"The unit my father belonged to in the First Military Region at that time was the Sword Special Forces!"

Chen Tian looked at Chen Fan: "I think you should have a little impression of this!"

"I did see the armband of the Sword Special Forces in my father's study."

This memory comes from Chen Fan's original body.

When he was a child, Chen Fan, who was naughty, would often sneak into Chen Zhan's study.

I have a memory of discovering the Sword Special Forces armband.

"The Excalibur Special Forces can be said to have inherited their father's sword special forces to a certain extent!"


Chen Fan suddenly discovered a problem.

"Since the Divine Sword is an inheritance, why is it not called the Sharp Sword but the Divine Sword?"

"This is what our captain Chen Yang wanted me to tell you just now!"

Chen Tian's expression became more solemn than ever before.

"If you regret it, forget what I'm going to say next when you leave this door today!"

"I understand this!"

When Chen Fan agreed, Chen Tian sighed.

"From the moment our father established the National Special Forces, the Sharp Sword Special Forces disappeared forever from the history of our army!"

"This is the price of establishing a national special forces unit!"

There was a bang.

Chen Fan was shocked.

He was sensitive enough to notice it until now.

Except for the designation of the Chinese White Tiger Special Forces, Chen Tian still did not mention the designation of any other national special forces.

Among them were even those formed by Chen Fan’s father, Chen Zhan.

This means that Chen Fan still has reservations about what Chen Tian said just now.

In other words, if Chen Fan decides to give up the formation of the national special forces.

It's not too late yet!

"In other words, if I want to form a national special force, the current base special forces group will no longer exist?"


Chen Tian nodded heavily.

"Every national special forces unit is directly under the headquarters of our Chinese military!"

"The headquarters has absolute command authority over every national special forces unit!"

"Whether it is the newly formed National Special Forces or every member of it, they must say goodbye to their past!"

"Are you sure you and your team can accept this?"

Despite what was expected before.

But Chen Fan still hesitated at this moment.

Originally, soldiers should not have any selfish thoughts.

Be willing to be the armed machine of the country.

But soldiers are human beings after all, and they still have their own emotions and desires.

Chen Fan grew up in the 17th Military Region.

The special operations group of the base troops also relied on the 17th Military Region to develop and grow little by little.

All of this is inseparable from the support of the chief and the entire 17th Military Region.

It is difficult to make a clean break in a short period of time, both emotionally and practically.

"Are there no other options?"


Chen Tian shook his head bluntly.

"Only absolute purity from identity can ensure absolute loyalty and move from victory to victory under the command of the headquarters!"

"What's more important is that the national special forces often handle many internal operational tasks within the military!"

Chen Tian saw that Chen Fan was still hesitating.

He immediately understood what the other person was thinking.

"Perhaps you think that you don't need the honor of the National Special Forces at all. You only need to increase the strength of the base's special forces to the level of the National Special Forces!"

"Of course there's no problem!"

“But in the actual operation process, many situations often occur!”

Chen Tian pointed to the secret room where they were now.

"Just like this national special forces competition!"

"The strength of the special forces of the base force is obviously very close to the strength of the members of the national special forces!"

"Other ordinary special forces units are no match for you!"

"Since you are a member of the 17th Military Region, you will face many tasks in the future that require you to win honor for the military region!"

"Perhaps if you are as self-disciplined as you, you can still maintain high-intensity training and continuously improve your actual combat abilities!"

"But the vast majority of the team members will most likely lose themselves in a victory like this National Special Forces Competition!"

"Although the platform of the 17th Military Region is large!"

"For people with the level of strength of your base force's special operations group, it is obviously beyond their capabilities!"

"The enemies you face are destined to be at the same level as other ordinary special forces units!"

"Improvement of actual combat capabilities is always about sailing against the current or retreating if you don't advance!"

After Chen Tian finished speaking, he looked at his brother Chen Fan quietly.

He believes it.

Sooner or later, Chen Fan will recognize the reality before him!

think carefully.

Isn’t that what happened before?

With the current status of the base force's special operations group, all actual combat tasks they can access require dual approval from the military department and headquarters before they can be implemented.

Just like the last Gada City incident.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were no other more powerful special forces nearby,


It is impossible to give the base force special operations group a chance!

"I see!"

Chen Fan finally made up his mind: "If we want to become a national special forces force, what preparations do we need to make in the future?"

"You still have a lot to do!"

Chen Tian knew that Chen Fan would make such a choice.

"But the first thing to do is..."


After separating from his brother Chen Tian, ​​Chen Fan's thoughts were very complicated.

He looked far to the northeast of China.

The seventh-ranked national special forces are now carrying out China's most secretive confidential mission there.

"How did you make this choice back then?"

Chen Fan didn't know.

But he knew.

A choice must be made!

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Fan was not in a hurry to announce anything to the participating base troops.

Even if a decision was to be made, it would be after returning to the base troops base.

Although he already had a vague answer in his heart.

What Chen Fan didn't know was.

When he saw that the base troops special operations regiment won the championship of this national special forces competition in the live broadcast room.

Then a mysterious member appeared.

Torpedo of the 17th Military Region immediately called his staff to the office.


"Come in!"


When the chief's personal staff walked into the office, he only saw the back of Aaronse standing in front of the window.

Looking at the training base where the National Special Forces Competition is held.

"Three years have passed in the blink of an eye!"

"My old friend Lei Ting's anger has brought fresh air and righteousness to our China!"

"But he has to go behind the scenes from the front stage after all!"

"Now it's my turn!"

After saying that.

The leader turned around: "Please notify everyone to prepare for the removal of the base force special operations regiment!"

"I'll go to the political commissar later!"


The personal staff thought he had heard it wrong.

He had just finished watching the live broadcast.

The base force special operations regiment won the championship of the National Special Forces Competition for two consecutive years. This is great news.

Why is the base force special operations regiment going to be removed from the list in the blink of an eye?

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