Although the captain of the Divine Arrow Special Forces was angered by Chen Fan, there was nothing he could do.

Two iron doors with excellent sound insulation effect were quickly lowered in the drill hall.

The base force special forces group and the 19 participating special forces forces are completely separated into two areas.

"Are you all ready?"

Chen Fan looked at Geng Hu and others standing aside.

As for Aaron, Zhang Hao, Li Jian and the other four people, they had no intention of speaking or participating at all.

This kind of electronic confrontation played by children is also used to train other base troops.

It has no value to the four of them.

"Captain, don't worry! Everything is ready!"

Geng Hu then handed the laptop to Chen Fan: "Are we going to use the new gadgets just made by the weapons and equipment experimental base this time?"

"Just them? Do they deserve to let us use our new secret weapon?"

Chen Fan snorted coldly: "It's enough to use the gadgets we made in our previous weapons and equipment modification workshop!"

"Are our signal band detectors ready?"

After being upgraded to a base force special operations group.

The weapons and equipment modification workshop in the base's military base has also been upgraded to a weapons and equipment testing base.

Some of the very eye-catching weapons and equipment that Chen Fan had seen in the system before had never been realized due to the production process.

This time there is also a chance to come out.

The signal band detector is still a product of the previous weapons and equipment modification workshop.

As for the more advanced products that are being intensively developed in the weapons and equipment testing base.

Each item can be called a state secret.

That's why.

Experts from the headquarters and many military factories have also focused on the weapons and equipment testing base of the base troops.

Currently, there are no less than 10 types of improved weapons and equipment being developed and tested.

"Already prepared!"

Geng Hu hesitated for a moment: "Isn't what we are doing now a bit suspicious of cheating?"


Chen Fan didn't even raise his head: "This is a battlefield, not an exam!"

"On the battlefield, there are only winners and losers. Only the winner can say that the loser cheated!"

"Why don't you go and take a look at Country YI in the 1990s, which was said to be ranked fourth in the world in military affairs!"

"What about then?"

"Being beaten to a pulp by the newly formed system of Ugly National Information Technology Troops!"

“Did anyone say that Ugly Country cheated?”


"Right, you know that too!"

After speaking, Chen Fan looked at the camera in the exercise hall: "I can tell the leaders at the headquarters openly and openly now that we have brought a signal band detector!"

"Guess they're going to stop the game because we cheated?"

A minute passed.

Nothing happens.

"Geng Hu and you..."

Chen Fan glanced at all the base force members participating in the competition: "You must remember this! Things cannot always be known on the battlefield!"

"Although the old saying goes that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be in danger!"

"But that is always the most ideal scenario for war!"

"In most cases, we are faced with a situation where we never know ourselves or the enemy, and we still have to win the war!"

"If we think about the so-called rules at all times, we expect that the enemy will attack us according to our known battle plan!"

"Sorry about that!"

"The war hasn't started yet, and the probability of us losing is at least 90%!"

"The remaining 10% can only be pinned on the enemy's mistakes or mercy!"

All participating members of the base force nodded solemnly.

If you think about it carefully, what Chen Fan said makes so much sense.

The enemy intelligence that can be obtained on a real battlefield is always limited.

The consequence of relying too much on intelligence is that you will be killed by the enemy's secret weapon.

"This boy Chen Fan... is young, but he has a deep understanding of the cruelty of war!"

Mr. He, who had been paying close attention to the special forces of the base through the camera, nodded happily.

People like them who have come from the war years have a very deep understanding of the four words of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

I witnessed with my own eyes that the younger generation also has talents with war-mindedness like Chen Fan.

It's an extremely joyful thing.

"This kid has experienced no less actual combat than those guys who are watching eagerly next to him!"

Xu Jianjun curled his lips.

Of course he knows the lofty status of the national special forces in the Chinese military.

However, it is still difficult to let go of the behavior of the Chinese White Tiger Special Forces.

"Be careful! Xiao Xu!"

Mr. He pointed at Xu Jianjun and shook his head: "There are often many unknown deep meanings behind the actions of the national special forces!"

"It's too early to draw any conclusions now!"

"But I am interested in the weapons and equipment testing base engraved in the regiment by the base troops!"

"Then let's go to the base force's special operations group to take a look when we have time!"

"We can't go here!"

Mr. He quickly shook his head: "You have never dealt with those lunatics who manage equipment!"

"If my old bones pass by, I'm afraid they will have to tear them apart!"

"Let's see what these young men can do next!"

The staff at the headquarters really had no intention of stopping the base force's special operations group.

Geng Hu and others immediately felt at ease.

"Captain, our signal band detector can detect and decipher most signal bands during the experiment!"

"But we cannot rule out the possibility that the other side uses encrypted bands that we have never seen before!"

"It will probably take a lot of time to decipher it on site!"

The working principle of the signal band detector is actually very simple, which is to decipher the opponent's signal band.

Then disguise as the opponent's command post to send instructions to its troops.

In this way, it can almost win without fighting.

But this time.

There are obviously experts in information warfare among the 19 participating special forces on the opposite side.

A new signal band that only they know is used.

By the time the base force special operations regiment deciphers the signal, the opponent's orders may have been issued.

If we really have to wait until the opponent's orders have been issued, it will take a lot of effort to deal with the opponent even with the ability of shale multi-line operation.

"I'm too lazy to decipher their signal band code now!"

Chen Fan laughed: "If we hadn't come to participate in the National Special Forces Competition, we should have trained you in information warfare!"

"It's just right to take this opportunity to teach you some new information warfare technology today!"

"Study hard next!"

"If you don't learn well, you know the consequences!"


All the participating base troops felt a chill on their backs when they heard the consequences of not learning well.

The audience in the live broadcast room took a breath of cold air!

"They actually taught on the spot!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it!"

Is this the National Special Forces Competition or the information warfare training site of the base troops?

It's clear that they don't take the other party seriously at all!

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