"Those bastards are really here!"

Chen Fan cursed angrily.

He really didn't expect that these miscellaneous troops from Baal Country would have the courage to chase after them.

I don’t know how the leaders of the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company convinced the leaders of the motley army.

Let them be brave enough to be enemies with China!

"what's the situation?"

Ah Long stood next to Chen Fan and immediately noticed something unusual.

He, Xu Zhang Hao and others all knew that Chen Fan had some unpredictable abilities.

I immediately felt nervous!

As long as everyone can board the transport safely.

You can return to China immediately.

He didn't want any accidents to happen at this time!

"Those damn bastards actually came after me!"

"And they also have heavy firepower!"

"There is a threat not only to us but also to both military transport aircraft!"

Ah Long was shocked when he heard this!

Those guys really don’t give up!

"Brothers, let's hurry up!"

"Always ready to fight!"

At this point, Chen Fan had no choice.

Since these miscellaneous troops dare to chase after them, they must have prepared for the worst.

You can't convince them with just a few words!

Chen Fan even had some suspicions.

The leader of this motley army is most likely like a driver from the actor country.

Has become a puppet of the ugly country.

He has absolute command over the motley army to which he belongs.

But there is nothing you can do about your situation!

Therefore, knowingly being an enemy of China or even shooting down China's military transport planes is a dead end.

There is no other choice!

"Aaron, you and Lao Xu go to command the troops..."

"I will think of other ways to ensure the absolute safety of our military transport aircraft!"

"Based on the heavy firepower weapons possessed by these motley crews, once they get within 1 kilometer of our military transport aircraft, they will pose a fatal threat to the transport aircraft..."

"I have to nip it in the bud!"

Ah Long nodded and followed Chen Fan's gaze.

"You're thinking……?"

Ah Long quickly realized Chen Fan's plan.

"That's right!"

After saying that, Chen Fan strode towards the direction of the two transport planes.

Can we get through this crisis as quickly as possible?

The key point is here.

See Chen Fan leaving.

Ah Long immediately joined Xu Xu.

The two commanded the 100-member base force to move forward.

Try to stop the enemy's advance before they get within one kilometer of Baal City's airport!

At this time, both of their faces looked quite ugly.

The danger of this large-scale battle is far greater than the previous dealings with Lu Yi mercenaries and Thanksgiving mercenaries.

No matter how large the latter is, they are still mercenaries in the final analysis!

They fight for money, and are more or less greedy for life and fear of death.

Even if they have a certain number of automatic fire weapons, heavy weapons and high-tech weapons and equipment.

But there are only a few tanks, artillery, etc. that are truly powerful on the battlefield.

The only good thing now is that the control of the Baal State establishment is obviously still there.

These motley crews were not allowed to control the missile force.

At least these motley crews against the base force reserve group did not use missile attacks.

Of course, maybe they have their own considerations.

"Damn it! Yaxi, didn't you say you have mastered a missile unit near Baal City?"

"Where are the damn missiles now?"

on a Hummer SUV about 2 kilometers away.

A middle-aged Western white man wearing a Thanksgiving mercenary company outfit was pointing at a motley military leader and yelling angrily.


This scolded motley army leader is the legendary man named Yaxi!

He is also one of the main organizers of the Baal rebellion!

If it hadn't been for his order, the motley crew outside the Royal Military Academy in Baal City would not have killed Engineer Tang and others.

I'm afraid that when Ah Long and others arrive, they will have no choice but to collect the bodies for Tang Engineering and others.

"Damn it Mike! I've told you a long time ago that if you want to take down the missile force, you must do it step by step!"

Yaxi is obviously very dissatisfied with Mike, the leader of the Thanksgiving mercenary company in front of him.

"But you, a force of more than 2,000 people was dispersed by dozens of people!"

"This has to make us wonder whether you guys from the ugly country have already become a powerful force on the outside!"

"You fart!"

The two were arguing inside the Hummer SUV.

"Report! There is still 1.5 kilometers away from Bar City Airport!"

It wasn't until a motley crew came outside the Humvee that the two of them relaxed the atmosphere.

"This time our army of 5,000 people also carries so many tanks and artillery!"

"What do you have to worry about?"

"At worst, I will burn the entire Bar City Airport to the ground!"

Yaxi's face was full of pain: "It's just that it will be a little difficult to rebuild later!"


Mike on the side snorted but did not speak.

The close-range defense artillery at Baal City Airport is very useful when fighting drones, but it is ineffective against the motley army led by Yaksi!

Just in front of the miscellaneous army is a mountain about 500 meters high.

Their cannons can bombard the Bal City Airport on this side of the mountain.

Those close-in defense guns are powerless against them!

Not to mention those damn Chinese special forces!

When he thought about the Chinese special forces who could use cannons to bombard the Bal City Airport.

Mike's face showed resentment again!

The Thanksgiving Mercenary Company he had worked so hard to establish in the country of Ba was destroyed because of the damn Chinese special forces!

And after today, he will definitely be liquidated by the boss behind the scenes!

The end is not much better!

At this time, there is a kind of despair that I don't care about the flood after I die!

Even if it is directly dragging China into the muddy water of the Bal country rebellion, it will not hesitate!

Yaxina immediately ordered: "Speed ​​up! Open fire after advancing 300 meters!"

The accuracy of the cannons that Yaxina and others have now is not very good.

It is basically difficult to hit the target beyond 1,500 meters.

But within 1,200 meters, it can guarantee at least a 50% hit rate.

Enough to make the Chinese at the Bal City Airport pay the price!

At this time, they didn't know.

On the other side of the mountain, nearly 100 base troops had already rushed over.

They were about to launch a fatal attack on them!

Even less knew.

They thought that this battle, which they had won, would become their swan song in this world!

And Yaxi's death also became a turning point for the unrest in the entire Bal country!

The original three-legged ragtag army lost its balance after Yaxi's death!

Gradually fell into endless infighting!

The ruling party concentrated its superior forces and gradually recovered the towns occupied by these ragtag armies.

All this.

It all started with Chen Fan.

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