Now let's treat it as training Li Jian's command ability in advance.

Chen Fan has read Li Jian's previous files, and he has a talent for command.

So this time he will hand over the command to Li Jian.

"Yes, Instructor Chen."

After hearing Chen Fan's words, Li Jian nodded heavily.

Li Jian was still a little happy to get Chen Fan's affirmation.

When he was in the vanguard company before, he was indeed the leader.

Later, after he went to the logistics company, he had not commanded operations for many years.

This time Chen Fan handed over the command to him, and he was still a little excited.

"Go to sleep."

"I'll be on duty in the first half of the night, and get up later to take over."

Chen Fan patted Li Jian's shoulder and ordered.


After that, Li Jian returned to his position and fell asleep.

And Chen Fan also walked outside the cliff.

Looking at the starry sky, Chen Fan also took out the phone from his pocket.

"We'll start the action tomorrow."

"Don't let them have a good time."

After saying that, Chen Fan hung up the phone.

At this time, the other three teams had found their own shelter.

Except that the location found by Zhang Hao and others was a little worse, they could barely survive tonight.

Nothing happened overnight.

As the sky turned pale, everyone woke up from their sleep.

Besides being a little cold, there were no emergencies that night.

This also made everyone feel relieved.

"This desert seems to be nothing except a little cold."

"Yeah, I'm just a little hungry."

"If there is something to eat, it won't be a problem to hold on here for a month."

For a while, several soldiers in Li Jian and others' team said with a smile.

"You'd better be careful, it's not that simple here."

After hearing the conversation of several people, Li Jian immediately instructed everyone.

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