"Well, but it's too easy for them to pass the assessment like this."

"Go, notify Xiaozhuang and the others, and make it more difficult for them."

Fan Tianlei looked at He Chenguang on the screen and smiled like an old fox.

Chen Fan wandered around the street for a while, and seeing that no one came to arrest him, he was sure that he had gotten rid of Fan Tianlei's surveillance.

"Fan Tiankeng, you actually came up with so many tricks to deal with me."

"Now I'll let you know how powerful I am!"

Chen Fan smiled evilly and began to implement his plan.

He first went to the bank to withdraw money without a card and took out all his salary for the past few months.

Then he took the money and bought a laptop.

"Since you like to monitor me so much, I will treat you the way you treat me."

Chen Fan found a place with a camera and sat down, and turned on the laptop in his hand.

At this time, Fan Tianlei and the others had not noticed anything wrong, and were still observing Wang Yanbing's situation through surveillance.


Suddenly, the computer screen turned black in an instant.

"What's going on?"

Fan Tianlei asked with a frown.

"Strange, why did the screen go black all of a sudden?"

The technician was also confused, because he hadn't done anything just now.

"Check it out quickly and see what's going on."

Fan Tianlei urged.

For some reason, he actually felt that this was most likely the work of Chen Fan.

After all, he had seen Chen Fan's superb hacking skills during the exercise.


The technician immediately began to check.

After a few minutes, the computer screen suddenly returned to normal.

"How is it? Did you find out the cause?"

Fan Tianlei asked.

"I checked it carefully, and the system doesn't seem to have any problems."

"Just now, it may be that the camera had a short circuit, causing the screen to go black for a short time."

The technician replied.

Camera short circuit?


Things shouldn't be that simple.

Fan Tianlei frowned, not believing what the technician said.

"Check it again and make sure the system is safe."


The technician checked it again and still didn't find anything wrong.

"Report to the chief, I have checked it many times, and there is indeed no problem with the system."

Even so, Fan Tianlei's brows were still slightly frowned.

"No. 5, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Fan Tianlei's uneasy expression, Chen Shanming asked.

"I suspect that it was Chen Fan who did it just now, because that guy is a hacker expert."

"During the exercise, he used superb computer technology to crack Tang Xinyi's tracking system."

Fan Tianlei spoke out his guess.

"No. 5, you should think too much. We have confiscated all the electronic products and money on them."

"Where can he get a computer to hack our system?"

Chen Shanming said in disbelief.

Fan Tianlei thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

No matter how superb Chen Fan's computer technology is, he can't do anything without a computer.

"Maybe I really think too much."

Fan Tianlei shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

But what they didn't know was that in the few minutes when the screen was black just now, Chen Fan had already successfully invaded the Sky Eye system.

And through the tracking ability of the Sky Eye system, he quickly found the location of He Chenguang and his companions.

When he learned that He Chenguang was in the city next to him and was preparing to be chased by a group of criminal police, he immediately decided to go to support him.

City B.

He Chenguang climbed up from the bottom of the bridge when he saw the police walking away.

"Uncle Fan has spent a lot of money! He wanted me all over the city. He didn't want us to cause too much unrest."

"I have to leave the city quickly. If I continue to stay here, I will be caught by them sooner or later."

He patted the dirt on his body and thought about how to get back to the gathering point smoothly.

At this time, Zhuang Yan and Tang Xinyi were in the Public Security Command Hall of City B, connecting with their director.

"Director Xu, we are from the local force and will work with you to capture the terrorist."

Zhuang Yan said to Director Xu.

"Comrade, I actually have enough manpower under my command, so you don't have to work so hard to come here."

Director Xu said politely.

"This is our duty, not hard."

Zhuang Yan shook his head and continued: "But this mission is confidential, and the higher-ups strictly require that it should not cause panic among the people."

"So we will only hunt him down secretly and will not reveal our identities."

Hearing this, Director Xu was slightly stunned, then nodded, "I understand this, since it is a task assigned by the higher-ups, we will naturally support it with all our strength."

"And don't worry, I have already let

Tang Xinyi nodded, then took out her computer and said.

"Director Xu, I am a technician Tang Xinyi, this is the tracking system we developed."

"You can use this system to keep track of the specific location of terrorists at any time and arrest them in real time."

Hearing Tang Xinyi's words, Director Xu said happily: "That's great, with such high-tech assistance, we will definitely be able to arrest terrorists in the shortest time."

Tang Xinyi turned on the computer and quickly locked the location of He Chenguang.

"Found it!"

Looking at the small red dot displayed on the map, Tang Xinyi sneered.

He Chenguang!

Just wait for me!

At the same time, Zhuang Yan and many other people immediately took action and chased in the direction of He Chenguang.

He Chenguang, who was hiding on the side of the road eating barbecue, couldn't help sneezing.

"Strange, why do I feel like someone is thinking about me?"

He Chenguang took a big bite of barbecue and said puzzledly.

A few minutes later, just as he patted his butt and prepared to leave for the gathering point.

A reflection suddenly appeared not far away.

Not good!


After He Chenguang noticed something strange, he immediately rolled over and hid behind the trash can beside the road.


As he rolled over, an anesthetic was set at his original position.

"Why are these people like dog skin plasters? I can't get rid of them even if I throw them away?"

He Chenguang had carefully checked every part of his body and did not find any trackers.

How did the other party find him?

He Chenguang frowned, puzzled.

Before he could figure out what was going on, He Chenguang was attacked again.


A gunshot rang out, and a blank bullet brushed He Chenguang's shoulder and hit the trash can.

"Damn it?! Who is it? Using a gun?!"

He Chenguang quickly changed his position to hide, swearing and looking for the person who fired the gun.

"Zhuang Yan, Tang Xinyi?"

"Why is this woman here?"

He Chenguang was shocked when he saw Tang Xinyi, who was angry not far away.

Isn't this the Langya selection?

It's normal for Zhuang Yan to come and catch me, but what's the situation with Tang Xinyi?

Shouldn't she have been there a long time ago?

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