The Royal Military Academy of Baal.

It's about 300 meters away from the main entrance.

Aaron picked up the sniper rifle in his hand and quietly aimed at the two Western white men who were supervising the rebels outside the gate.

Based on past experience.

These white mercenaries from the West are often more difficult to deal with than the rebels.

Because they usually come from top special forces who have retired from some Western countries.

He has received very strict military training and often participates in various actual combat missions.

Much stronger than these miscellaneous rebels from the Bal Country.

Once it is done, it will alert the snake.

Then these two Western white men are very likely to command the rebels to take advantage of their numerical superiority.

Let Aaron and others have nowhere to hide.

So we must kill these two people first!


After adjusting his breathing, Aaron finally found an excellent opportunity about 10 seconds later!

The sniper rifle made a loud sound, and the white Westerner on the left shook his head.

The sniper bullet entered his left temple and exploded from the other temple.

It is already dead and cannot die again.

His other pupil was holding a cigar in his hand.

Seeing this scene, a long-lost chill flashed through my heart!

It's a sniper!

He was about to yell while taking cover.

However, Aaron fired the second shot at lightning speed!


The remaining white Westerner fell to the ground in the same way!


After receiving the order, Zhang Hao rushed out from behind the bunker without hesitation and raised his hand to shoot at the rebels.

Da da da!

In an instant, the twenty-four team members led by Zhang Hao rushed out from behind.

While making various tactical dodges, the rifles in their hands began to shoot wildly, killing the enemies.

More than 30 rebels standing outside the gate of the Royal Military Academy of Bal were all killed by Zhang Hao and others almost immediately!

Aaron then led his 24 team members to quickly move towards the other gate of the Royal Military Academy.

Three minutes later.

Both groups of people cleared out all the rebels outside the Royal Military Academy.

They arrived at the main entrance and side entrance of the Royal Military Academy almost at the same time.

"The situation is not optimistic!"

Although these rebels outside the Royal Military Academy were killed, Zhang Hao's psychological pressure was extremely huge.

Aaron's voice came from the intercom: "What did you find over there?"

"In the central square of the Royal Military Academy, there are many military personnel from the Bal Kingdom lying there. I suspect they are students from the establishment!"

"The only thing left that has not been captured now is probably the core library!"

"I also saw some people with oriental faces squatting aside with guns pointed at them!"

"They should be our compatriots!"

"I agree with your judgment!"

Aaron nodded subconsciously when he heard this: "Our compatriots are in a very bad situation now!"

"After I entered through the side door, I found a total of 36 enemies!"

"There are 12 Eastern-faced hostages in total. The others lying on the ground should be students from the establishment as you said!"

"Most of them have lost their vitality!"

"Aaron, there's no time!"

Zhang Hao's figure was unusually calm: "The fact that we killed these rebels outside just now must have alerted the people inside!"

"Every minute that passes is a huge risk for our engineers in the library and these oriental-faced hostages being held hostage!"

"I agree!"

Aaron also understood the urgency of the situation: "We will use shock bombs next!"

"You break through from the main door, and I'll be in charge of the side door!"

"At the same time, the other two teams launched attacks from the southeast and southwest directions!"

"According to my observation, the individual quality of these rebels is very average!"

"There are a total of 4 points that we can attack, which is enough to cover all the enemies!"

Zhang Hao joked and then said: "I agree with your plan!"


The two checked the time again.

Each team member arranges to prepare corresponding weapons and equipment.

and psychological preparation to launch an attack.

"Attention everyone, we are divided into two groups, and the next actions will be subject to the orders of the group leader!"

Following Aaron and Zhang Hao were Geng Hu and Wang Zhiqiang respectively.


The two answered without hesitation.

At the same time, each has arranged its own team members!

At this time, the situation inside the Royal Military Academy was already very tense!

"Where did those people who attacked us outside just come from?"

"Didn't you say that all the main forces have been contained? Didn't they fall from the sky?"

"damn it!"

"I knew that guy Yaksi was unreliable!"

"Whoever they are, cheer me up everyone!"

"As long as they dare to rush in, they must be allowed to come back!"

A guy who looked like a rebel leader was roaring hysterically.

Right now.

A crackling sound rang out in the inner central square of the Royal Military Academy!

"Fake! This is a shock bomb!"


Bang bang bang bang!

Before the militants inside could react, explosive bombs exploded in all directions around them.

Everyone felt instantly dizzy from the huge force of the explosion.

Everything in front of me started to become blurry.

Of course, those hostages with oriental faces were also included.


The main entrance and side entrance of the Royal Military Academy were blown open at the same time!

Aaron and Zhang Hao led their team members into the Royal Military Academy!

The sound of gunshots instantly echoed throughout the Royal Military Academy.


The sound of bullets passing through human bodies continued to sound.

This kind of hostage rescue training base troop members have been conducted countless times.

The militants affected by the shock bombs were like chickens and dogs.

There is no resistance at all in front of the base troops!

Even if some militants want to use their own weapons to fight back under the fear of death.

They will be taken care of by the base troops immediately!

Bang bang bang bang!

Several militants who were preparing to fight back instantly fell into a pool of blood!

Everyone had been shot seven or eight times in the head, and it looked like a watermelon had been smashed!

5 minutes later.


Zhang Hao, who was already sweating profusely, looked around the field with his rifle and found no enemies.

"I bother!"


On the other side, Aaron spat a lot: "These little bastards are so incompetent!"

But it could be seen that both of them breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

Finally, all these militants were killed!

Next, we just need to rescue all the Chinese engineers.

The task of their group is completed.

"Who is Engineer Tang?"

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