
Representatives of the participating special forces, including the base force! Special Operations Regiment, stepped forward one by one.

They drew their own balls from the cardboard boxes.

When it came to the base force! Special Operations Regiment, Geng Hu walked up calmly and drew an anti-reconnaissance ball!

The representatives of other participating special forces showed thoughtful expressions when they saw this scene.

They only need to know that the base force! Special Operations Regiment belongs to the anti-reconnaissance party!

Geng Hu also sneered twice when he saw this scene!

"I want to see what tricks you guys can come up with!"

After all the representatives of the special forces had drawn lots, the staff of the headquarters stood up.


"Just now you have drawn your own identities and roles!"

"Tonight you will be divided into two groups, one for reconnaissance and the other for anti-reconnaissance!"

"No matter what your identity is, if you are discovered and killed during the game, your unit will lose one point!"

"The total score is 100 points! "

"If all the participating players of a certain unit are eliminated tonight, that is, before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, then all the points will be deducted!"

"Same reason!"

"No matter what your identity is, as long as you can find and kill a soldier of other special forces or anti-reconnaissance soldiers, you will get one point!"

"No upper limit on the points!"


In short.

The rules of today's competition are indeed very simple and crude.

The so-called reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance are just different in the time and direction of the next departure!

In addition to yourself, there are enemies everywhere!

For example.

The members of the two participating special forces, even if they are all anti-reconnaissance roles!

After discovering the other party, as long as they can kill it, they will also get points!

In this case, the base unit that is far ahead in the ordinary subject competition! It is difficult for the special operations regiment not to become everyone's target.

Most of the soldiers who watched the live broadcast almost found this very obvious bug after a period of thinking.

They really couldn't imagine that the staff of the headquarters who organized the national special forces competition Why did they come up with such unfair rules?

And the following developments made the soldiers in front of the live broadcast extremely nervous!

I saw the base troops! The special operations regiment and the other 9 participating special forces, which were also anti-reconnaissance roles, were transported to different directions by transport vehicles after the starting gun was fired.

Half an hour later.

The other 10 special forces responsible for reconnaissance missions will set off.

And the official competition will also start half an hour later.

In other words.

In the first half an hour, everyone is safe.

The entire special subject competition area is within a radius of 20 kilometers!

For most special forces.

Half an hour can almost reach the boundary of the entire competition area.

"Okay! We're already there!"

"You can all get off the car!"

The transport vehicle only took the 10 special forces responsible for anti-reconnaissance missions in front to an area about 3 kilometers away and put them down.

"Brothers, in order not to be found by the reconnaissance team, you must pay attention to hiding the traces you left in the next action!"

The staff on the transport vehicle finally reminded: "In addition, it is not recommended that everyone stay in place! ”

“It looks like there are no traces!”

“But the other special forces participating in the competition are not fools!”

“Good luck to you!”

“Thank you!”

Chen Fan and others looked at the transport vehicle going away, and they all smiled!

“Next, let’s leave those guys with an unforgettable memory!”

Everyone else laughed.

Although the actions of other special forces were within the scope allowed by the rules.

But everyone targeted the base force together! The special operations group undoubtedly made the people who blocked it very unhappy!

There was a feeling of being treated as a soft persimmon!

Half an hour later.

The remaining 10 special forces responsible for reconnaissance missions all showed a relieved expression after waiting anxiously!

They all remembered the base force! The direction where the special operations group was just taken by the transport vehicle.

“Let’s go! "

With the order from the staff of the headquarters.

These special forces responsible for reconnaissance missions each boarded their own transport vehicles and were also transported to different directions.

Everything seemed particularly fair.

All the participating special forces did not have any objections.

However, all this changed after 10 minutes!

"These guys..."

Mr. He at the headquarters looked at the situation displayed on the big screen and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

They are really restless at all!

"Mr. He, this is also a good thing!"

At this time, Xu Jianjun became open-minded: "We can unite when encountering a strong enemy!"

"Unite all friends who can be united!"

"This is also what the instructor taught us!"

"Xiao Xu, you are right!"

Mr. He nodded: "But the behavior of these guys now is really too much!"

"What do you think the soldiers who are watching the live broadcast should think?"

Xu Jianjun smiled and said: "Just look at it as you should!"

"When we fought for the founding of the country, weren't we also facing the coalition forces?"

"Soldiers should abandon any unrealistic fantasies!"

"If a war really breaks out, we can't expect our enemies to fight us alone, right?"

"Just like the fighting nation that is now mired in the quagmire of war..."

"Do you think those hypocritical enemies will choose to fight the fighting nation with real swords and guns?"

"I didn't expect that Xiao Xu saw it so clearly!"

Mr. He sighed: "Fighting nation..."

"It's a pity that there are always some people who criticize from the perspective of so-called fairness and justice!"

"They forgot!"

"Once the fighting nation falls, we will immediately become the target of public criticism!"

"The enemy will not talk to us about any mercy, fairness and justice at that time!"

This is the current bloody reality of the international community!

However, even so, there are still some people who can't recognize the situation!

They took their wealth to the West, where life is more affluent now.

But they forgot.

Without the motherland of China, the Chinese people!

No matter how much wealth they have, they are just fat sheep that can be eaten by anyone!

All the soldiers who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but stand up when they saw the scene in the live broadcast!

"How can this be possible?"


When the 10 participating special forces responsible for reconnaissance got off the transport vehicle.

Almost everyone rushed in the same direction at the same time!

And that direction was exactly the direction where the base troops and the transport vehicle of the special operations group left!

A hunting operation officially began!

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