"Let them all come in when they are done!"

Ever since he entered the room, Chen Fan's eyes seemed to be frozen by ice and snow.

It was so cold that I shivered.

Not only his other base force members also have almost the same expressions and eyes!

When Chen Fan asked other base troops to come in and take a look.

He Quan, who had been sorting out information in the room, showed a look of reluctance.

"You are all Chinese special forces!"

"Let them know clearly when the notification goes out!"

"If you don't want to come in, then quit the base force special operations group!"


After He Quan left.

Chen Fan looked at the four people including Aaron, Xu Xu, Zhang Hao and Li Jian.

"Aaron, I'm going to trouble you four next!"

"Wait until they have sorted out the aftermath!"

"Please, the four of you, please take charge of the reconnaissance work!"

Aaron and the other four looked at each other and nodded without hesitation!

"this is what we are supposed to do!"

After that, Chen Fan sat alone in the conference room.

He kept his eyes fixed on the big screen in front of him.

The murderous intent in his eyes has become reality.

20 minutes later.

Four people including Geng Hu, Xiao Wu, Wang Zhiqiang and He Quan brought their team members to the conference room one after another.

"Report to the leader!"

"All team members have been assembled. There should be 30 people, but there are actually 30 people. Please give instructions!"

"Everyone, sit down!"

"I guess you all already know what you will encounter next!"

Chen Fan's eyes seemed to be coldly scanning the 30 new members of the base force in front of him without any emotion!

"Originally, I was going to do these things after I returned to the base and while you were conducting post-war review and reflection!"

"But since we've encountered it, it's okay to let you experience it in advance!"

"If you have no questions, let's get started!"

All the new members of the base force shook their heads to show that they had no doubts.

But Chen Fan could clearly see it.

After these new members of the base force experienced actual combat, the tense atmosphere gradually faded away.

But everyone's face and expression not only did not return to health.

On the contrary, during the aftermath, his face turned pale and his expression flickered due to a series of stimulations!

As someone who has been there.

Of course Chen Fan, Aaron and others knew exactly what was happening.

Even if you kill the enemy.

They still couldn't help but feel guilty in their hearts, and there was also a slight sense of inexplicable nausea.

Even in their minds, they would recall from time to time the tragic scenes after the deaths of the enemies they killed.

Bloody pictures linger in their minds.

Fortunately they are not dreaming yet.

Otherwise, more battlefield rookies will wake up from nightmares after falling asleep!

There is no way to accept the fact that he is a murderer!

There will also be some extreme cases of personality.

Killing enemies will give them an unprecedented sense of excitement, and in the end they will even become addicted to killing.

Postwar stress disorder syndrome.

This is a very common thing among all soldiers who go to war all over the world.

But this time.

Chen Fan hopes that this new batch of base force members can minimize the impact of post-war stress disorder syndrome!

"let's start!"

The new members of these base forces already have a rough idea of ​​what is going to be played before they come over.

Many team members have even shown signs of post-war stress disorder syndrome.

Not very interested in what I'm about to see!

But when they next saw what was displayed on the big screen in front of them.

Almost everyone clenched their fists involuntarily!

"These beasts are damned!"

"How dare they do this? Who gave them the courage?"

"If I had known this, I should have given them a few more shots just now!"

The content being played is not others.

It was recorded by these criminals when they were smashing, looting and burning in Gada City this morning.

Many of them were watching it on their mobile phones before they died.

He was discovered by members of the base force and reported to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan immediately ordered He Quan to lead his team members to collect the criminal videos taken by these criminals this morning!

This moment directly stimulated Chen Fan!

Until then.

Only then did they realize that the local department in Gada City used the four words "beating, smashing, looting, and burning" to summarize what these criminals did this morning. It was too light and too light!

Through videos recorded by these criminals themselves.

All the Chinese people they met on the road to crime were old ladies and men in their eighties and nineties.

Down to the swaddled, several-month-old child.

They don't miss any of them!

And the way of killing is extremely cruel!

In most cases, injuries are caused by blunt force, and death occurs after multiple hammer blows.

They are extremely insulting to those women who beg for mercy.

Anyone who is pretty should take advantage of the heat after finishing the work.

We even found records of their live broadcast on some criminals’ mobile phones!

Countless people from abroad rewarded them for joining in the fun!

And those children who are still in their infancy.

These criminals even took out iconic photos of the crimes committed by the Japanese island nation in China 70 or 80 years ago.

Throwing the baby in the cradle high up, and piercing it from bottom to top with a bayonet.

These actions naturally made them popular in the live broadcast room!

Some criminals abroad were even excited to give large rewards.

All of a sudden, all the new members of the base troops were flushed with anger!

"What do you think after watching these videos?"

Chen Fan glanced at all the base troops: "What do you think? Don't rush to say it!"

"I told you before this actual combat!"

"It looks like you killed some of your own kind!"

"But in fact, these guys are barbaric and worse than animals!"

"No matter how cruelly they are killed, it is not really cruel!"

"As Chinese soldiers, if we turn a blind eye to what they do!"

"That is the real cruelty to ourselves, the people, and the motherland!"

"If you have a psychological burden afterwards, I hope you can remember the scenes you saw today!"

"Next, you continue to interrogate!"


All the new members of the base troops rushed to the criminals they had just captured with murderous intent!

Originally, they were still hesitating whether to use means on these criminals!

And now almost everyone wants to practice everything they have learned on these criminals!

Let these bastards know what real cruelty is!

"It seems that there won't be any big problems with this group of players!"

Along allowed Zhang Hao, Li Jian and other four people to come to the meeting room at some point.

The five people looked at each other, and everyone's face was full of helplessness and sadness!

The great revenge of Gada City was avenged.

But they couldn't be happy at all!

If possible.

They hope that they will never need to take such revenge.

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